Hello there^^

This is a Naruto Harry Potter crossover with Naruto paired up with Itachi. I dicided to write this some time ago after I noticed there are barely any HPXNaruto crossover with Itanaru. And most of them don't get uploaded anymore. That's just so sad TT_TT

Anyways here's the summary:

After Killerbee gets 'caught' by the Akatsuki, Naruto is the only jinchuuriki (if the spelling is wrong, it's on purpose XP) left. So Tsunade and the council decide to send Naruto to the Wizarding world, mainly Hogwarts. Naruto is to spend there a whole school term with an ANBU (Itachi XD ) as a guard, while they hopefully solve the Akatsuki problem. Takes place in Harrys fifth year at Hogwarts. After Naruto turns sixteen things get complicated. Naruto has to take over the position of a clan head in Konohas council , meaning he has to learn about diplomacy and other stuff. Then he finds out his guard is Itachi. He's seriously pissed off and gets into a fight with Itachi (I mean a real fight not some verbal fight).Then a marriage contract concerning him is found. . .

Just so you know Itachi didn't die after his wight with Sasuke, that was a blood clone. He faked his death in hopes that if Sasuke succeded in killing him he would get back to Konoha, but unfortunately Madara got to him before that could happen. (He was a spy for Konoha all along)

The rating is m 'cause there will hopefully be some lemons (if i succed in writing one^^)

"English talking" „Japanese talking"


"Demon talking/thinking"

Dreams/ flashbacks

"Come on, Naruto, stop pouting" said Kakashi. He leaned back into his seat and groaned softly.

Naruto scowled at his sensei.

'A ninja with motion sickness, this is ridiculous' he thought.

The two of them were sitting in two very uncomfortable seats of an airplane heading to England. If it weren't for the situation Naruto was in he would have laughed at his sensei's misfortune.

"I'm not pouting" he hissed back.

"Of cause you are. The old hag shipped us off to some small ass country behind the mists of the shinobi world just because an evil organization is after our ass. She seriously needs to get laid maybe she'd …" the Kyuubi muttered. He too was pissed off at Tsunade for forcing Naruto to leave Konoha just before the real action with the Akatsuki began.

'Eew… Kyuubi, SHUT UP. Eew I'm never going to get this picture out of my head. Come on Baa-chan doing… that ….. I'm scarred for life.'

A weak chuckle from his right brought Naruto back to reality. Kakashi's pale face was inches from his. Startled, Naruto nearly jumped out of his seat.

"You okay, Naruto, you kind of seemed horrified for a minute" he stated, still chuckling, that is until his face, or what you could see of it, turned a slight green color. With a suffering groan he laid back in his seat again.

He and Kakashi were forced to wear civilian clothes for their journey to England. Kakashi was wearing a grey pullover, dark blue jeans and a jacket. Even though it was quite warm a scarf was covering the lower part of his face, a patch over his left eye hiding his Sharingan.

Naruto was wearing simple blue jeans and a black t-shirt with an orange swirl on it. He was not wearing his jacket.

They spent the rest of the flight in silence with Kakashi groaning softly with every motion the plane did. At the landing the older man finally lost the contents of his stomach to a brown paper-like bag. It was still early in the morning when the two ninjas arrived in London.

As they were leaving the plane Kakashi turned to Naruto.

"Naruto, don't be angry at Hokage-sama. You know she had no choice but to send you away, do you." Said Kakashi, still a bit pale.

"I know Sensei, I'm not angry at her. I just hate it to leave. The village is in danger and I can do nothing to protect it. I'll never be a Hokage that way" murmured Naruto, still pouting.

"Naruto, we had to drag you out of Konoha by force, don't say such nonsense. You'll make a great Hokage."

Naruto had nothing to reply to that, though the pout didn't disappear from his face as they made their way to the entrance hall of the London they would meat a man named Severus Snape who would bring them to the old fried of the Sandaime, someone called Dumbledore.

Kakashi was tying to find that man in the crowd of people while Naruto thought back on how he came to be in this situation.

Naruto was taking a shower. It was early in the morning so it was quite a surprise for him as someone rung his doorbell.

Cursing under his breath he made his way to answer, his hair was still covered in shampoo, with only a towel around his waist.

A Chunin messenger was at the door. They stood on the doorsteps for a few minutes just staring at each other.

Naruto's eyebrow started twitching. The guy was checking him out.

Over time Naruto had grow into a handsome, and though nobody would dare to say it to his face, pretty, young man. His face lost his baby fat and his whiskers thinned out. All in all his face looked like a more delicate version of the Yondaime though his eyes were a bit bluer and his hair was a shade blonder than that of his father. And even though he had grown quite a bit he was still too small for his age, only as tall as Sakura. His body was pretty slim. Kiba once said that he looked like a girl, he stayed unconscious for three days after that incident.

Clearing his throat he glared at the Chunin.

The Chunin blushed a dark red color, "Ho-hokage-sama asked for your presence in a council meeting," he stuttered, realizing he had been staring.

With an annoyed huff Naruto slammed the door shut, right into the face of the man.

Grumbling he made his way back to the bathroom. He still had to rinse out the shampoo out of his hair.He quickly finished his shower and put on his clothes, all the while muttering something that sounded suspiciously like "stupid old hag".

