Bella's POV

"Why don't you just tell him Bella? It's not like you guys aren't perfect for each other! You are both uncommonly smart for your ages and way too engrossed in music! I mean really, do you need to have 132 gigs of music. You'll never even get to listen to it all!" Alice pleaded with me for the 600th time. It was annoying that she had to bring my feelings for Edward up every day. Although, it wouldn't have been that bad if she was the only one pestering me about my unrequited love, but no, of course my life doesn't work that way. I unfortunately receive a constant reminder from my brother Emmett and my other two best friends Rose and Jasper. Why can't they just let it go?

"Because Alice, I can't ruin a lifelong friendship. What if he doesn't feel the same? Do you know how awkward it would be after I told him? Plus, what am I suppose to say to him? 'Hey Edward, I just thought you should know I've been in love with you for the majority of my life, but wasn't ballsey enough to confront you about it, but now your annoyingly rambunctious sister said we are perfect for each other I just had to tell you. Don't you see we are meant to be? We're both smart and like music, how could we not love each other?!' I don't think so Alice! Way too mortifying"

I could see Alice picturing what I told her and how the conversation would play out. Sometimes I don't think she really gets the concept of sarcasm. Actually only Edward really understands my humor out of my five lovely best friends. That's one of the many reasons why I fell for him, he just gets me.

"Come on Bella, you know he feels the same. He has to; you are so nice and beautiful. He probably just hasn't realized how in love with you he really is." Rose added. Beautiful?! Yeah, says the woman who gets offered to model every week! If she wasn't so focused on becoming a mechanic she could have an amazing modeling career.

"Right Rose, you keep on believing that. Plus, why would he want to be with me when he has his group of unwavering followers? They practically piss their pants when he smiles in their general direction."

"They are a bit creepy. Did you know they started a club called the Cullen Lovers? It's not really fair seeing as my last name is Cullen. Why not be Edward's unyielding fans? Or Loves of Edward Cullen?" said Alice.

"Exactly my point! He has them why would he want me when he could have any one of them?" I retorted. I had to admit it was creepy that they followed him everywhere; the guidance counselors at school have to keep his schedule secret for a week so girls wouldn't change their schedules around to be in the same classes as him. They learned that after our sophomore year when girls actually camped out the counselors office in order to be first to change their schedules to match Edwards. The line wrapped around the office building twice. It was even scarier when Edward wanted to add a class himself. He got out somehow, although strangely his underwear was gone.

"Because Bella, they don't compare to you! One you actually know him. Two, you are beautiful, nice, caring, compassionate, smart, loyal, and definitely not creepy. And three you guys have so much in common, you would make the perfect couple. You were made for him, even if he hasn't realized it yet." Rose said.

She did have a point, we do have a lot in common, and maybe we are made for each other. But how is that possible when I've been in love with him since sixth grade and he hasn't even noticed me romantically at all?

"Can we just drop it guys, please? At least for now? We do have to get ready for our beach day." I begged them for the fifth time today. I tried to distract them with Bella Barbie time and threw in my best puppy dog eyes and even a quivering lip. I could tell they were about to give in because Alice always shrugs her shoulders right before and Rose's eyes drop to the floor.

"Fine, but you have to tell him soon. Okay?" Alice commanded. I nodded to appease my best friend. "We mean it Bella. Soon!" Rose added with a stern face, as if she were my mother.

"Sure, Sure. Soon, I get it." With that they dropped the subject and pulled me to the bathroom to start the beautification process. It was usually frustrating having them make me over, but every once in a while it was kind of a nice. Although I would never tell them that, they would get way too much joy out of that statement.

After an hour of torture I was in my brown and baby blue plaid one piece halter swimsuit. Alice and Rose said my old suit was too water aerobics with grandma and not sexy Victoria's secret angel. So we compromised, I got my new suit to be a one suit and comfortable and they got it to be sexier by it having cut out sides and show cleavage with a cut out neckline. They curled my hair so it was it fell in carefree waves and for makeup they did it light with waterproof mascara that elongated my lashes and made them seem much fuller, cover-up with spf 30 that seemed to make me glow and to finish it off cherry red chapstick also with spf 30 that made my plump limps stand out a little more. Once they were done I looked at the final product and I must say I looked hot! Not as beautiful as Rose was in her animal print push-up halter bikini which screamed "SEX!!" or Alice in her hot pink bandeau bikini which made her look sexy yet completely cute but good none the less.

