Bella POV

"Where the hell is my shirt?" I mumbled as I threw piles of clothes around my room looking for my work shirt. I picked up and old one and sniffed it. Yeah, this one is definitely dirty, I thought as I tried to get the smell of tequila away from my face. I ran out into the living room towards the laundry room in just my jeans and bra. Please, don't let Jasper be here, I looked around warily, but was glad to see him missing from our living room. Jazz, I learned, was a packaged deal when it came to being best friends with Alice, not that I minded. In fact, it was quite a relief blending into this new group I met since starting college here in San Francisco. Since Jasper was a constant presence, that meant that his sister, Rosalie was always around, and so was her boyfriend Emmett. They had all grown up together, and came to college together naturally.

"Where the hell is it?" I yelled in frustration.

My shirt wasn't anywhere. I saw the clock and started to get anxious. Alice and I had to be at work about ten minutes ago.

"Bella, are you ready?" I heard Alice yell from her room. I continued to search our apartment.

"Hey, have you seen my shirt?" Alice walked out carrying my shirt and she threw it at me.

"Maybe you should be more responsible," she mimicked me perfectly. She laughed as she danced around the living room, grabbing her half apron and tying it around her waist. I pulled my tank top over my head and grumbled to myself.

"Is Rosalie working tonight?" I asked as we walked down stairs to the bar.

"Nope, her and Em went to pick my brother up from the airport, remember? He'll be staying with Jasper, but Jazz had to work tonight, so he couldn't pick him up."

"Oh, yeah, that's right. What's his name? Edgar? Ernest?" I tried to remember what she had said it was, but I was drawing a blank.

"Edward," she rolled her eyes and started to prepare the bar for the night. I didn't know why she got mad at me for not remembering, I've never met the guy before. In fact, I didn't even know he existed until a few weeks ago when she ran into the room squealing that her twin brother was coming back to live here. Apparently he started school at Dartmouth, and was transferring to here to finish to be closer to family. I couldn't blame him, I loved Alice's parents, Carlisle and Esme. They were so helpful and nice, even helping me find a job once I moved here and was abandoned. That probably isn't the right word for it, but that's the easiest way to explain my present predicament since my parents died last summer. I threw the thoughts from my head and helped Alice stock up before the real rush came. I hated working Saturday nights, but we did get the most tips, and God knows I needed the money for school, since my scholarship didn't cover books and other essentials.

Alice, Rosalie, and I worked for Esme and Carlisle in a side investment of theirs, "Cullen's Pub". Esme had decorated it, and it had a very old, pub feel to it, which was a lot calmer than some of the other bars around here, and we got a lot of business, which was a curse and blessing all at one time. Alice and I did get to live above the bar for free, which was very nice. I heard the music start to thump, and Alice and I started to dance behind the bar. That also might be a reason we got so much tips, but whatever. I guess Carlisle and Esme probably didn't know about how the pub actually functioned since Alice and I started working there. We may have added a newer, updated playlist, as well as let everyone write and carve on the walls. I guess they'd find out eventually, but these were key to people coming back and I think it worked for us.

The bar by now had started to fill up, and Alice and I were running ragged trying to keep up. It didn't help that every five orders some guy would ask for our number or try some cheesy pick up line. When I first started it had taken me a long time to get over these and I was always left blushing with nothing to say, but time has made me and Alice wiser.

"Hey sexy, have you ever had an Australian kiss?" Some guy asked me as I poured his drinks for him. I hadn't heard this one yet so I cocked my head to the side and looked at him weird.

"I don't think so, what is it?"

He grinned, "It's quite simple. It's just like a french kiss, but down-under." He wiggled his eyebrows and smiled at me. This one made me blush. I turned to find Alice laughing at my side.

"I'm sorry, babe," I shook my head, "I only do that with the love of my life."

"Who is it? I could get rid of him for you," he smiled again. I wrapped my arms around Alice, as she leaned up and kissed my cheek. "Oh," his jaw dropped and I moved on to the next costumer laughing to myself. We'd been using this excuse for the past couple months, and so far it worked perfectly.

"That was a pretty good one!" Alice shouted over the music. I nodded as I poured a beer. "Add it to the list!" I handed out the beer and picked up a sharpie and wrote it on the roof over the bar. Everyone cheered when they saw me standing up there.

"Ok, calm down!" I yelled. "The newest addition to the wall is: 'Australian Kiss'" Everyone raised a glass and cheered. "And we all know what happens when a pick up line gets used!" Everyone cheered and raised their glasses again. I pulled the man up on the bar with me. "What's your name?" I whispered to him.

