Ok first story ever!!! I've been reading fanfics recently but, I've never wrote one. So here I gave it a shot. And I live in England so sorry I don't know about dollars so I just made stuff up haha you'll know what I mean when you read it.

Disclaimer - All the stories I read have one of these so I figured it would be good to put one :] So I don't own iCarly unfortunately well not unfortunately because, if I owned it nobody would watch it cos it'd be a pile of poop!

"So that's balancing equations and remember Fe…" Mrs Greenway's voice droned on and on. Sam hadn't listened to a word she was saying. She was fighting the urge to fall asleep her hands cushioning her head from the hard science lab table. The only reason she tried desperately not to fall asleep was the fact that one more detention from Mrs Greenway would result in her temporary expulsion, which Sam really didn't seem to mind but Carly, Freddie and even her mom seemed to think that was a bad idea.

She was just about to doze off when the bell signalling the end of the lesson rung causing her to practically jump out of her seat. She gathered her stuff and headed out of the Classroom to meet Carly and Freddie at the Lockers.

"Don't forget I want the assignment for this topic in for next Friday!" Mrs Greenway called as the students filed out of the classroom. Sam would just have to use Freddie's notes no doubt he would've done this topic yonks ago as he was in higher tier sciences.

Sam pushed past the hundreds of students walking down the busy Ridgeway corridors, when she felt a sudden wave of nausea hit her. Her hand clamped her mouth shut and she quickly ran to the nearest toilets but, she mentally noted that she wasn't going to make it when she was about a third of the way their. Her eyes darted around the corridor for some place she could empty the contents of her stomach. The first thing she spotted was Gibby's white backpack and luckily for her it was wide open just asking to be thrown up in.

She pulled the backpack open a tad more and threw up into Gibby's bag. The wave of nausea had past just as quick as it had hit and she felt fine. She got her water bottle out of her bag and rinsed her mouth out spitting the water out into Gibby's bag. It didn't really make a difference she thought. It was already full of sick. Sam laughed as she noticed Gibby was still deep in conversation with some nerd and had failed to notice that Sam had just puked up into his bag.

She was about to head off to the lockers again when she realised that the 'nerd' was Freddie and he was looking at her an expression full of disgust and just as much confusion.

"What? I wasn't gunna make it to the toilets." She shrugged.

"Huh?" Gibby asked turning to see Sam.

A smirk formed on Sam's face when she saw Freddie gip at the mess in poor Gibby's bag.

"Err nothing Gibby. I'll see you later." He managed to choke out as he walked past Gibby towards Sam.

"Bye!" Gibby said cheerfully. He was in for a shock when he went home.

"Sam that was low even for you." Freddie said.

"I told you it was either that or all over the floor on many people's shoes including yours." She said.

Freddie just shook his head.

"Anyway why were you sick? You seem fine now and I heard that you fell asleep in Chemistry. Do you want to get excluded?"

"Well I wouldn't mind it personally but, I didn't fall asleep. I was trying my damn hardest not too and I don't have a clue why I was sick just then. One second I was walking to the lockers next thing I knew I really needed to puke." She said. Freddie stared at her for a moment and then it dawned on him.

"Why the hell are you staring at me in such a freakish -" Sam asked but, before she could finish he was pulling her towards the school exit.

"Freddie what are you doing?" She said struggling in his grasp. She didn't know Freddie was so strong. He was heading down the street and Sam knew they weren't heading for her apartment or Freddie's because, they'd missed that turning already.

"Freddork let go of me!" She said frustrated trying to pull her arm free from his grip.

"Sam shut up and wait!" They were outside the local convenience store now. Freddie led her through the doors of the store and past most of the isles. He stopped when he saw some tangy strawberry laces on a buy one get one free offer.

"You pulled me all this way so you could grab yourself some sweets?" Sam asked threateningly.

"Oh no, sorry." He said sheepishly putting the sweets down and carrying on down the store.

He stopped once again but this time at the 'Women's hygiene' isle as Freddie called it (as learnt by his mother). He finally let go of Sam as he came to a stop. Sam looked around bemused as to why for ham's sakes Freddie had brought her here.

"You wanna buy me some tampons?" She asked a smirk playing on her lips.

"No!" Freddie said red faced. "Look." He pointed towards something stacked high on the shelves to his right.

