Benvolio, with his vibrant red hair, had never felt more solemn nor serious in his own life than he did right now.

He slowly walked through the graveyard, the cold cryptic air nearly suffocating him. He clutched at his blank chest, hoping to massage his racing heart that which swallowed his lungs. He stopped before his family's crypt.

It was true the Capulets and the Montagues were now friends quickly made family now. But that didn't mean the respectfull families didn't have their own secrets now. For such, ever Montague knew the family mausolea were shut. Also, ever Montague knew the way to enter.

Quickly and with quiet haste, he leaned against the cold stone of the back of the mauseleum. With that same speed, the stone moved away. Benvolio entered and welcomed the cold air.

There in the center lay his cousin.

He smiled, walking forward and kneeling beside the open casket. "How now, fair cuz?" The wind gave him no reply and he bowed his head. "How is it now, up in heaven or down in hell? You, who wanted death so bad, now have been granted it with sweet romance. How now, fair cuz?" The air seemed to become colder and Benvolio laughed subtly. "Actually, cousin, I have not come hear to give you grief and stink up your pleastry with guilt and cause. Actually, I have come for your advice."

He lifted his head for some kind of response from his dead cousin. Nothing.

"The Prince of Cats that you thought to slain has not been slain to all. In the hospital he is, breathing down at tube. A pitiful sight that breaks all fathers' heart. Even your own." The wind outside howled and Benvolio laughed. "Yes, yes, your father has long made peace. But that is not the matter." Solemn once more overtook Benvolio's mood. "My matter copies your own. I true love a Capulet. Just as human, just as forbidden." The wind stirred only slightly. "I love a loathed enemy, your injured Tybalt."

The wind howled fiercly. Benvolio quickly stood, afraid the stone would close at Romeo's angered wind. It slowly died down. Benvolio breathed a withheld breath, kneeling beside his cousin once more. "Aye, Aye. No need to turn in your casket. Who are you to talk of forbidden and strange love. I have not sworn to never look again with love but in love's blink change my heart." He gave a silence. "Long since my summer of 16 has he caught my eye and tongue. I know not why but my heart quivers at his own sly tongue before me and my eyes cry for his look when he be not around. Aye me!" Benvolio fell from his kneel, choosing now to lie on his back. A squeal of a rat urged him on. "Cousin, tell me but what to do in this. Am I to turn to a new-felt family and confess. Or to Tybalt, who lies in a bed of white barely alive, shall I wait till he awakens and tell him first. Aye me!" Benvolio pulled his arms up, burning the heels of his palms into his eyes. "Woe, woe, woe is me. Love has made me into an old man. Her brother Fate is a cruel man and Karma, his messenger. They have struck me and left me without a brain on what to do." He sat up, looking once more to the sleeping Romeo.

He smiled slightly. "But you can not help me, can you cousin. No, no you are dead. Walking peacefully with fair Julietta at your side. I shall not disturb you lovebirds any more." He stood, making to the door. He turned once more. "Thank you, cuz. I bid you peace."

With that, Benvolio left the tomb, closing the 'door' behind him.