Disclaimer: I regret to inform you that I do not - in any way, shape, or form - own Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. It belongs to the ladies of CLAMP. I'm just a starving fan.
She thought she saw him again, sitting at a rounded table, reading a Dictionary. He looked so much like him: auburn brown hair and eyes with a spark of determination as they skimmed the pages, his hands agilely turning them; wearing an olive shirt, russet pants, and black boots. She peered between the two Encyclopedia volumes, cautious of her movements as she didn't want him to suddenly notice her watching from behind the bookshelf in front of him.
"Sakura!" She heard a voice calling out to her; one of the Encyclopedia volumes fell with a thud on the carpeted floor. Sakura turned to face a girl her age with dark blue eyes and long black hair that hung down in ringlets, tied separately into two side ponytails with red ribbons.
"I was looking all over for you! Yuuko wants you to reorganize the children's section."
"Sorry Himawari...I - I was just searching..."
"Searching for what?" Himawari asked as she bent down to pick up the Encyclopedia volume.
Sakura glanced at the gap from the bookshelf, assuming that he had noticed her presence. Her eyes widened, gasping at the sight.
"Sakura, are you all right?"
"Oh, it's nothing," she replied after what seemed like a moment as she averted her eyes to the floor.
She then faced Himawari with a forced smile, as she took the Encyclopedia volume from her and placed it back on the shelf.
"I'll be right there."
"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"
"No, it's fine, thanks."
As Himawari left, Sakura went towards the table behind the bookshelf. The Dictionary was left opened; the chair in which he sat in was pushed back.
'I couldn't have imagined it...,' Sakura thought.
Pushing the chair back and taking the Dictionary with her to place it back on the reference shelf beside the Encyclopedias, she walked between the bookshelves, the young boy vivid in her thoughts.
A/N: This is the first chapter (more like a prologue actually) to Ziara. The title of this chapter Korex, means bookbinder in Ladino. As for Ziara, well you'll just have to find out since I don't want to spoil it if you're interested in this story. Please tell me what you think (constructive criticism is welcomed) and let me know if any of the characters are OOC.