"Pete," he awkwardly smiled.

"My friend Pete here gets a free body shot!" His eyes got real big as he eyed me up and down. "But, not with me! Any volunteers?" A girl near the bar raised her hand and stood. "Great! I yelled. Everyone by now was cheering.

"Pete, meet... What's your name?" I asked her.

"Jen," she smiled and blushed.

"Ok, everyone meet Pete and Jen. Body shot time!" Alice handed me a lime, a shot of tequila and a slat shaker. I jumped off the bar and let them get at it as everyone cheered.

"Aw, another happy couple brought together by alcohol and bad pick up lines," Alice and I laughed as Pete flashed me a thumbs up as he climbed off the bar with Jen on his arm.

"Pete!" I yelled and pulled out a polaroid. He turned and walked back with Jen. "A picture!" I snapped one of them together and they made their way out of the bar. I pulled out a sharpie and wrote 'Pete and Jen: Australian Kiss' and stuck it to the back wall behind the bar. Mingled among the old polaroids that wallpapered the back wall were wedding pictures that older costumers had sent back to us. Apparently we were on a hot streak in the Cupid business. Out of all the set ups we'd done, we'd gotten back ten wedding pictures to hang next to the polaroids. I smiled as I stuck up this one.

"Bella!" I heard Alice yell from one end of the bar. I walked over to her quickly. "Can you cover for a minute? Jazz is here." I nodded and pushed her out over the counter.

I ran around trying to fill orders quickly. Suddenly Rose hopped behind the bar and started to pour drinks. I hugged her and wiped the sweat off of my forehead.

"What are you doing? Its your off day!" I chided her.

She just smiled and started making a few drinks. "I'm letting Emmett and Edward catch up a little bit. You know, some guy time." The rush slowed down, and the crowd thinned out slightly after the band had packed up and left. I checked the clock. Two a.m. Good, almost closing time. "Hey, Bella, sit down for a second. I got it for a little." I gladly accepted, grabbed a beer and sat down on a stool behind the bar.

"Everyone, I have a special treat for you!" I heard Emmett yelling from the stage. The crowd cheered. Although we were only half full by now, it was still packed near the stage.

"What is your boyfriend doing?" I pleaded with Rosalie. She just laughed, but still looked angry. Looks like someone is getting in trouble tonight, I giggled.

"Straight from the farthest reaches of Nova Scotia, where he's spent the past five years writing and perfecting his trade and feeding one armed kittens after their mother's died; the man who's been acclaimed as to have made Dashboard Confessional cry with his lyrics, the artist whose made Bob Dylan weep at his playing technique, the man who taught Lil Jon how to get low, the one, the only," Emmett turned around to talk to an awkwardly grinning god. I stared at him eagerly. Before I knew it, I was standing at the bar trying to get a better look. His bronze hair was strewn messily on his head, and he ran a hand through it as Emmett questioned him eagerly. "I am proud to present, in his first and only appearance, 'Such a Simple Fool'." Rosalie just laughed as Emmett barreled his way toward the bar. The crowd clapped and hushed. I couldn't break my gaze away from his beautiful face.

"Hello everybody, thanks for humoring me," he smiled a crooked smile and I smiled to myself. He picked up his acoustic guitar and sat down on the stool on stage. He tuned it quickly. It looked like it had seen better days, as it was now covered in scratches and worn down. "Um, I call this 'In All the Unholy Bathrooms', hope you like it." He started to strum quietly. The crowd hushed and watched him play. I couldn't move as his hands daftly moved along the frets. He looked up and suddenly I was locked in his green eyes. I felt my face grow red, but I didn't dare look away.

If I found a way into your heart

would you let me in?

I need a thousand dollars

can I borrow it?

I want to build a train that goes

from where I am to wherever it is

that you're living at

He looked down and grinned. I found myself smiling, and wanting to look back at him. Rosalie grabbed me to help her with orders. I threw myself into pouring a few beers. Alice caught my gaze and mouthed 'What's up?' I just shook my head and handed her and Jasper some drinks. Rose came up beside me.

"You look like you're going to die from a heatstroke, your face is so red!" she laughed. I just kept making drinks for the last round.

I'm glad you have that ring that

I was promising you that I would give

when you wanted it

in this hotel bathroom.

I am starving for you

and the music won't do

I'm still empty without you.

I looked up again to see his eyes fixed on me, and I lost my breath. His voice was amazing, deep and full of emotion.

