i do not own anything except the OC's and other stuff that i make up :) if i did own HP or Buffy then i would be living in a manor in Italy
Second Chance Sunnydale Style
CH.1 Roll The Dice
Below a blood red moon in a clearing deep within the centre of the forbidden forest a black haired, green eyed twenty year old man limped into view, black battle robes ripped to shreds and hanging limply from his body. After passing the tree line the man lost his balance and crashed to the ground, gasping and coughing up blood as his injuries were jarred by hitting the forest floor. The man dragged himself through the clearing, to its centre, leaving a trail of blood behind him.
Smiling bitterly the man whispered, "guess I left an obvious trail for any of those fuckers who are still alive to follow. Doesn't matter, they can't stop me now, no one can." His British accent coming through strongly despite the fatigue in his voice.
Clambering to his hands and knees the blood soaked man pulled a worn and pitted shaft of holly from a holster in his sleeve. Staring at his wand wistfully with happier memories playing through his mind the black robed wizard closed his eyes and stabbed his wand deep into the soft leaf covered ground calling out "suscipio tutela".
The wizard knelt there as a runic array came to life beneath him, glowing through the soil which had hidden it from view and stretching out through the forest in every direction, coming almost to its boarders. The runes shifted through the colour spectrum as pulses of magic flowed from the man, lightning crackling across his hand where it gripped the wand and crawling down the wand into the ground at the centre of the runic array.
The winds began to whip around the clearing, spreading outwards through the forest as the night sky was blocked by clouds that continued to grow darker as they gathered.
"Don't worry guys, I'll save you, I promise. I'll stop him and none of you will ever have to suffer" the man promised, staring at the clouds converging over head as a light rain began to fall.
The clomp, click of hooves echoed through the air and a flash of flame announced the arrival of Fawkes the phoenix as a herd of unicorns pranced into the clearing staying just at the tree line. Fawkes landed on the wizards shoulder, nudging his head against the man's cheek.
"What the hell is going on Fawkes" the wizard asked in a bewildered voice.
Glancing around at the unicorns surrounding the clearing, the man's eyes immediately switched to the ancient looking one that began to approach him, its white coat glowing softly in the night, glints of light reflecting off its sharp horn. The green eyed wizard lifted his hand in greeting, palm out, head lowered respectfully as the unicorn moved towards him.
A painful prick, followed by a soothing coolness that seemed to enter and spread through the wizards body caused the man to jerk his head up and see that the blind unicorn had thrust its horn into his palm, piercing past the skin. The unicorn pulled away from the man and rejoined its herd as the wizard pulled his hand to his chest, extremely confused. Fawkes began crooning, and prodding at the hand. When given access to the wound the phoenix began to sing in earnest, a song of safety and warmth as he cried tears and blood into the gash. The unicorns began to whinny and stomp in a calming rhythm along with the phoenix song until a glowing flash of glitter and light ended the flow of music.
"I really hope that was a blessing" the man muttered as he stared down at the new starburst shaped scar on the middle of his left palm. "As Ron would have said this is bloody mental".
Sighing as Fawkes flapped his way into the trees and thunder and lightning began to play in the sky the wizard closed his eyes and began to chant, his voice rising from a whisper to a yell.
"EGO dico super vox of veneficus , animus of universum audite meus placitum. EGO queso vos ut a parvulus of lux lucis , transporto mihi tergum ut cuspis qua EGO peniculus manuum per nex , qua verto cuspis in fatum futurus sic EGO may redintegro nefas in meus semita. EGO precor redeo in veneficus , mens quod animus , commodo transporto mihi tergum pro meus penitus quod mos es putus quod validus. Transporto mihi tergum."
The entire runic array glowed with blinding intensity, as a pulse of magic so strong even muggles on the other side the world felt it swept out from the wizard. In a flash of silver light, the call of phoenix song and the stamp of unicorn hoof, Harry James Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived disappeared as time unravelled and reversed itself.
Latin translations
"begin charging"
"I call upon the power of magic, soul of the universe hear my plea. I beseech you as a child of the light, send me back to the point where I brushed hands with death, where the turning point in destiny exists so I may fix the wrongs on my path. I beg to go back in magic, mind and soul, please send me back for my intent and will are pure and strong. Send me back."
Hope you like, please read and review. suggestions for improvement are appreciated :) (please be nice this is my first attempt at fanfiction)