Sorry it took so long to get the next chapter. I have been busy with other stories and have had writers block. Well, here it is! Chapter 2


Wendy danced around in a circle with her brothers. Tomorrow she was getting married and leaving the house so she wanted every last second with them that was possible.

All three of them plopped down on the couch with exhaustion. Sweat ran down their faces. Their Mother, Father, and Aunt Millicent entered the room. Aunt Millicent shot Wendy a disapproving look. "Shouldn't you be getting prepared for tomorrow. You are about to get married and you are acting childish."

Wendy stood up and fixed her pajamas. "Sorry Aunt, I will go get some sleep now." She turned around and gave both her brothers a kiss on the cheek. "See you guys tomorrow."

Heading up the stairs, she paused to listen to Aunt Millicent mumble about how a seventeen year old was acting. Wendy rolled her eyes and continued upstairs.

When Wendy entered her room, she looked around at every little detail. It was her last night in it after all. Tomorrow she and Evan were going on their honeymoon and then their new house.

Wendy walked over to her window and closed it so that the cold air would stay out. She no longer thought about Peter Pan, time seemed to have healed her wound.

Her eyes drifted to her wedding dress which was hanging up on the door. She walked over to it slowly and took a deep breath. Her hands drifted down the satin material.

She pulled her pajamas off and put her dress on. She looked in the mirror and thought what she saw was beautiful. She danced by herself, imagining what her dance would be like with Evan tomorrow.

She eventually got tired and laid down. She planned on taking off the dress but ended up falling asleep in it.


"Wendy?" Wendy heard her name and shook her head. She was still partly unconscious. She mumbled a little as well.

"Wendy, it's me. Peter." Wendy felt something soft on her cheek. She blinked her eyes so that they would focus. She realized that only a few inches away from her face, was Peter Pan's face.

Wendy noticed that the soft thing on her cheek was Peter's hand. She sat up quickly and shuffled backward so that her back was leaning against the bed post.

"Peter? What are you doing here?" Wendy felt relief and anger rush through her body.

"You said to come back in two years, so I did." Peter looked at Wendy innocently.

Wendy's eye's got really wide with surprise. Peter noticed this and got off the bed to make her feel more comfortable.

Right off the bat she could tell that she had grown even taller. She was around a foot taller than him now.

Wendy got off the bed and brushed her dress. When she looked up she noticed that Peter's eyes were trailing up and down her. He smiled when his eyes met hers. "You look…" Peter looked down, blushing, "beautiful."

Wendy felt her cheeks get warm as well. "Thank you Peter." They stared at each other for awhile. They didn't say anything for what seemed like a long time.

Then, Wendy's smile curved down.

"Peter, the reason I am wearing this dress is because-"

"Come back with me." Peter reached out for Wendy's hand. Her hand twitched but she did not take his. Instead she went to her jewelry box and found something that she wanted to give to Peter.

"Take this." Wendy grabbed Peter's hand and placed something in it. Then she closed his fingers around it and released his hand.

Peter opened his hand to see an oval shaped objected that had a leather cover over it.

"It's a Swiss army knife. My father gave it to me when I was a little younger. It has many gadgets for you to use. You know, just in case." Wendy showed a quick smile with a shrug. Peter started playing around with his new knife, then he put the case back over it and met Wendy's eyes again. "I want you to be safe."

"Come back with me." Peter repeated. Once again he tried to take hold of Wendy's hand but once again she refused.

"Peter, I am getting married tomorrow. And one day, my husband and I are going to have children. I'm sorry." Wendy felt a small tear run down her cheek. Emotions that Wendy hadn't felt for a long time ran through her body.

Peter took a step closer to her. He stood there thinking until he got an idea. With a smile he said, "If it is children you want, I can find some for you."

Wendy smiled and let out a little giggle. "I want my own children Peter. Not someone else's."

"I'll look for your children then. I'll look on every little piece of land there is until I find them."

Wendy laughed again. Peter tilted his head, confused. Wendy proceeded to explain in terms that Peter could understand. "Children don't just show up one day Peter, you can't just find them and that's that. A woman carries her child in her stomach. Over the course of nine months, her stomach gets bigger and then the baby comes." Wendy placed Peter's hand on her stomach, indicating were the baby would be.

"Then why not carry your child in Neverland, it would love it there."

"It's not that simple Peter." Wendy blushed again and frowned. "You wouldn't understand. Your just a-"

Peter let no space between Wendy and him while they kissed. His hands made their way around her waist. He kissed her harder.

Wendy automatically wrapped her arms around his neck. All the emotions that ran through her felt new but yet they were similar, like she has had them before.

They stood in the middle of her room kissing for some time. Neither one of them wanted to ever have to stop. But, Wendy released him abruptly and pulled away from his grasp.

"What's wrong?" Peter asked, his face innocent again.

"You have to leave, now. After tomorrow I will no longer live here. My husband and I will be moving away. This is the last time you will have seen me. Goodbye." The whole time Wendy was saying this, she was weeping too. She took small steps backward away from Peter. Then she tripped. Peter caught her before she hit the ground and held her in his arms. Wendy forgot how strong he was. He made no sound or sign of discomfort as he held her there. She wiped the tears away from her eyes, hoping he wouldn't see.

"I made you unhappy." Peter spoke softly. His own eyes started to become wet as well.

"No Peter, I made myself unhappy." Wendy pulled free of him once again and stood up right. "Don't worry about me Peter. I will be fine here, I have been. It's just that every time you come back into my life, things get hard for me for quite some time. I am a woman now and I know were I belong."

"Do you… love him?" Peter looked down, trying to hide his disappointment.

"Who?" Wendy didn't know what Peter was talking about.

"The man you are marrying tomorrow. Do you love him?"

"Of course I do!" Wendy folded her arms to make her statement bolder.

"Then look me in the eyes and tell me you love him." Peter mimicked her and folded his arms across his chest too.

Wendy looked straight into Peter's green eyes but when she opened her mouth, no words came out. Peter smiled smugly and kissed Wendy once again, though this time a quicker kiss.

Wendy sighed. Peter was right. She did not love Evan. She only thought she loved him because he made her family so happy. She was in deep love with a very young teenager of maybe thirteen or fourteen years old.

She ran to her dresser and got out pajamas. Then she went into the bathroom and took off her wedding dress. Quickly she put on her nightgown and ran back into her room. Peter was waiting, confused at what she was doing.

Wendy was all around her room at once. She got out her suitcase and packed everything she really needed for her new home, toiletries, clothes, and anything else. She closed her suitcase and put it aside near the window.

She flew into Peter's arms and knocked him down onto the bed. They kissed passionately for a few moments and then got up again.

"I am ready to go now Peter." Wendy took Peter's hand and yanked him forward.

Peter's smile could have made anyone feel triumphant. Peter carried Wendy off into the night, back to their home. Back to Neverland.

The whole time they were flying home, not once did Wendy regret her decisions to leave. She was with the one she loved, nothing could have made that night better.

When the first light of Neverland hit Wendy's face, she felt herself shrink and her body go back to the way it was four years ago.