As he entered the council chamber he instantly knew something was wrong. You could feel the tension in the air.All of the council members were present. He was asked to take place on the chair that was standing in the middle of the round room.

"Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, you were called before this council so that we could inform you of an important matter" he was addressed by Koharu, one of the advisors of the Hokage, as soon as he took a seat.

Naruto glanced at Tsunade.

"We recently were informed by the Raikage that Killerbee, the container of the Rokubi, was caught by the Akatsuki" she said sighting.

Naruto's eye widened at that.

"So I'm the last one left" he muttered quietly, more to himself that to the council.

They heard him anyway.

"Yes you are. And since you are the last jinchuuriki left, this council decided that you have to be kept out of reach of the Akatsuki" the Godaime continued.

"What do you mean by that? Don't tell me I'll be followed by ANBU wherever I go" he groaned. He still remembered that a whole squad of them used to follow him around when he was small.

Noticing the dark look on Tsunade's face he became nervous.

"No, Naruto, you will be sent away from this village" she said.

"Huh?" was Naruto's intelligent comment.

"You will be leaving Konohagakure; we will hide you at a safe place outside of the Shinobi nations."

He still couldn't believe they really pulled it of. Now he was spending a whole year away from home, at some stupid school for wizards.

Kakashi would stay with him for a while, till the new school term started. And then he would have to spend the rest of they year with total strangers and an ANBU guard that would arrive the same time Kakashi had to leave.

It was the 12th of August and the school term started on the 1st of September, so he had barely two weeks before his sensei was replaced by an ANBU guard.

He was so lost in his thoughts he didn't notice the tall black haired man that had joined him and Kakashi. He didn't even notice a conversation took place.

He was jerked out of his by Kakashi's hand on his shoulder.

"Naruto you ok? Don't space out on me" he said to Naruto in Japanese.

Only then did Naruto notice the tall, black haired man by their side. He had shoulder length black, slightly greasy, hair and a sneer on his face, that seemed to be was dressed in simple jeans, a dark shirt and a black coat. The clothes looked out of place on his tall frame. He was obviously a wizard. It seemed that he, like himself and Kakashi, was not used to this kind of attire.

"This is the man that's supposed to pick us up, Severus Snape. He'll take us to their Ministry now, there we will meet Dumbledore-san" Kakashi told him when he saw Naruto's questioning look.

Naruto bowed in greeting. The Snape person only nodded his head.

"Follow me" he said to Kakashi coldly, obviously annoyed that he had to pick them up.

The man turned around and made his way through the crowed of people to the exit, without sparing them another glance, not waiting for them.

"What's wrong with him" Naruto asked his sensei.

Shrugging Kakashi followed the wizard out of the airport, Naruto at his side.

The followed the black haired man through the streets of London until they got to a deserted street with a red telephone booth.

Snape stepped inside. The he turned around and glared at them. Not understanding what he wanted from them the ninjas stared back.

"Come inside" Snape hissed at them.

"That one needs to get laid, too" Kyuubi muttered.

Naruto ignored him in favor of staring at Kakashi. Shrugging the copy ninja stepped inside the booth. Sighting Naruto followed after him.

Inside the booth was a heavily damaged phone. Nevertheless Snape picked up the phone and dialed.

After a short moment a cool female voice answered, her voice as clear as if she was standing right behind them.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. Please state your name and business"

The wizard answered for them. Naruto just shrugged at that.

"Thank you," said the cool female voice. "Visitors, please take the badge and attach it to the front of your robes."

Snape attached his badge, which he had gotten out of the metal chute where returned coins usually appeared, and handed the other two badges to the two ninjas.

The female voice spoke again.

"Visitors to the Ministry, you are required to submit to a search and present your wand for registration at the security desk which is located at the far end of the Atrium."

Then the floor of the telephone booth shuddered and they were sinking into the ground,

"The Ministry of Magic wishes you a pleasant day" said the women's voice after the floor of the booth came to a stop.

The door sprung open and they stepped out.

The next minutes passed like a blur. After being searched by the security wizard, Kakashi and Naruto followed Snape through the halls of the Ministry, that looked more like they would fit better into a palace then a ministry. Everything was shiny and highly polished.

After walking through some halls they stepped into a lift. Several paper aero planes were flapping above their heads. Snape made no move to same female voice announced the levels they were passing and the departments that were on that level.

As the voice announced "Level Five, Department of International Magical Co-operation, incorporating the International Magical Trading Standards Body, the International Magical Office of Law and the International Confederation of Wizards, British Seats"

As they stepped out of the lift they saw a person waiting for them. He was quite old, his long hair and beard were sliver and he was wearing long midnight-blue robes. His blue eyes twinkling at the three men warmly.

"Thank you, Severus. You may go now," he said to their unfriendly guide. After a short nod, Snape turned around and left.

Then he turned around and looked at the two ninjas. Smiling warmly he introduced himself in flawless Japanese.

" You two must be Naruto-san and Kakashi-san. A pleasure to meet you. I am Albus Dumbledore and it seems young Naruto here will spend this school term at my school."

Thank you for reading. I hope you like it^^ Please review.