I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by someone honking nonstop and the love of my life yelling at my brother. Edward seemed to be yelling at Emmett for picking out some rap, which Edward hated, and Emmett was yelling back defending his taste in music. As for the honking, Edward was leaning on the steering wheel so the horn was blaring even though he couldn't hear it over the yelling. All the while Jasper was in the back with his hands cupped over his ears and had a pained expression on his face. I couldn't stand the noise anymore and ran outside in just my suit and stormed over the Edward's Volvo xc90, threw his door open and moved his elbow off the horn and leaned over him to turn the music off. He was so captured up in the argument he didn't even seem to notice, neither did Emmett. Jasper did however and as soon as he got out of the car he gave me a big hug and thanked me for saving his ears and allowing him to keep his sanity.

Once inside I went back upstairs to my room and threw on my cuffed capris, a white form fitting tee, and my brown rainbows that the girls picked out for me. I ran downstairs and had Jasper bring in the cooler the boys went to retrieve earlier that day, into the house while I made the picnic we planned to eat later. Once I finished making all the sandwiches I packed them into the cooler along with enough water to drown out all of Africa and in a tote bag threw two family sized bags of chips and some cookies I made earlier that day. While I finished up packing our lunch for the day Jasper packed up activities for us to do at the beach and used my laptop to create a playlist for our day in the sun. When we were finished and packed all the stuff into Edward's car the girls were done getting ready and piled into the car and Emmett decided to forfeit the argument in order to go sit in the back with Rose and I took shotgun.

"Do we have some decent music to listen to?" Edward asked me while chiding Emmett at the same time who just snorted and went back to making out with Rose.

"Yes Ethel, while you were busy bickering with Frank over there I had Jasper make a playlist we would all enjoy." I said while pulling my iPod out of my purse and plugging it into the dock and selected Santeria by Sublime, figuring it would mellow everyone out.

"Thanks Lucy, you're the best." Edward and I have called each other Lucy and Ethel ever since middle school when one Friday night he was spending the night at my house and we found our love for the show 'I Love Lucy'. Ever since then we have been hook and we continue to watch it together every Friday night. Even though I desperately wanted him to be Ricky I could be content with Ethel, she was Lucy's best friend and they spent all their time together.

"So have you thought about where you want to go to?" Edward asked once again on my college choice. He has been pressuring me the past two weeks on where I want to go and whether I know what I want to major as.

"Actually Edward yes I have. I just don't plan on telling you." I teased knowing full well he has been dying to know whether we would be going to the same school. We had applied to the same schools and had decided we would like to go to the same school and would decide together on our final decision.

"Oh come on! I know you got accepted to Yale and Stanford. What about Brown? Didn't you favor it when we visited it last?" Edward queried. I knew had gotten accepted to Brown, because I checked online but I hadn't opened the actual letter from them that I got in the mail today. I was pretty sure Brown was the school we were deciding on, seeing as it was where Edward really wanted to go to and I did as well, but I thought I would make him sweat it out a little.

"Well I did get a letter from them today but I figured I would open it later. No big deal!" I said nonchalantly dismissing what would be my future.

"NO BIG DEAL!! It's a huge deal Bella. How could you not have opened it?!" Edward asked hotly

"She's pretty set on NYU at the moment Edward" Alice said, joining in on the teasing knowing Edward didn't like the idea of me going to New York seeing as I applied there alone because he hated the campus, and being far away from the sunny shores of Cali, also known as home.

I stifled a giggle at the flustered expression on his face and decided to tease him a little more before giving him the news I knew he wanted.

"It is such a beautiful campus plus I love that I'm so far from home and in a big city where I could get lost. It would be like an adventure every day!" I said with a huge smile. Alice couldn't help but giggle as Edward's hands tightened on the steering wheel.

"I don't like it that you are so far from me and in such a big city where something could happen to you. It makes me nervous that I'm not a phone call away from being there for you." I couldn't help but get giddy at the fact that he didn't want to be separated from me. He was so protective of me; it was another thing I loved about hm.

"Aww, that's so sweet, I don't like being away from you either Edward. If you want I could open the letter from Brown right now with you, it's in my purse." I said trying to play it cool and not seem like I was thrilled of being accepted to our dream school and desperately wanting to see his reaction to it.

Rose, Emmett, Jasper, and Alice all knew I got accepted already but I told them not to tell Edward because I wanted to see his reaction and to tell him myself. I wanted it to be a special moment even if it was only special to me.

"Of course! Open. Open. Open! "Edward chanted excitedly. He was so cute when he was thrilled about something. That thought made me smile big time, he was thrilled to be going to the same school, almost as thrilled as me.

"Hmmmm…..oh well." I said with a sorrowful voice while reading the letter, desperately trying to trick him a little more.

