I do not own as much as I may wish any of the following characters. copyright tim burton.

This is movieverse and is my first attempt if you would like me to continue then please comment. I shall continue once I have at least 5 comments.

Chapter One

The rain on her window made soft pit-pat sounds. She sighed writing a name on the fogged up window. B-E-E-T-L-E-J-U-I-C-E. She admitted that she had felt very guilty about getting him eaten by a sandworm all those years ago. I mean he had been trying to help her and she threw it back in his face. She had betrayed him by not marrying him and then gotten him eaten. It didn't seem very fare. Was he really as bad as Barbara and Adam made him out to be? She had to admit that he did look rather good in the black and white stripped suit, and he had been trying to help her. She looked into the candlelit room and watched shadows dance over her artwork. Her artwork that had been inspired all those years ago by, him. They weren't amazing because she had done it all from memory and she hadn't seen him that long in his suit until he had changed into that purple monstrosity of a groom suit.

There was a soft knock at the door.

"Lydia hunny it's Barbara can I come in?" She looked to the door.

"Yeah hold on a second" She hid the recent picture she had drawn of him under her pillow. They had accepted one or two drawings of him on her wall but they knew nothing of the more then 50 under her bed. She supposed it was almost a slight obsession and not really a healthy one. Once hidden she opened the door.

"Hey what's up?" She asked smiling at her motherly ghost.

"Adam and I have to go to see Juno for our yearly check up today and your parents have gone out are you going to be ok on your own?"

Lydia laughed "Barbara I'm 19 now I'm sure I'll be fine" she smiled at her and then closed the door. She looked at the window the name she had written was still there, she smiled gently and wrote the name twice more. Her smile grew, everyone was out, and she was alone. She opened the draw on her desk and looked at the folded red wedding dress and ring perched on top of it. It couldn't do any harm could it? She could always put him back.

She looked in the mirror, her eyeliner was very smudged and her lipstick had worn off. She wasn't exactly dressed to greet "the ghost with the most" either. She looked down at her sweatpants and blue baggy top. First things first she thought a shower was needed. As the hot water hit her back she started to think why she was bothering. She didn't did need to impress him, his thoughts didn't matter to her, did they? She laughed at the thoughts of what she was about to do. She was going to invite back the ghost who had almost killed her father and forced her to marry him. Even thinking about the absurdity of it didn't make her rethink her idea; she was going to go through with it.

She dried her dark black hair and let it fall around her face. She put thick eyeliner around her eyes and deep red lipstick on her pale looking lips. She chose a small black lace top and dark purple jean. She turned around in the mirror making sure she looked good. And then stood in the middle of her room and closed her eyes. She could feel her heart beating in her chest and her breath quicken. Was this a good idea? Could she really put him back? Would she want to put him back?

She kept her eyes closed and took a deep breath and then in a loud commanding voice she spoke to the darkness.

"Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, BEETLEJUICE!!!"

I know it is short but I have left it on a cliffhanger if you want me to proceed then please comment.

NOTE: one i have enough comments on each chapter I will continue story. Once all my story is completed I will draw it up as a comic strip hopefully.