Naruto Gets Tora as a New 'Pet'
By The Obsidian Blade
Chapter three-the explanation of leaving
Naruto sat on the couch fully clothed with Tora cuddling up close to the blonde neko. Her purrs of happiness rang out through out the living room. She was clad in some clothes that Naruto had stored inside the closet. The blonde neko said that he used them for some missions that he had to pose as a girl. She believed him as he used the Oiroke-no-jutsu quite often for infiltration. Naruto sighed as he absentmindedly scratched his mate's cat like ears. Her tail flicked from one side to another in a sensual manner. What she told him when they woke up was something that he had to ponder.
She told him that he had a week to say good by to all of his friends that he made here. He should have known the consequences of sleeping with a princess would end up like this. Well, when he mated with her he did not know that she was a princess in her world. It was something that was kind of came to him as a surprise. And now with the mate mark, he was only allowed to have eyes for her or the people that she allowed into the circle as she was a kinky little neko. The fact that she made him part of her kind was something that he liked. At least could now separate himself from the fox. The problem was that it was meant as an engagement ring. He was also shocked that she said that she never wanted any protection and wanted as many kittens as possible from him. Another thing that surprised him was that she is his age.
He sighed as he looked at her. Her brown head of hair looked up at him before smiling and brining up her hand, mocking a cat paw, and lightly pawed his face. "What are you thinking about honey?" she asked in a curious tone.
Naruto looked at her and smiled lightly at her before kissing her forehead, making her giggle lightly. Naruto smile grew. He loved her voice. It was just simply amazing. It was like honey to his ears. "Nothing hime," he said simply.
Tora pouted a little before starting to purr as Naruto's hand caressed her fuzzy cat like ears. This was the way it was meant to be in her mind. It was just perfect or almost perfect. There was just one thing missing and that was her home. Or should she say their home as he had no home here. She just hoped that her mother and father would take to him quickly.
Naruto laughed sheepishly as his stomach growled out for food. His cheeks were burned a deep crimson. Tora shook her head at the teen before getting off of him. She was in a simple yellow sundress that had a hole fitted into it to allow her tail to show off. Her large green cat like orbs looked around before landing on the clock. She smiled at that before looking at Naruto. "It's almost eight o' clock at night," she said. "We still have to get to the restaurant to eat and sat good bye to your friends by nine."
The brown haired neko smiled at her some what dense of a blonde neko in a provocative way. Her hand reached out and grabbed his, taking him to the restaurant that she picked out. The blonde sighed at that. He had no objections to it; he just preferred ramen over sushi. Even though he gained the all powerful addiction to fish, he still preferred the noodles. But he did believe that a tall bottle of thick creamy milk beat the pants off of both of them. The blonde did not know why but he did and he did not mind it either.
His large cat like blue orbs traveled to Tora as she transformed into her cat form and ran to his shoulders. He sighed as he formed his hands into a seal and preformed the genjutsu to cover his cat ears and tail form the rest of the world. He knew no one would question it so he did not have to explain anything. If he walked with Tora in her partial human form, he would have to explain everything which is something that he did not want to do at all. He shook his head as the neko princess wrapped her tail loosely around his neck and snuggled into it, letting out a soft purr as she did so. His hand started to scratch her ear, wondering if she would teach him to turn into a cat. He grinned at that. Oh the things he would be able to pull off with the form of a cat.
He gripped the doorknob, thinking about how he would explain to his friends that he was leaving for good, only to come over for two week visits every two months, something that he managed to talk his mate into allowing. She was against it at first but he wore her down. Sure, she was very exhausted afterwards but she still went for it.
The blonde did not want top explain everything to his friends
Danzou was not a very happy man as he looked at the other council members. The thing that bothered him was the Hunter Nin, Namikaze Naruto. The young man was supposed to be a living weapon that they would have disposed when he hit puberty as they did not want more monsters running around. After all, that is why he had the Kyuubi attack the village. The aged man hated things that could appose him and his plans. His plans were simple, turn Konohagakure into a village with an iron dictator ship that would last for as long as the village itself would stand. His plan to get rid of the Yondaime and the Kyuubi went perfect. The problem back then was the Sandaime. That was something that he easily took care of by allowing Orochimaru come in and kill the old fool. Then the problem came to be the Sannin that existed.
He faced the council members that did not like the Jinchuriki at all. "So, does anyone have any plans on getting rid of the demon fox, Naruto?" he asked, analyzing the reaction of the people present. They consisted of Homura, Koharu, and the rest of the civilian council. Each one was pondering what they could do about the blonde demon brat.
