Wendy remembered it as if it had just happened yesterday. She remembered dancing to the hums of the faeries, her and Peter both swaying in the air, feeling as if they were one.

Even if Wendy did try to fight it, her love for Peter was still strong, and her heart was not mended yet. It has been 2 years since Wendy left Neverland, and shortly after that, both John and Michael forgot about it completely. But not Wendy, for she could not seem to forget about her great adventure.

She tried many times for forget, but it never worked, and when she was on the start of forgetting, she would just have another dream about Neverland and the great times she had there.

Wendy jumped out of bed feeling dizzy and walked over to her mirror. She looked upon her 15 year old body that haunted her. When she was 13, her cheeks were a bit chunkier, and she was shorter by a few inches, and her breasts weren't nearly as big as this.

Wendy placed a hand on one of her breasts, then one of her cheeks. Even though she missed Peter terribly, she never regretted her decision to leave. She knew that growing up is a sacrifice every child had to make and that the road to adulthood could be challenging.

She went to her jewelry box and opened the first draw. Inside of it was only one necklace, it was the "kiss" that Peter had given her when they first met. She put it around her neck and stroked it for only a minute

Wendy sighed and turned around to go back to bed, but someone beat her to it. Peter Pan was standing beside her bed, bowing for her.

Her eyes filled with joy as she curtsied for Peter. When she looked at him, she smiled because they were now about the same height as each other (she remembered being about 6 inches shorter than him when they first met).

"Hello Peter. I've missed you; it is good to see you again." Wendy was overjoyed.

"Wendy? You have gotten tall since we first met. I didn't know how long it has been." Peter and Wendy just stared at each other for a few seconds, examining and smiling at one another.

After a few minutes, Peter walked closer to Wendy and took her hand, he led her to the window, and she stopped him then.

"What is that?" Wendy was staring at the scar on Peter's chest. She remembered it scarcely. "Did Hook give that to you when we were in the Black Castle?" Wendy felt a little guilty about not watching her brothers more carefully when they were in Neverland.

Peter looked past Wendy. "Yeah, it was the only scar he ever gave me." Peter looked at Wendy's beautiful blue eyes, he smiled at her. "It's nothing really."

Wendy moved her hand slowly toward the scar. She used her index finger and ran her finger across it. Static electricity ran both of them when she did this. They looked into each others eyes and smiled. Once again, Peter took hold of Wendy's hand.

He hoped out the window and held onto Wendy. When they were in the night sky, she let go of his hand and started flying around the sky. Peter flew around with her in a corresponding pattern. They met hands once again and started laughing from the joy of flying.

When they stopped laughing, they looked into each others eyes, Peter started swaying Wendy back and forth, they danced together in the night sky for what seeming like only a few minutes, but before they knew it, the sun was rising, and Peter had to go.

Wendy tried to hold back the tears, it was too difficult and one fell out. She wiped it away just as quickly. "You have to go now, don't you?"

Peter looked at the rising sun, "I suppose I do bu…"

Peter was unable to finish his sentence because Wendy already had her lips on Peter's. He put his arms around her waist, and she put her arms around his neck. Their lips intertwined with each others as if they were programmed to do so. After about a minute, reluctantly, Wendy pulled out of Peter's grasp, "Will I ever see you again Peter?"

Peter was still amazed by the kiss they just shared, so was Wendy. "You know, I still am waiting to hear the story about the brave, handsome, heroic Peter Pan." Wendy laughed at Peter's comment. "Also…I do really enjoy those thimbles." Peter scratched his head and looked down, he was blushing. Wendy was blushing too.

The sun hit her face and she looked up. "You should know that eventually, I will be a married adult with children, Peter." It killed her to say this but Peter needed to know the truth. This might be the only time she could tell him.

Peter started to fall a little when he heard this. But, even he knew that children grow up and he had to accept that, for he still loved Wendy and wanted what was best for her. "I know that Wendy. I will still come visit you even when you are an adult."

"It will be different between us then, Peter. I just need to make sure you know that." Wendy never thought about things being different between her and Peter, but now she did, and it was hard to believe.

"I know, I will come more often when ever I remember okay? I feel different around you, Wendy." Peter drifted his eyes over to Wendy's once again. Her eyes were the size of owls at the time.

Wendy never imagined Peter telling her he loved her, in any kind of form. She snapped out of it and said, "I love you too, Peter."

He looked over at her again. Peter has heard of love before, but he never knew that that is what they call it when you really like someone. He smiled a tiny smile but it vanished quickly, "Good-bye Wendy."

"Good-bye Peter." Peter started for the stars but Wendy stopped him. "Peter wait!" She waited for him to turn around, immediately, he did. She then said, blushing, "If you come back in another 2 years, I can give you another thimble." Both smiled and blushed at each other, and they both knew that Peter would be back in another 2 years.