I can't believe it's taken me this long to finish this…I'm so sorry!

A gunshot rang.

Everything happened so fast, it was almost like it didn't happen at all. One second, Chase McCohn looks like he is actually going to pull the trigger and end Kate's life.

Chase fell to the ground.

Next second, he's lying on the pavement; blood forming in a pool of red goop near his head, with little pieces of brain speckled on the ground. And Flack stood across from him, holding a smoking gun.

Kate fell next to him.

Due to intense physical and emotional exhaustion, Kate collapsed with Chase. The gun rattled next to her, and with a last ounce of strength she pushed it away.

Danny and Mac ran to confirm Chase's death. Flack rushed to Kate's side, brushing hair out of her face and searching for injuries.

In the distance, sirens of ambulances and more police cars could be heard.

"It's OK, baby," Flack whispered. "It's all going to be OK. I promise. I'm here. I'm here."

And with that, Kate silently cried before falling into unconsciousness.

Two weeks later…

Flack was cleared of any and all charges on Chase McCohn's death. He found out that Kate had met Chase's brother, Kevin, at Gio's where Kevin was a regular. He hit on Kate numerous times, and Kate had reciprocated by having him thrown out. Apparently, Kevin was so infatuated with the bartending bombshell that he made up a relationship between the two for his brother's sake.

After what seemed like forever, Kate was finally able to leave the hospital. A nurse was wheeling Kate back into her room, and she saw Flack sitting in the corner – a spot he had located daily for the past two weeks – holding a single red rose and a small box.

"What is that?" Kate asked, looking at the box.

Flack smiled. "Open it."

She slowly opened the box and looked inside. It was a key.

"A key? I don't get it."

"It's a key to my apartment. I want you to live with me," Flack said.

Kate looked skeptical, like she was about to refuse, but Flack stopped her. Getting up, he crossed the room to where she was and sat on her bed to face her. "After recent events, I would never be able to sleep with you halfway across town. If I couldn't see you, and hold you at all times, I don't know what I'd do. So please, just think about it."

Kate looked back at the key, and ran her fingers over it. A new level – a new step - in the life of Kate Monroe and Don Flack. It was scary. It was exciting.

It was right.

"Of course I'll move in with you," she said. Flack smiled, leaned in and kissed her.

"You mean the world to me," Flack said. "I'll always be there for you."

Kate smiled. "I love you, too," she said. "You're my hero."