"Oh well? What does that mean? Did you not get in?" He asked with a frown on his adorable face.

"It means….." I prolonged the silence.

"What does it mean Isabella?" He asked with a strained voice, whether from annoyance or sorrow I wasn't quite sure.

"It means…..I got in!" I said with excitement and a little laugh.

"OH MY GOD! WHOOOOOOOOO! WE'RE GOING TO BROWN!!! I KNEW YOU WOULD GET IN!" he yelled while smiling hugely.

The rest of the day we played around and Edward was constantly smiling and reminding me we were going off to college together. We played volleyball and tossed the football around the rest of the day as well as splashing each other in the water and goofing around. When the sun set we decided it was time to pack up and go home. Edward decided he wanted to take me out to dinner at our favorite little Italian restaurant Bella Italia, to celebrate my acceptance to Brown and so we could discuss our move there.

He dropped Emmett and I off at home and told me he would pick me up in two hours for dinner. I told him okay and ran upstairs.

I took a shower trying to wash all the sand off my body and cleaning the salt water out of my hair. Once I finished I blew my hair dry which made it crazy and put it into a sloppy bun not really caring. I threw on my black skinny jeans paired with a white tee and pinstriped vest that accentuated my bosom. My flat black boots that went to my knees got placed over my jeans, making my look very cute and sexy. I knew the girls would be proud of my ensemble. When I was done I went downstairs to make dinner for Emmett and to call Alice.

When I finished making Emmett his favorite, mesquite chicken and roasted potatoes with herbs, I called Alice.

"Hello? Bella?" Alice answered on the first ring.

"Hey Alice! I just wanted to see what you are up to. I got bored while waiting for Edward."

"Waiting for Edward? What are you talking about? Edward has a date tonight." Alice replied confusedly.

"Oh, well Edward said he wanted to take me take me to dinner to celebrate getting into Brown. Maybe you are confused about his date. Maybe it is tomorrow?" I replied hopeful he wouldn't cancel on me for a date yet still being crushed that the date wasn't with me.

"No, he told me he had a date tonight when we got back from dropping everyone off. He was really excited about it. I think he really likes this girl. He begged me to make him look good tonight." She laughed at the end of her comment. "He says it as if I don't make him look good every day. Anyways, he said he isn't sure if she likes him but he's wants to talk about it with her over dinner."

My heart broke as I heard her talking about how excited Edward was to go out with this girl and breaking our dinner all in the same. It hurt that he forgot about me in a matter of two hours, but then again he must have forgotten about her in order to ask me to dinner.

"BELLA!" Alice screamed waking me from my near comatose state.

"What Alice?" I asked in my best cheery voice, not wanting to burden her with my sadness.

"What's wrong? You got very quiet. Is it because he's going out on a date?"Alice asked.

"Of course it's because he is going out on a date! I'm in love with him, how could this not hurt, he is going out with girl that isn't me and ditches me for her. I just don't understand why he asked me to dinner if he was planning on going out with this girl all along. I mean he asked me when he dropped us off and said he would pick me up in two hours. It's been almost two hours! We were going to go to our favorite place, Bella Italia, he better not be taking her to our place." I was getting a little angry he would just ditch his best friend for some girl whom I'm sure was part of the Cullen Lovers fan club.

"Bella? Did you say he was going to pick you up at 8 and take you to Bella Italia?" Alice asked with hesitance and was that a bit of excitement?

"Yeah, it's our favorite place and when you guys dropped Emmett and I off at 6 he said two hours. So if I'm doing my math right it would be 8. Why do you ask?" Curious at where she was going with this.

"Bella, that's where he is going with his date and-" She was cut off by Edward yelling to her that he was leaving. Of course, he is going with his date to the same place he asked me to go out to, how thoughtful of my soon to be ex best friend. Ass!

"Bella, what are you wearing?" Alice asked with concern.

"Why Alice I never knew you felt that way! I'm wearing a little black number you would love and I seemed to misplace my underwear." I joked.

"Haha, very funny Bella, but really what are you wearing?"

"My black skinny jeans with my black boots over them and white tee shirt and the vest you got me last week. Why does it matter?"

"Oh Bella I'm so proud of you, you actually put a good outfit together! That will be perfect for tonight; cute but not showing him you want him too much or putting a lot of effort but just enough."

"Alice what are you talking about? Edward is going on his date."

"I know and do you know who his date is?"She asked with a tone used for children. How would I know who his date is, it's not like we talk about who he fancies. That would hurt way too much to discuss.

"No, who is it Alice?" I asked with a bored tone knowing full well she would tell me anyways.
