I'm back haha! The muse hit me again. Well mainly I need to get into the writing mode for research paper. So what better way then to practice with my favorite characters :) Hope you guys like!

Oh course you know I do not own these characters, I'm just using them for my own day dream story!

Red eyes follow the orange leaves whisking past the window and dancing in the fall weather. Remy stared out the window with glazed look on his pale, sunken face. It had been almost a month since the event, Remy still was without full power, it felt like an excruciating amount of time. Scott grounded him on missions until Hank and Emma felt ok with him using his powers in battle. He was forced to endure the nagging questions from his students, and the agonizing pain of being alone. He hadn't seen Rogue since he woke up. Everyone kept asking him what had happened, where did she go, but he never spoke about it. His lips were chapped from his silence.

'Remy are you even listening to me?' the voice bounced around in the void.

His eyes flickered as he looked towards the interior of the room. "Non." His stare narrowed towards the woman in front of him, "I'm a grown man, I don 'ave ta listen to the words of a traitorous witch."

Blues eyes pierced into him, "Remy, there is no need to be so defensive. Everyone is trying to help." The woman pushed her hair behind her ear and sighed while writing notes down.

"Jus cuz you can git into my 'ead, don' mean you a psychiatrist, Emma." He gritted his teeth as he spoke before his eyes reached back outside towards the dancing leaves.

"Remy, you want to go back in the field… but I can't approve of that until I feel that you are of sane mind. You have to talk to me about what happened that night. I need to know how much you remember."

Remy jumped from his chair barring his teeth, "Don you act like you know! You don know not'in!" he spat as he yelled, "Everyt'ing was fine until…" His brows softened as the last words escaped from his lips. He slowly melted back into his chair defeated, everything was perfect. He finally had the love he craved since childhood, he had family, he had a place to call home… He was finally content with life. And it blew up, it fucking literally blew up from his own power. Such irony. "Pardon, I don mean ta yell."

"Remy…" A softness washed over Emma's face, it was hard for everyone to see Remy like this. He was always so sure, and so strong; but now? He was withered and always questioning. "It's fine to get upse…" Emma perked her head to the side as if something had caught her ear. "Excuse me, Scott needs to talk to me." She quickly rose and brushed the wrinkles from her skirt before walking towards the door.

Remy only could hear murmurs from the door, normally he would strain to hear glimpses of what they were talking about but now he didn't care. Emma hurried back into the room watching to see if Remy had been eavesdropping. "Remy, I'm so sorry, but I really have to go to a meeting. We will meet tomorrow, the same time, ok?" She grabbed up her books and before he could respond she was out the door.

He leaned his face against his hand and stared into the autumn sky. He knew he needed to move forward. He wanted to get back into the field where he felt like a man; the only thing he looked forward to now was sparring class with advance students where he felt needed. It felt good to teach, something he never thought he'd enjoy. Before it was just a part of the agreement, you lived in the mansion, you taught, you fought. He didn't think much of it. But he now started to enjoy teaching, he felt overcome with the emotion it brought him. He heard the birds chirping outside, the melody started to lure his eyes close as he sunk into the couch.


The voice tickled over his face causing a smirk to appear on his face.


The voice whispered to him again a sing songy voice. The voice soothed over him relaxing all the tenseness in his body. He felt her above him, light curls tickling his cheeks. His chest expanded as he inhaled the scent of autumn with a hint of cinnamon. Smiling he slowly opened his eyes. His smile widened as his eyes focused on the beauty above him. Orange and yellow leaves rustled in the trees above them leaving songs on the passing wind. He knew this memory, it was right when they moved back. They were picnicking in the gardens waiting for the moving truck. They were so in love.

Smiles, giggles, and kissing permeated the air as they rolled and embraced in the leaves. "Sugah, ya happy to be back here?" Rogue asked arching her eyebrows at the man.

"Corse. I t'ink dis will be very good." He smiled at her before leaning in and placing a kiss on her forehead. "I will get t'spend more time wit you, chere. Dat is de best. No more stealing, or agent fer hire like in california. T'be honest, feels good t'be a hero again." He smiled and winked at her. Everything was so different, but so perfect. He felt so relaxed and at ease. He didn't care anymore with being a hard ass, he was just so happy finally being with the woman he loved. He grabbed her waist and rolled himself on top of her making them roll into the leaves just off of their quilt with a loud crunch. Her curls tangled with the bright crisp leaves creating a halo effect around her face. Her eyes wer bright against the complimentary colors, and her skin was glowing. He hadn't seen her look this happy in her eyes in so long. The look made a feeling of peace wash over him. "Je t'aime, chere" he whispered as he leaned into her lips.

Her face warmed as it flushed with arousal. His hands lightly traced down her torso tickling her sides as he went. Rogue grabbed at the edges of the blanket they were laying on and wrapped them around Remy's shoulders after peeling his tshirt from his chest. He quickly made his way down to her skirt where his hand disappeared to slip her underwear off and discarded them into the leaf pile. Rogue took lead the same time pushing Remy's pants to his knees.

He captured her gasp with his mouth as he sunk his fingers into her warmth. She felt so perfect and tasted so sweet. Their kiss deepened and became more frantic as he moved his hand. She moaned into their kiss as he pulled out his coated fingers and positioned himself over her. Starting slowly and ending with a thrust he slid into her. This time it was him who released a moan of bliss into their kiss. The pleasure made him break their kiss to exhale the sound of ecstasy again.

"Mon dieu, chere. You feel so good… So perfect." He gasped.

In broken whispers, "Oh Remy… Ah love ya… Oh Ah love ya so much." She arched her head back and dug her fingers into the crisp leaves.

With those words he stopped his ravaging of her and cupped her face. "You are mah life, chere, you know dat?" He continued after she nodded with a little confusion. "T'ings are so diff'rent now since Madripoor. I can't imagine my life without you. Don' you ever leave me, please mon amor, don' you run away."

"Remy, Ah want you to be my partner in life. Ah won't ever run away." She smiled from ear to ear, " Yer stuck with this here swamp rat."

He smirked at her before silencing her giggles with a kiss. They both grasped at each other as they melted into one following the ecstasy of orgasm. The rumble of a moving truck brought him back from her. He lifted himself up from the ground buttoning his pants. "Roguey?" He looked around himself. "Rogue!" His voice felt paniced as he knelt down where they were laying. Crawling on all fours he pushed around the leaves. There were so many leaves, he doesn't remember that many. He started digging through the pile, anxious sweat dripping from hi forehead, soon his hands hit something. "Roguey! ROGUE!" He pushed the leaves away from her face, away from her pale skin, and bluish lips. Digging quicker and screaming for her, he touched his hand against her cold skin and motionless body.


Remy's eyes jumped open.