So where do we go from here?

Will we ever know?

To the hospital or the church steeple?

In this holy restroom

I can feel the Lord move.

He is cleaning my dirty wounds

so I'll come back clean for you,

and I can see your brown hair

when I close my eyelids.

I found myself twirling my hair and looked away quickly. What the hell was I thinking? This was insane. I was done with guys, with gooey love emotions. I couldn't feel that way again; I wouldn't.

I'm in love with something,

and you look just like it.

The last few notes rang out soulfully, and the crowd erupted in applause.

"Thank you," he nodded and took a swig from the beer sitting on the amp. "I know you're probably used to something faster, so one more song?" he asked warily. The crowd cheered and begged for more. "Well I can only go so fast with this thing, but here goes a classic I think you'll like," he winked at me. I looked down and started to clean the bar. Alice made her way back over to me as a familiar song started to play.

"Are you ok Bella? You look like you're going to faint!"

"I'm fine," I giggled. Crap, I had just giggled. My heart fluttered.

"Sure," Alice muttered.

Hey were did we go,

Days when the rains came down in the hollow,

playin' a new game,

laughin' and a-runnin hey, hey, skippin' and a-jumpin'

in the misty morning fog with our hearts a-thumpin' and you

My brown eyed girl,

You, my brown eyed girl.

Whatever happened to Tuesday and so slow

Going down the old mine with a transistor radio

standing in the sunlight laughing, hiding behind a rainbow's wall,

slipping and sliding all along the water fall, with you,

My brown eyed girl,

you my brown eyed girl

Do you remember when we used to sing,

The crowd joined in and stared to sing along as he played and stood up to strum harder.

Sha la la la la la la la la la la te da

I found myself laughing quietly as the song kept going. Emmett grabbed Rose from behind the counter and pulled her up on the bar. He swung her around and dipped her. Everyone that was left was dancing around happily. The mystery man finished and held up a beer towards everyone.

"Cheers, thanks a lot. Quite a nice welcome!" He laughed the most amazing laugh. No, it wasn't amazing, shut up. Emmett ran up and the crowd gathered around him. The next hour passed slowly as the crowd thinned out, eventually leaving just Alice behind the bar, and Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, and the bronze-haired god sitting at the end of the bar in our normal spot. I went around back to lock everything up and clean up the kitchen after we closed completely. I made my way back up towards the bar to find only Alice was left wiping down the bar.

"Where did everybody go?" I asked, angry, "Don't people say good bye anymore?"

"Let's just say Emmett was a little worse for wear and it took everyone to get him out of here," Alice laughed. "Clean enough!" she giggled and threw the towel down.

"Good, I'm exhausted." We walked upstairs, and I could feel Alice's anxiousness radiating.

"What's up with you??" she giggled as she threw herself on my bed as I climbed into the shower in my bathroom.

"What are you talking about?" I shouted as warm water flushed across my skin.

"Oh, I don't know, I haven't seen you giggly or so... breathless...ever," she giggled, "What was it about? Who was sending you those good vibrations?"

"Goodnight Alice," I secretly smiled to myself.

"What Bella? Can't I just ask some innocent questions?"

"Goodnight Alice," I repeated sternly.

"You're no fun. I'll see you tomorrow for brunch. Remember Rosalie is coming over at ten."

"Mk, 'Night." It was quiet for a few minutes, so I figured she went to her room. I let the hot water relax my muscles. Tomorrow was our off day, and I was glad, I needed to get ready for school. Reluctantly I agreed to go shopping with Alice and Rosalie, since they needed school stuff too. I slid out of the shower and into an old pair of sweats and shirt. I wrapped the covers over my head and started to drift off with thoughts of that bronze haired boy lulling me to sleep.

Edward POV

I looked out my window, but I couldn't see anything. Hello San Francisco, I thought to myself. I couldn't believe I only made it one year away from my family, and now I was running back. Well, ok I wasn't running back, I did get a better scholarship offer and a better volunteer offer at San Fran General. But it felt like I was running back to familiarity and safety. Alice had said that a lot has changed, but I doubted it. The last time I had seen them all, was about two years ago. I liked to keep my distance. They were all so... so couple-y. I couldn't stand it, being the odd man out. The plane touched down and I was brought out of my reverie. The stewardess helped me get my guitar case from the overhead area. She smiled and winked at me as I shook her hand in thanks. She slid me her number. I shook my head as she walked away and threw her number on the floor. This always happened, but I was trying to change. Trying to forget about what I became when I left. They all knew about my new lifestyle of having meaningless sex with almost any girl that threw herself at me, but I honestly didn't want to do that anymore. Sort of. I carried the case out and grabbed my bag. I saw a mass of blond hair near the exit. I made my way over and before I could surprise them, Emmett had me in a giant bear hug.