He smiled slightly as he watched a woman raised her hand. She was a petite woman, most likely anorexic to boot. She was virtually as flat as a serf board and had horrendous pink that went along with her abnormally large forehead. Her eyes were a bright green and she wore mostly red. This was Haruno Yasha, head of the Haruno family and very big Naruto hater. She was one of the few that were able to pass her hated to her child. The reason why is because her husband was killed by the Kyuubi in its raid on the village.
The pink haired woman raised her pale hand to suggest a way to take down the boy. "We can always falsify documents saying that he committed treason against the leaf. If we have official documents, not even the Fire Daimyo can get that demon out of trouble."
Danzou shook his head at the suggestion. "Sorry but Tsunade keeps tabs on him at all times," he stated. "She also keeps legal documents on where he was and at what time. Most of the documents are created by Hyuugas so they know that the documents are up to date."
Another man raised his hand. He was rather portly and looked like he would have many heart problems/ "We can always attack him in his sleep," the large man suggested with an odd gesture.
Danzou sighed at the comment before responding to it. "With what?" he asked like a snapping turtle snapping for food. "The ANBU she has guarding him are a lot more experienced then you give them credit. Most of the NE members I have would stick out to the blonde and he is gone a lot of the time. How do you suspect to track him if following others trails is what he does best?" The man shook his head as he watched the council member lower his hand. None of the council members did not have the slightest idea on how to take down the demon brat and it was getting on his nerves. If the brat was his weapon in the first place then this would not be happening at all. The brat would be dead and he would have the world under an iron fist. There would be no such thing as the elemental nations, just the land of Danzou would exist and his word would be law.
Another councilman raised his hand, trying to hide his grin that just reeked of boasting. The man reeked of alcohol, showing off how much he drank in one sitting. His teeth were yellowed slightly and his hair was in a mess. "Why don't we just send some ninja after him right now? I mean, who can be tailing him right now?"
Danzou groaned at the man, shaking his fist slightly. "That would cause too much commotion," Danzou said with venom in his voice. "We want him dead with out any knowledge of his death. It has to be a mystery as people would get suspicious if they found his body. Any other ideas?"
Every one looked at the large round table with a quizzical look before Yasha raised her hand again. "Did you not say that he is leaving in a week's time?" she asked. Danzou nodded, concluding her thoughts. "And did you not say that he is going to a new world, a world that you said was filled with more demons?" The last part was said in spite and distaste but it earned the same reaction, a simple nod of the head. "Then why don't we attack him and his demon whore when he is leaving. That gives us the perfect opportunity to kill the Hokage and Shizune along with taking over more than one world. Think about it, two worlds where only humans can roam with out fear and all of it under an iron fist that is your."
Danzou grinned at that idea. He liked it… a lot. Two worlds at his command and an infinite army of creatures that know one knew. All of it will be his. He raised his good hand, motioning a NE ANBU to come forward. "Tell the others to be ready to attack on Sunday at eight o' clock in the morning. I want all men to be ready for this. We are going to make two worlds ours in one day and there will be no opposition." His grin grew even more malicious at the thought of torturing and testing on the monsters. Oh, the worlds will be at his command and he shall be eternal. Nothing shall get in his way.
Naruto sat at the end of the table, eyeing every one that sat down. At the other end of the table was Hyuuga Hinata and Inuzuka Kiba. Both of them were going out as they worked best. Sure, the blonde neko tried to go out with her but things just got complicated and they just broke it off as friends.
Another set that walked in was Nara Shikamaru and Sabaku no Temari along with her brothers. It was amazing what everyone thought about them. Apparently, a lot of ninjas gave thought that they were dating. The ninjas did not know how wrong they were. The two were seeing to completely different people actually. Temari was seeing some dude in Suna that was in their ANBU corps and the lazy as hell Nara was seeing some civilian that Naruto could not remember for the life of him. the two's significant others were not there as Temari's boyfriend was all the way in Kiri on a recon mission and the civilian girl was actually down with the flue.
The next two to walk in were Chouji and Ino, surprisingly hand in hand. It was pretty shocking to when the rest of the crew figured out that the two were going out and Chouji asked Ino to marry him. She said yes and that would be the reason why she wore the Akamichi clan symbol proudly on her left arm.
The next and last group to walk in was team Gai. To Naruto had a theory about the three, the theory that the three would die if they left to far from each other to long. And he had some proof to. When Lee went on a solo mission for about a week away from the group, he ended up in the hospital the day he got back. Neji almost lost a limb from being gone for far too long and Ten-ten almost lost her head by a buzz saw that came out of the wall in some sort of haunted mansion wannabe. Yeah, it must be bad luck for that team to be away from each other outside the village. (Making it up if you cannot tell)
Every one of the senseis were there as well (sans Asuma of course), wanting to see what was going to happen. They had a feeling that something big was going to happen but they were not sure. Kakashi looked around before looking at the blonde. "So care to tell us why you have called us here?" the silver haired jounin asked, his nose in his porno as usual.
