The blonde slowly made her way through the airport. Men were watching her, and she knew it. The women were too. It was something normal for her. She walked with sheer grace, heading towards the benches in the middle of the hall. Someone sitting on the bench across the way caught her eye as she sat down, but she didn't pay much mind to after that first initial glance.
The man who sat across from her moved, leaving for a short while, before appearing again in the bench behind hers. He sat that so he was stretched out along the long chair, so he could watch her. She didn't pay any mind to him at first, but then he got closer, and started to lean over the chair. It looked as if he was staring down at her chest.
She sighed, "If you want to see my boobs, its $500."
The man laughed. "No, no, no. That's not it at all. I'm trying to read your shirt."
Her eyes stayed on her magazine she was currently reading. "It's Miyabi...."
"Oh. Cool. Why does it say R.I.P. above it though?" He asked calmly.
"Because he's dead. He died not long after he left Dué le Quartz." She seemed far away as the words escaped her lips.
The man stared at her, his short choppy hair flailing about over his doubled up tennis visor. He sucked in his lip-ring as he thought silently to himself. "How did he die?"
Her head rose for a moment, and then turned to look at him. She tried to search his eyes for a moment but couldn't because of the oversized sunglasses that he bore. "It's a long story. I don't know all of it really. I only heard it from Kikasa." The man's lip twitched at the sound of the name "He had said Miyabi was leaving. He didn't know why, honestly, he just knew that Miyabi said he had something of great importance that he had to take care of, so if I didn't hear from him for a while, that would be why. And he was right, I hadn't heard from Miyabi for maybe half a year. Kikasa, Kazuki, and Sakito would continuously call me again and again, asking me if I was ok. I didn't understand why though, they would always walk away from the question when I asked. Eventually Kazuki spilled and said that Miyabi had died, and that was why they kept calling and checking up on me. I didn't understand. Miyabi and I were dating at the time, back before he left." The man still listened carefully, sucking on his lip ring again.
She paused for a second, looking away and back to her magazine she was still holding. A pale wrist came to her face and wiped away hidden tears, and then she continued softly. "I figured when Kikasa told me he was leaving it was for a much needed vacation, and wanted time alone, so I was ok with it, and him not calling or anything. But we became really close for a while after that. Kikasa and I, I mean. I guess you could say he was trying to fill the place that Miyabi had; else he was just trying to find ways to get my mind away from him. But I would never forget. I haven't forgotten, as you can tell. Today is actually the anniversary of his death. It's been about 7 years now, if you can believe it." She paused again and laughed. "And to think I'm still waiting for Miyabi to come back to me and tell me that it was all a lie."
"How did it manage not to make it into the news? I would imagine something like that would have happened." The dark haired man asked her.
"We kept it out of the news. We all told reporters that he just decided to leave, and left for the states and went into hiding. That he didn't want to be found until he found himself." She laughed again, and smiled to herself. "Miyabi had a weird sense of humor like that."
The man smiled along with her, seeming to be reminded of someone with the same personality. "Oh, I forgot to mention. My name is Mi-… Ishihara Takamasa."
"It's nice to meet you Ishihara. My name is Arianna Aloki."
Ishihara was just about to remove his sunglasses when a voice was heard over the loud speakers. "Flight 1408 to London, England leaving shortly. Please head to wing 483 for your flight."
"Oh! That would be my flight! I'm sorry Ishihara, but I do have to be going now!" Quickly Arianna gathered up her things, which was only a purse and a small suitcase, and started heading towards the said wing.
Ishihara watched her walk away, and sighed to himself. "If she only knew..."