Second Best

A/N- This story takes a different turn compared to "New Moon" and the books that follow. Bella never jumps off of the cliff and Edward did not return. Mostly Canon pairings with a few surprises along the way.

I don't own Twilight-lucky Stephenie Meyers does and I also don't own any of the songs that appear in this fanfic…Enjoy!

"You're like an Indian summer in the middle of winter like a hard candy with a surprise center. How do I get better once I've had the best-you said there's 'tons of fish in the water' so the waters I will test. He kissed my lips I taste your mouth..oh oh…he pulled me in I was disgusted with myself. 'Cause when I'm with him I am thinking of you…"

Typical. I haven't listened to any music since…well it has been a long time. I don't know why but I had just felt compelled to turn it on and go figure-THIS song is on.

I was outside in Jacob's garage, waiting for him to come back from his house with some beverages. This was our usual hanging spot, away from Billy and everything else out there in the real world. Out here, we were free and we could talk about anything…well almost.

It was summer vacation. "No more school, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks!" I chuckled to myself as that phrase popped into my head. Jacob and I hung out everyday, all day until it was dinner time. I could be myself around Jacob and I was my happiest around him. As each day passed, I could feel the hole in my heart close and become a little smaller. I could smile and laugh without pain or regret.

I was attending the University of Washington in the fall. I couldn't wait to go. I felt as if my life was really starting to go somewhere. Charlie had wanted to know why I didn't leave Washington and go somewhere different or some Ivy League school, even though we both knew we couldn't afford it. I just couldn't bear to leave Forks for good, not yet anyway. I was excited to have the summer ahead to relax and spend time with Jacob and Charlie.

I sighed and looked out the open door to the bright sunny sky. A hot breeze was blowing, making the trees move back and forth slightly. Months have passed and it had finally dawned on me that he was not returning for me. Three weeks ago, as I walked up to receive my diploma at graduation, a light bulb went off in my head and it clicked that he was gone, really gone. He was a chapter of my life that I had to close. I had to move on, for my sanity and myself. I still can't say his name, of any of their names for that manner, but my life was slowly returning to as normal as it could possibly be, seeing as how I hung out with werewolves now instead.

I was frustrated with the song choice that came on the radio so I turned the dial to see if there was something else to listen to.

"…my life would suck wit out you now…"

Oh come on! This was getting a bit ridiculous! I turned off the radio, convinced that some higher being was trying to tell me that I wasn't ready to listen to music because of the memories that might resurface.

I had just sat down on the small couch that Jacob had gotten for the garage when he appeared, his arm reaching out with a diet coke in his hand.

"Here ya go! Nice and cold…this is some heat wave we are having…I don't even want to work on my new toy…its just too hot!" Jacob said, opening his soda and then sitting down next to me, fanning himself.

I was hot, but nowhere near as hot as Jacob. His body temperature was always higher than any humans so the hot weather made him more uncomfortable. A gleam a sweat was dripping down his face. Without even thinking, I took my soda, which I had not yet opened, and placed it onto his forehead. He leaned back, closed his eyes, and sighed.

"That feels amazing Bells," he said. I suddenly had an idea.

"Hey, why don't we go down to the beach if you're so hot? I have my swimsuit on underneath and we could go for a swim and relax. The car will be here tomorrow and the storm that is heading this way tonight is supposed to cool things down some! Come on! I'll race you!" I put my soda down onto the floor and ran out the open garage door.

I heard Jacob's playful growl behind me as I ran down the drive way to the road. I suddenly felt his arms around me as he lifted me up into the air. He placed me into his arms, cradled me, and I wrapped his arms around his neck. I giggled, and it felt nice.

"Do you honestly think you could out run moi!" Jacob asked me, looking deep into my eyes, a smile implanted on his face.

"Hey, can't fault a girl for trying! Now, can you put me down? You're body temperature is making me sweat!" I said, laughing.

He pouted, but put me down on the ground. I took off my purple tank top and adjusted the straps on my yellow bikini top. In one hand was the tank top and the other hand was in Jacob's as we walked along.

Being with Jacob used to make me feel guilty, as if I was betraying someone. Now, I just always wanted to be with him. He made me so happy. I just wish that I could stop thinking about….

"I'm gonna miss you next year Bells," Jacob said, interrupting my thoughts and stopping to turn his body so that he was looking at me.

"Jacob, we have had this conversation like a million times. I'm only going to be a 3 hour drive away and I will be home on some weekends to visit Charlie…and you of course!" I added when I saw the disappointment etched into his face.

I was chuckling at his facial expressions when he put his hand on my face. He stared intently at me and I stopped laughing. The breeze made his long dark hair move onto his cheeks and his eyes were deep, penetrating my soul it seemed. The heat from his hand was burning my face but I did not make a move to push it away. Instead, I reached up, and grabbed it. I kissed the top of his hand and then placed my hand back into his. Our arms were swinging in between us as we continued down the street to the beach. My heart was racing and I felt giddy. My relationship with Jacob is based on his devoted friendship but lately, I have wanted more. I wanted to fill the void of my heart and wanted to feel…feel…just feel something again. I could tell he wanted more from our relationship too but we both were too chicken to do anything about it. As if in my thoughts with me, we sighed simultaneously, laughed out loud at ourselves, and continued towards the beach.