Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Naruto : Shippuden

Summary: at the age of four, he was beaten by the drunk villagers, terrorized and surprised, he awakened the Rin'negan; his life will never be the same again. Watch as Naruto Uzumaki becomes exiled from his own village, but still maintains his hope to become the greatest hokage, and save the ninja world as we know it on the way. Strong Naruto.



It was 10 o'clock at night, a four year old little girl was about to go to sleep and dream about how she will get a doll tomorrow to play with, but before she goes to sleep, her dad always tells her a bed time story. Getting ready, the little girl's father grabbed a very big book, probably the size of a freaking dictionary, and read the story of the legendary Naruto Uzumaki, who singlehandedly saved the ninja world and many people from a certain evil.

"Daddy, who is Naruto Uzumaki? My friends said he saved us all." The little girl asked out of curiosity.

Her daddy smiled and replied; "Now now, you'll see."

So the story of Naruto Uzumaki begins.

The weather was quite nice that day, sunny cloudless skies, no trace of rain anywhere, amazing for an October day in Konoha, the wind was breezing through the tall hokage mountains, the four legendary figures that are considered the strongest the village has ever produced. But even though the scenery was nice, one blue eyed, spiky blond hair boy was not enjoying this day at all.

It was October 10th, his birthday, he turned four today, but unlike most children who smile at their parents opening up their marvelous presents, the same cannot be said for Naruto Uzumaki, ever since he can remember, which was only one year ago when he was 3 years old, he knew that his birthday was a special day, of beating.

Flashback one year ago

Naruto was crying in a dark alley, secluded away from the normal population. Screaming for help, but sadly, nothing arrived to help him. He was chased by a chuunin, along with his desperate attempt to run from the chuunin; he turned around, a mob of at least 25 people formed behind him chasing the defenseless little boy. Hearing the shouts of "demon brat" and "let's finish what our hero, the fourth hokage started, and then I'll be a hero as legendary as him" and many more, he had nowhere to go. He looked down at the muddy ground. The earth seemed to be laughing at the boy. Laughing at his pathetic attempt of trying to live with the kyuubi no kitsune, the lord of all demons, and thinking he can live, not that he knew that just yet.

"Why are you people so mean to me!" Naruto cried, trying to get a hold of himself and think of a way to run away from these people, armed with clubs, frying pans, and the ninja of the mob even with kunai, but there was no way out. He saw the mob start to kick the young boy in the stomach, punching him in the face, and tearing his skin apart with kunai. There was blood everywhere, a scream of "HELP!!!!" could be heard within a 2 kilometer radius, but nobody came to his rescue. His vision started to get really, really blurry, and he didn't see anything for two days.

End of flashback

Today he was in the house of the orphan caretaker, he looked out the window, everybody was celebrating the annual defeat of the kyuubi no kitsune, the sacrifice that the legendary yondaime hokage made four years ago. But the caretaker had other plans.

"Come here, Naruto." The caretaker said in a fake sick voice.

"Y-Yes?" Naruto asked, wondering what was wrong with the person who took care of him, not that he really appreciated being beat everyday and eating the leftovers of the already not-so-good food that the other orphans ate. The caretaker secretly told the other orphans to beat on him, exclude him from their childish activities or else they would not get food for the day, of course the other orphans agreed.

"Can you go and buy me some medicine for my cold?" His caretaker said with the best smile he can muster, Naruto knew what he was trying to do with him, but he cannot disobey. "Ok, caretaker-sama." He grabbed the money the caretaker gave him and walked out the door. The caretaker was magically well again, he gave a signal to a person outside. The signal was that the demon was out, and they can do whatever they want to the demon child.

Naruto immediately heard presences around him, there was a group of probably 30 people, fully armed and dangerous. Naruto began to ran, he knew that he was the prey of 30 predators. Naruto didn't know why, he hated this world around him, treating him worse than they would treat any animal, refusing him service even though he had enough money, and the few that did sell him products usually charged a lot more than they would to other people. Every day he walked around the streets unable to ignore the taunts of "Demon" and "Son, never come near that child, or else who knows what that demonic incarnate will do to you?" But today was the celebration, the day where all the adults were seemingly drunk and dangerous.

Naruto was of course, still running, as fast as his four year old legs can carry him. But the adults seemed endless, catching up to him. He tripped on a solid rock, his eyes staring at the ground. He shaked, desperately trying to get away from this nightmare of a place. "WHY!!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME! WHAT HAVE I EVER DONE TO YOU TO GET SUCH A TREATMENT!" Naruto "asked" the villagers. One villager, probably a ninja, responded with a wide smirk, "Because you are the demon brat, you are the one who killed my father!!! Now die so I can be a hero." He grabbed a kunai and threw it at the young Uzumaki. There was no escape. He covered his face with his thin hands, himself pale as anything there was. He thought it was over for him, until…

"Aghhhhhhhh.. what the hell is this!" The ninja said, unbelieving what was in front of him. It was a bright light, it feels like he is staring at the hot summer sun. After two seconds, the ninja and the rest of the mob turned around, the light faded, they saw Naruto, with the kunai caught in his hand.

Naruto felt a very strange sensation when the kunai was thrown at him. It felt like the world was slowing down, he could see every little detail that was there, he can literally count every wrinkle the ninja has. He turned around to the kunai, using his bare hands, he grabbed it, perfectly.

He focused his attention on the chuunin who attacked him, much to his surprise, he is dead.

Naruto knew it was coming, but the clubs and other weapons that would hurt if they made contact with him were moving really, really slow. He ran towards an opening to get out of the corner, and made it out with his new found power.

He sprinted towards the caretaker's house, the caretaker being really shocked he isn't dead of course, but unable to say anything due to what the sandaime hokage would do to him, that old man must be corrupted by the demon. What shocked him even more were his eyes, he saw strange circles, it was a disturbing metallic dull purple color, the white of his eye replaced by circles, he tried desperately to comprehend and do something about it, but to a four year old, that was an impossible task.

Naruto looked at the mirror, and of course, he was screaming at what the hell happened, how he was able to escape from a seemly grim fate, and most of all, what happened to his used-to-be cerulean blue eyes.

A figure dressed in a black robe with a red cloud decoration smiled inwardly. He was going to do something to the young jinchuuriki.

End of prologue

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