"Ugh, Em, can't breathe!" I mumbled. He put me down and Rosalie grabbed me just as tight.

"Ugh, what are you? Supergirl? Ouch," I pretended like my ribs were broken.

"Edward, we've missed you! Not like you really fill us in on what's been happening," Rose pointed out angrily. Emmett rolled his eyes behind her.

"Here, let me grab this for you my man," Emmett chuckled as he grabbed my bag. I kept hold of the guitar case. "What's that?" he pointed to it.

"Oh, just a guitar. I used to play around campus to make some money."

"Are you any good? Know any Clash?" Emmett eagerly asked.

"Eh, not really, sorry."

"Well you better learn fast," He laughed as we drove off. The car ride was filled with questions and funny memories. I guess a lot had changed. I could tell that Rosalie and Emmett had grown more. Emmett was still goofy, but he seemed, I can't explain it, more intimate with Rosalie, not just the like the fling they had in high school.

"Ok, we're here," Rosalie jumped out and ran into the packed club. I took in the outside. It looked packed, and I was proud to have my own last name stamped across it.

"What do you think?" Emmett walked up beside me.

"Looks cool," I muttered, "Is Alice working? Where's Jasper?"

"Jazz should be here by now, he's probably inside. Alice is probably wherever he is," Emmett chuckled and grabbed my guitar case.

"What are you doing?" I looked at him weird.

"Oh, nothing, I just have an idea. Come on, buddy," he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into the pub. The inside was amazing. Scribbles, stickers, polaroids and etchings covered the walls, and the roof. The band playing was pretty good. The bar was packed. I slid up next to Emmett and Rosalie. Suddenly I was being hugged tightly again.

"What's going on?" I turned around to see my pixie sister latched to my side.

"'bout time you got here," she whispered. I hugged her back.

"I missed you sis!" I bellowed. Jasper held out his hand hand clapped my back.

"Finally, together again," he laughed.

"I need a drink," I chuckled. Emmett nodded in agreement. Rosalie jumped up on the counter and started to get us drinks.

"I really like the perks of owning this place," I smiled.

"I really like the perks of banging a bartender," Emmett smiled. Jasper high fived and nodded. It felt comforting to be back with them. I sat down and looked to Rose. She was talking to the other bartender. I stopped breathing for a second. I couldn't look away. Her brown hair hung loosely to her shoulders, and curled slightly at the ends. I saw her turn to Rosalie and hug her. Her smiled was gorgeous. I stared into her eyes; they were the most beautiful shade of brown I'd ever seen. She was fixing drinks now. I watched the way her body moved, and it was hot. She stretched to the top shelf, and I could see her stomach, and her creamy colored skin.

"Like the view?" I heard Rosalie murmur as she handed me a beer and a shot. I downed the shot quickly.

"Don't know what you're talking about," I muttered and was spun around my Emmett.

"Ready Edward? I have a welcome back present for you."

I looked to Alice for help, but she just laughed. Crap, this was NOT good. I grabbed my beer and followed Emmett to the stage. Oh crap, not good at all.

"Just follow my lead," he winked. I pulled my guitar out of the case and glared at his back.

"Straight from the farthest reaches of Nova Scotia, where he's spent the past five years writing and perfecting his trade and feeding one armed kittens after their mother's died; the man who's been acclaimed as to have made Dashboard Confessional cry with his lyrics, the artist whose made Bob Dylan weep at his playing technique, the man who taught Lil Jon how to get low, the one, the only," Emmett turned to me and whispered, "What's your stage name?"

I looked back and grinned awkwardly, almost ashamed of what my band name was.

"Such a Simple Fool," I muttered.

"What the hell is that from?" he asked. I ran my hand through my hair anxiously.

"It's a line from a song, ok? Just make one up then. I hate you!" I laughed and punched his arm. He cleared his throat.

"I am proud to present, in his first and only appearance, 'Such a Simple Fool'." I couldn't help but laugh at how that sounded. I stared out into the crowd and laughed nervously and took a swig of beer. I needed all the courage I could get.