Naruto sighed as he shook his head. "Yeah, I do have a reason for why you are all of you are here," Naruto responded before grabbing a piece of sushi and feeding it to his ever grateful feline mate. "The reason why I have called all of you here is because I am leaving the village for good."
Everyone in the room sans Naruto and Tora had wide eyes. Naruto was leaving them. But for what? Why would he leave the village that he risked his life to protect over and over again? He almost lost his life for the village. The first one to react though was Kiba. "Why the hell would you leave us Naruto!" he yelled. "What does anywhere else have that we don't got?! You have everything here!"
Naruto sighed as he looked at Kiba with a stern eye. "Well I don't know maybe people that will treat me with respect," the blonde neko said with spite. "Maybe a place where I could sleep with out the prospect of dying over my head like a black rain cloud ready to rain down at anytime Kiba. There are too many things for me to list of the top of my head."
"We can change that damn it!" the dog boy retorted. "Have you not gained anything from here? What are you, Sasuke?!"
"Don't you dare compare me to that traitor!" the blonde's voice roared over the gossip. "I am not turning traitor damn it! I love this village, truly I do. But there are some things that I would rather not stay here for." The neko male sighed as he rubbed his temples. "Look, I am not becoming a traitor. There is just somewhere that I have to be. I will visit for two weeks every two months. Is there any major questions?"
"Yeah, where are you going?" Ino asked, still not liking Naruto's leaving.
"I cannot tell you guys," he responded, knowing the reaction that was to come.
"What do you mean that you can't tell us Naruto?" Kurenai asked.
"Simple, it is exactly what it means," the teen in question answered. "I can't really but I would rather not have outside sources finding out where I am going before they can come and kill me." Naruto looked at the group before breaking out a cheesy smile. "Well guys, do you want this to be all sad or are we going to have some fun?"
The rest of the night was filled with laughter and friendship. Naruto left early saying that he had preparations that need to be made before he left. On his way back home, he could hear the soft patter of feet running against the tiles of the roofs above him. The blonde sighed before looking at Tora. "Looks like we got company love."
The brown furred neko shook her head, knowing that Naruto was going to go one the offensive. Her assumption was confirmed when he pumped chakra through his legs and jumped upwards, taking to the rooftops. Naruto landed on the highest point in a crouched position with Tora clinging to his shoulders, telling him never to do that to her ever again.
The blonde chuckled lightly before extending his arm. "I don't think you want to keep on my shoulder love," he told her. "I don't think our guests would appreciate it if you were to fight on my shoulder. The might call it cheating. Isn't that right Sasuke and Sakura?"
Out form behind two posts stepped out Sakura and Sasuke. Both of them were sporting usual ANBU gear. He could tell by the hardened leather glistening in the moon light. Tilted out of the way of their heads was a crow mask, Sasuke, and a crane mask, Sakura. "So what could I do ya for teme, teme's bitch?" Naruto asked in a stone cold voice. His eyes were dead serious as he looked at the two.
"Still the same bipolar dobe that we all know eh Naruto?" Sasuke asked with a slight smirk.
Naruto snorted at the dark haired teen. "You know I just act that way fogzoid," he retorted. "So do tell, what brings you two here?"
Sasuke smirked at the teen. "We heard you were leaving us," he said. "What are going to do, leave us? You do know that will make you a criminal right?"
"Yeah, that would be with out the consent of the Hokage," Naruto informed them. "But some of us forget that from time to time. Isn't that right Sasuke?" At the last part of Sasuke's name he put in some emphasis, making the dark haired brooder send a glare at him.
"That was the curse seal controlling him and you know it baka!" Sakura yelled out at the blonde.
Naruto shook his head before looking at the pink haired ANBU. "I honestly do not know how you lived so long Haruno. I mean, come on. You cling to your teammates to save your life but when it comes to you saving them, will you be up to that? Of course you won't. You are the damsel in distress; you are the one that is supposed to be saved, not the one doing the saving. If that is the case, but out, we do not need a damsel to but into this fight." Naruto sighed as he looked at Sasuke. "So tell me, why are you really here? I know it is not because you wanted to ask for a cup of sugar something like that so talk."
Sakura was at a lost of words. She knew he was right. Every word he had said was true. She was the one that was always in danger. Not one time did she save her teammates. She was the one that was saved, not the other way around. Instead of training, she cared more about her completion, trying to get herself all prettied up for Sasuke in hopes that he would fall for her and fulfill her fangirl like fantasies. No, she could not be thinking those thoughts. The blonde was nothing but a baka. He never knew anything and could never tell any good advice.... right?
