Disclaimer: I don't own anything except Kate and Gio's…it's in no way associated with anything else by that name. Just something I made up.

----This is my fourth CSI:NY story that involves Kate. In this one, she is dating Don, but she doesn't have the same background as Flu Baby or A Man's Guilt. She works as a bartender, and was never a jewel thief. She also was never shot or had the flu. ----


A true lover always feels in debt to the one he loves ~ Ralph W. Sockman


Kate Monroe stood outside Gio's and lit up her final cigarette of the night. Another night of guys hitting on her and girls puking near her; just a typical day for a New York City bartender. Kate inhaled and exhaled, looking around the still crowded street, and pulled her white slider phone out of her purse and checked the time. Ten minutes after 2 a.m.. She sighed, and shivered in the cold.

All of a sudden, Kate felt a tap on her shoulder. She gasped and turned around quickly, just to find her friend Samantha Flack next to her. "Jesus, Sam, you scared the hell out of me," Kate said.

"Sorry babe," Sam said, hip bumping her friend. "Can I take a drag?" Kate nodded and handed her cigarette over. "Finish it," Kate said. "I'm done with it." Sam agreed, finishing the cigarette. "So what are you standing here waiting for? Our shift's over, Gio's closed," Sam reminded Kate.

"I know," Kate said, "I was waiting for you, you crazy bitch."

Sam laughed and threw her arm around Kate's neck. "You wanna grab some food? I'm starving."

"Nah, I think I'm just gonna head home. It's been a long night and my feet are killing me," Kate replied.

"Suit yourself. Later babe," Sam said, air kissing both of Kate's cheeks and heading off down the street to catch up with someone she knew. Kate looked after her friend and smiled. She took a deep breath of the cold New York air, shivered slightly, and took off in the opposite direction Sam went.

Kate was half way home when she was suddenly pushed into an alley and up against the wall. She gasped, and went to scream, but the man put his hand over her mouth. He was behind her, so she couldn't see him that well, but she instantly bit his hand, and back kicked him. Those kickboxing classes were finally coming in handy. The man groaned, muttered the word "bitch" and went at her, grabbing her ankle and twisting it before backhanding Kate in the face, and taking hold of her throat, pushing her back against the wall, choking her. "You can run but you can't hide, sweetheart," he muttered. "I'm coming after you. Tell your boyfriend you're gonna pay for his mistake." He kissed her hard on the mouth, felt her try to kick again, and hit her one more time. He dropped her to the ground, and as she tried to gain her breath back, he kicked her in the side a few times, before finally running off.


Sam Flack paced the hospital waiting room. She had walked about two blocks away from the bar before changing her mind, going after Kate instead. Sam decided they could eat grilled cheese and ice cream like they did a few times after work, and went after her friend to join her. Walking toward Kate's apartment, though, is when Sam found her friend lying in an alley, coughing and crying. She immediately ran to Kate's side, and called an ambulance.

Then she called her brother.

Don Flack ran into the hospital looking for his sister. He was dressed in jeans and an old long sleeved shirt, having been woken up by Sam's call. He spotted his sister pacing the hallway near the nurse's station – what qualified as a "waiting room" - and ran up to her.

"Donnie," Sam said before being wrapped in a hug by her big brother. She was then immediately bombarded with questions. She told Don she didn't know anything, and explained the events of the evening. "She looked bad, Don. And they aren't telling me anything."

Just at that minute a doctor came out to talk to the Flacks. "A couple of broken ribs, bruise on her forehead, a sprained ankle; could've been a lot worse. She needs to keep that ankle elevated to reduce swelling, but I see no reason for observation. I'll get her discharge papers ready. She'll be out shortly, and I'll have a nurse get her some crutches."

Don and Sam thanked the doctor, and waited for Kate to come out. They only had to wait about a minute or two, because all of a sudden they saw Kate limp out from one of the back rooms. Don ran over to her and gathered her in his arms. He felt her wince at the contact to her broken ribs, and he immediately let go and apologized.

"How you doing? Huh? You OK?" Don asked, examining the square shaped bandage on Kate's forehead. She winced at that as well, and didn't say anything to Don. The doctor came and gave Kate her crutches as well as some pain pills. Kate signed her papers, and the doctor left.

Don offered to bring her to his apartment to recover, but Kate ignored him, instead looking to Sam. "Can you bring me home, Sam?" Kate asked, her eyes pleading with her friend.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? I just said I'll take you to my place," Don said, softly touching Kate's arms.

Kate shrugged him off and looked at Sam again. "Sam, please take me home." Sam looked between Don and Kate, before finally agreeing with Kate. Kate didn't even look at Don as she crutched off down the hallway.

"I'm sorry," Sam said to Don. He shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. "Find out what happened, and don't let her out of your sight, OK?" Don asked. Sam nodded, and hugged her brother again before going after her friend.


The next day at noon, Don showed up at Kate's apartment with a couple officers. He looked at Sam, who had opened the door, and asked where Kate was.

"She's sleeping," Sam replied. "And I don't think she wants to see you."

"What'd she tell you?" Don asked, obviously surprised that Kate wouldn't want to see him. He hadn't done anything.

Sam hesitated before answering. "She said the guy who attacked her told her she would pay for your mistake."

Don stood there, confused, and went to say something when Kate's voice stopped him. She had walked out of her room and was staring at the two officers Don had brought with him. "What the hell is this?" she asked. "Why are they here?"

Don walked past Sam and over to Kate. She backed away slowly, trying to watch her ankle. "They're here for protection," Don answered. "They're gonna be looking after you so that this maniac don't come after you again." Kate shook her head, instantly refusing the help, and started to walk over to kick the officers out when she stepped on her ankle, and crumbled under the pain. Don caught her in his arms, and held onto her. "Hey, stop it, all right? Charles and Martinez here are just gonna look after you."

"I don't need them, Don."

"After what this guy said to you, yeah, I think you do!" Don yelled at her.

"Sam! Why did you tell him?" Kate whined. She had broken free from Don almost as quickly as he had grabbed her, and she was now leaning against the wall.

"He deserved to know, K. He can help you."

"I don't need his help! It's his fault this happened in the first place!" Kate yelled.

"Look, Angell's coming over to get your statement," Don interrupted, wanting to get started on finding this guy. "Martinez is gonna stay in here with you to make sure this guy don't sneak in a window or something, and Charles will be outside."

"Don, don't do this. They don't need to be here. I'm sure they have tons of better stuff to do than babysit me," Kate said.

"Actually, ma'am, Charles and I are happy to be of service," Martinez spoke up, bowing his head slightly. Kate rolled her eyes.

"Yo, Martinez. Do something stupid like that again and I'll end you," Flack said. Martinez understood and shut up, Charles laughing slightly.

"Donnie, maybe she doesn't need all this stuff, huh?" Sam spoke up.

Don turned on both women. "Kate gets protection. I don't want her to leave this apartment without a police escort. I don't want her alone. At all. Period." Kate rolled her eyes and threw her arms up in frustration. She stormed off into her bedroom – as best she could with the crutch that was in her living room – and slammed the door.

Sam went up to Don, and said, "You better find this guy," before walking off after her friend.

Don sighed and looked at the two younger officers before him. He walked up and looked at each of them. "One of you in here, one of you in the hall. I find out either of you left your post, or left her alone, you'll be done. Understand?" Both officers nodded, and Flack went off. Charles grabbed a water bottle and a chair out of the kitchen before heading out into the hallway. Martinez laughed as he settled on the sofa with the TV Guide.