A/N: Yes. I know I'm really early to write fic for BlazBlue or even cross it over with Guilty Gear but once I saw this picture on Deviantart (.com/art/Discipline-Commission-112920408#) I had an idea I couldn't get rid of.

"Excuse me, mist--" Bridget pauses. "Excuse me." No need to be too formal with someone his age.

The other blonde stands quietly in front of him. "Yes, miss?"

"...I'm a boy." Bridget glares, and when that is established, no questions preferably asked, he continues on the subject of original intent. "There is a bounty on you. Please come with me."

The boy raises a brow. "Excuse me?"

"Carl Clover... the serial killer," Bridget begins to recite, but Carl interrupts, aghast.

"That can't be-- I'm a bounty hunter too."

"Mister Kiske gave me this. It can't be a fake."


Losing patience, Bridget quietly and noticeably began to toy with his yo-yo. He eyed Clover. "Please come with me, or I will have to use force."

"I won't deny I killed people." Carl sighed. "But..."

He raised his head, looking the other bounty hunter straight in the face. "I never killed innocent persons. Everyone I have bloodied my hands with were criminals. I have a list too." He waved a piece of paper for emphasis.

"That can't be right..." Bridget knit his brows at his list. "All the information about you says otherwise. That means you're lying."

"I said I'm not lying-- Ah!" He jumped back as the yo-yo grazed his cheek.

"I asked you to give yourself up peacefully."

"Is that so?" Carl said briskly. Telling Bridget he wasn't a bounty was as useful as talking to a brick wall. He tipped his top hat and his feet shifted into a defensive position, Bridget came at him and his gadgets took on the brunt, shielding him. He smirked. This would not last long. The other boy's attacks did pack a whollop, but it was nothing to worry about. Carl's flesh had withstood worse, and, he had his sister by his side, or sometimes on the other side, trapping Bridget between them.

His blood pumped-- raced. His usual thin-lipped clueless expression left Carl in the heat of battle. His heart skipped beats hearing Bridget scream, and the brief moment their bodies brushed, he felt a tremble. Delicious.

The fact that those moments of touch were rare made them more inviting. He didn't worry as he should, hardly noticing his fatique until it had taken him, his movements sluggish and his sister standing limply, sparking. She was sure to rouse in a moment, but he needed her now, his body swaying in the yo-yo strings.

"Now that you've calmed down, let's go." Bridget smiled. He was about to turn around and head towards the city when he saw the piece of paper Carl had been waving about-- his bounty list-- fall out of his coat.

The victorious bounty hunter bent down to pick it up, expecting faces and dollar signs, but saw inothing/i.

"M-- my bounty list..." Carl whispered, stretching out his hand, then letting it fall.

It was a blank sheet of paper.