"Hello everybody, thanks for humoring me." I picked up the guitar and sat down. Come on girl, one more sad song for the crowd, one more and then we're done with that. "Um, I call this 'In all the Unholy Bathrooms', hope you like it." I remembered the chords and started to strum and pluck quietly, gradually building. I looked up towards the bar to fine Emmett and give him a look, but instead I was caught in her eyes. I watched her face turn red and I smiled.

If I found a way into your heart

would you let me in?

I need a thousand dollars

can I borrow it?

I want to build a train that goes

from where I am to wherever it is

that you're living at

I looked down slightly, struggling not to just stare at her for the whole song. I looked back up and she was handing out drinks and talking to Rosalie. I didn't bother to look away.

I'm glad you have that ring that

I was promising you that I would give

when you wanted it

in this hotel bathroom.

I am starving for you

and the music won't do

I'm still empty without you.

I stared at her again, trying to explain the song to her, and only her. I couldn't even see the crowd, just the beautiful girl behind the counter.

So where do we go from here?

Will we ever know?

To the hospital or the church steeple?

In this holy restroom

I can feel the Lord move.

He is cleaning my dirty wounds

so I'll come back clean for you,

and I can see your brown hair

when I close my eyelids.

She started to twirl her hair absently as she stared at the bar. I'm glad I had changed the song to "brown" hair right there. I don't know why I did, but it felt like I had to sing this to and about her.

I'm in love with something,

and you look just like it.

The crowd erupted in applause.

"Thank you," I nodded and took a swig from the beer sitting on the amp. "I know you're probably used to something faster, so one more song?" I asked warily. That wasn't so bad. The crowd cheered and begged for more. "Well I can only go so fast with this thing, but here goes a classic I think you'll like," I winked at the girl. I was a fool. There was only one song I wanted to sing right now, so I started to put some force in the chords.

Hey were did we go,

Days when the rains came down in the hollow,

playin' a new game,

laughin' and a-runnin hey, hey, skippin' and a-jumpin'

in the misty morning fog with our hearts a-thumpin' and you

My brown eyed girl,

You, my brown eyed girl.

Whatever happened to Tuesday and so slow

Going down the old mine with a transistor radio

standing in the sunlight laughing, hiding behind a rainbow's wall,

slipping and sliding all along the water fall, with you,

My brown eyed girl,

you my brown eyed girl

Do you remember when we used to sing,

The crowd joined in as I played and stood up to strum harder.

Sha la la la la la la la la la la te da

I watched Emmett grab Rose from behind the counter and pulled her up on the bar. He swung her around and dipped her. Everyone that was left was dancing around happily. The song finally ended and I got a nice round of applause, so I held up a beer towards everyone.

"Cheers, thanks a lot. Quite a nice welcome!" Before I could make it back to the bar, Emmett had grabbed me and pulled me along.

"That was amazing, dude!"

"Thanks," I grinned. We sat back down at the end of the bar and I gazed at the girl.

"Who is that?" I nudged Alice.

"That's Bella, my roommate and best friend," she whispered, "Why?" I could hear the giggle in her laugh.

"No reason, just wondering," I shrugged.

"Well, she's single, but it'll take a lot more than a grin and a song to get to know her. She's been hurt before, and she won't let it happen again. I love her to death, but she's very afraid of that."

"She didn't deserve that."

"No, she didn't deserve anything that's happened to her. She's fiesty though," Alice giggled. I just nodded and stole glances while everyone threw around old stories until it was almost empty. Suddenly Bella left.

"Alright, let's bounce," Jasper smiled. I happily grabbed my case and hugged everyone goodbye.

"Hey Edward, you should go shopping tomorrow, I'm sure you need some new clothes before school starts," Alice smiled.

"I think I'm good, Alice." I answered and started to follow Jasper out.

"No, I really think you need to come," she whispered forcefully and winked.

"I will," I finally realized what she was talking about. "Can we go apartment hunting after the mall?" She just nodded.

"Of course! Night" she walked us out and kissed my cheek. "Bye, baby," she kissed Jasper. Finally we started out.

"So are you going to ask me about her?" Jazz smiled as he drove.

"What? No, I don't know what you're talking about."

"She's a good girl Edward. She'll keep you at arms length though," Jasper warned.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Please, Edward, that song was pretty blatant," he chuckled. I grinned.

"We'll see what happens," I whispered as we drove through the empty streets. Her face just kept flashing through my thoughts.


Ok, so this is my first human fanfic.

hope you like it so far.

Um the first song is actually "In all the Unholy Bathrooms" and its by Right Away Great Captain!

very good band. Definitely check it out.

Let me know if I should keep going or not Please!!!!

or if you have any questions