Sasuke looked at the demon with hate filled eyes. He knew the blonde was mocking him. He knew that well. That was all the blonde knew. He closed his black eyes, trying to regain his cool. His eyes snapped open, revealing his spinning crimson sharingan eyes. "Your life is what I came here for demon." His hands subtly reached for the katana that he had strapped to his back.
Naruto shook his head before reaching behind his back and pulling out a black scroll. "Well, I can't show ya." His slightly clawed hands unfurled the black scroll, revealing its white under side spotted by a blood seal. Naruto bit his thumb before swiping it across the seal unsealing a six foot blade. There was a single edge maid of chains that you would find off a chainsaw. The handle was six foot long. The guard of it was made of an engine that seemed to be the source of the blade. There was a large black line going down the center of the blade. "I guess you are going to have to beat my true self out of me aren't you?"
Sasuke sighed before he drew his blade quickly and blurred out of sight towards Naruto. The blonde closed his eyes, knowing what would happen if he had them open. He could not fall for the eyes trick. Before the blonde could get decapitated, Naruto duck and swung his blade, hitting Sasuke with the bunt end of it. The male neko's hand gripped the rip cord before pulling it. The chain along the edge started to move at a ripping speed.
Sasuke cursed slightly. That blade would rip him to shreds if he got touched. He had seen what that large thing could do in the hands of a master and Naruto was a master of it. Sasuke could not let Naruto get in a solid hit with that blade or the last Uchiha was finished. And it was not like that blonde would just keep at a distance. There were three things that the blonde made himself a master in and they were taijutsu, kenjutsu, and ninjutsu. The thing was that he could not read the blonde's kenjutsu. Sure, he never figured it out but he knew that there was something to it.
Sasuke growled as he jumped to the side slightly, dodging the strike of the massive chainsaw before dragging his katana along the floor and trying to swing at Naruto's ribs. The blonde neko smirked before bringing up his left hand and gripping the katana. Blood dripped from his clawed hands before bringing up his foot, kicking the last Uchiha in the gut.
The blonde got a bored tone on his face as he let go of Sasuke's katana and backhanding the dark haired teen backwards. With his free hand, Naruto cleaned his ear with his pinky. "You know, this is getting boring right." The neko got a smirk as it seemed to work on his opponent. His blue orbs traveled to his large blade, noting that it was turned off at the moment. That was good. He did not want to kill Sasuke… yet.
Sasuke growled at the blonde before sheathing his blade. "You know I am starting to get pissed off!" His pale hands ran through a small series of hand seals before bringing his right hand to his mouth to steady his aim. Naruto placed his chainsaw on the ground before running through seals of his own.
"Doton-Doryuu-Heki-no jutsu!"
A large continuous fire ball shot out at Naruto, being blacked by a large wall. Sasuke smirked when he stopped the attack. The wall had crumbled. But his smirk fell when he realized that the thing he burnt was a log. He was about to question everything before he felt serrated chains press against his neck. "Next time you move against me, it will be your last Uchiha," he heard the blonde whisper from beside him. he was about to retort but he ended up unconscious before he could do anything.
Naruto sighed as he hoisted the blade over his shoulders and started to walk off. He did his job and he knew that Sasuke would be to asleep to care. He smiled as Tora jumped onto his shoulders. His free hand went up and scratched her ears, making her purr. 'Got to thank Gamma sensei for teaching me how to use this thing,' he thought to himself before hi mind took for the gutter so to speak. 'May he rest in peace.'
'Why did you do that to him you baka?!" he heard Sakura yell, making Naruto stop mid step.
"Tell me this Uchiha whore," Naruto voiced out. "What do you really see in him. does he treat you right? Does he do anything to you that is on his own free will? When you can answer those questions to me freely, then we will talk." With that, he left for home, having enough of the two idiots.
Sakura stood there still. Why did she love Sasuke? All he had was looks. He was never pleasing to her and the sex sucked. Maybe Naruto was right all along. The bastard was just a stuck up loser with nothing but back stabbing going for him. The pink haired ANBU member shook her head. She could not be thinking about those thoughts.
When Naruto landed inside his home, Tora went off of his shoulders and went off for bed, telling him to get in soon. Naruto simply shook his head, saying that he would. His blue orbs slowly landed on a black scroll with red lines over it. "This is going to hurt," he said to himself.
A/N Well, hope you guys like it. and to those who can guess where the sword came from and the name 'Gamma' as well, I will take up a story idea from you but I will have to put it on hold as I have other things. But do not fret, I will take it up. I just have these specifications; it cannot be Hina/Naru or Saku/Naru and definitely no Yoai. Other than that, send me some info about the idea and if it is a cross over, I do request that you send me links. But remember to break up the site name as that will be the only way I can see them. Thanks for reading and review. And also I do not own where the chainsaw sword and Gamma came from.