Sam's eyes followed Freddie's pointing finger. She shook her head in disbelief as she looked at the many pregnancy tests on the shelf in front of her.

"Oh no. No Fredweird you complete dork face, no. I am not pregnant."

"Sam just take a test to make sure."

"No it's stupid and pointless." She said folding her arms across her chest.

"Is it? When was your last period?" Freddie challenged.

"Do you not think that's a bit personal?" Sam said but, really she was working it out in her head and…

"Oh my gosh." She whispered.

"Here," Freddie said handing her three tests. "Go queue up I'll be their in a minute." He said walking off down the isle.

Sam stood still for a moment but, then walked towards the checkouts. She went to the nearest one to her and luckily there was almost no queue. She put her 'items' on the counter and waited for Freddie trying desperately not to think about the fact that she may well be…pregnant.

Freddie came back just in time. He came and handed his tangy strawberry laces packets to the teenager at the till.

"That'll be twenty dollars." The girl said holding her hand out for the money. She had a sneer on her face as she studied Sam up and down. Freddie handed her the money fast trying to avoid a commotion and hoping Sam hadn't realised the girls staring.

"Is something funny?" Sam asked menacingly. Unfortunately Sam had realised.

The teen just took the money and put it in the till.

"Have a nice day!" She said before speaking to the next customer.

"Come on." Freddie said. Picking up the things and steering Sam to the stores nearest toilets.

"Stupid slutty hob knocker. Thinks she knows…" Sam muttered as she allowed Freddie to steer her to the loos.

"Here." Freddie said handing Sam the three tests.

"Do I not need to pee on these?" she asked staring in antipathy at the boxes.

"Yeah I think." Freddie replied.

"You expect me to magically conjure up enough pee for three sticks."

"I don't know – just go."

Sam glared at him before opening the door and walking into the dirty store toilets.


Freddie had been stood waiting for 15 minutes and he was starting to get jittery. He'd gone through a whole packet of strawberry laces waiting and was currently almost done with the second one.

"Sam are you done?" He called opening the door slightly.

"Y…yeah coming." Sam's voice was muffled as she replied but, Freddie figured it was because she was in a cubicle and he was outside the door. Sam walked out her eyes a tad red but, Freddie didn't say anything. He waited hoping Sam would speak but she didn't.

"So?" He asked.

"Have to wait five minutes for them." She said leaning against the wall beside him.

"Oh. Well I'll set an alarm on my phone."

"Whatever." She said quietly. She looked into Freddie's packet of sweets and saw their was only one lace left. She put her hand in the packet and felt Freddie's hand already gripping the sweet. She looked at him silently daring him to eat it. Freddie took the hint and removed his hand allowing Sam to take the sweet leaving him with the empty packet.

"Thanks." She muttered sucking on the sweet.

There was silence until the alarm of Freddie's phone went off. It startled Sam and she suddenly remembered what she was here for again and what she had to go do now.

She walked up to the door and to her surprise Freddie took her hand.

"You're going to go in the women's toilets?" She asked a small smile on her face.

"Yep. For you." He said as they walked in. Freddie saw the three tests in a random mess near one of the sinks. It was just like Sam to shove them their no neat line or anything. They moved closer to the tests Freddie squeezed Sam's hand reassuringly as they reached the sinks. He looked over at the tests now in shock. He immediately turned to Sam whose eyes were transfixed to the three small plus signs staring her in the face. He watched as her eyes filled up and he saw a single tear roll down her face. He couldn't say anything. He didn't know what to say.

"What happened to third time fucking lucky." She said as she scooped up the three tests and threw them into the bin. She wiped her eyes furiously her back towards Freddie.

"Sam…" He started softly.

She turned around. The tears were streaming down her face now.

"Why me?" She whispered as Freddie pulled her into his arms. She sobbed freely not realising she was scaring Freddie senseless. He'd never seen Sam cry before. He didn't think Sam ever cried and here she was crying in his arms. He ran his hand soothingly through her hair. He just held her silently letting her cry.

There we go!

Reviews would definitely be appreciated and I'd love some critique on how I can make it better and all that.

Danke schon (Thank you) – Just found out I got an A in my German exam oh yeah haha!

Oh and has anyone heard Jennette's single So Close. It's pretty awesome haha she'd got a great voice on her.