"Hate" was the question, and love was her only answer that she knew would last.

So many years have fallen with her many tears that she has stopped counting how many had passed.

"Just how far along are they?!"

"About a mile from the Queen's gates, Sir!"

Integra burst through her office doors and stormed over to a large wooden cabinet that sat in the far corner of her room. Not wanting to deal with the combination of the lock, she took out her pistol and shot it, causing the metal to fall to the ground.

"Are the troops surrounding the castle? Is the Queen being transported to a safer location?"

Integra shouted grabbing supplies from her cabinet. Walter stood there watching her place large and heavy body army over her shoulders. He shook his head and closed his eyes.

"Madam, you will have to forgive me but I do not know. All I know is that Alucard, Seras and Yves are making their way there as we speak."

Just as Walter has said this the sound of shattering glass startled him and Integra. The Large window over looking her garden was smashed through by men in German Uniforms. They rolled as their bodies hit the floor, but only to stand up right and aim guns. Bursting in through her office was Ramsden, smiling brightly as his men rushed in beside him.

"Ah, Sir Integra I am pleased that I caught you while you still in. Knowing how busy you are, I was afraid I would arrive to an empty home." He said playfully.

The German soldiers surrounded Integra, blocking any escape they had. They confiscated all of her and Walter's weapons. Integra's eyes held nothing but pure hate as she stared at Ramsden. "Funny. I am not the least surprised that this was you all along."

"Oh?" He asked with a cold smile. "And what gave me away?"

Integra smirked. "You too damn predictable. Like glass, your transparent. You couldn't lie for the life you."

Laughing, Ramsden walked up to Integra. "Oh yes, I girl as smart as you could probably see through my dark veils. And it only makes me want you even more, my dear." Ramsden then twirled a piece of Integra's hair, only to have her shove him away from her.

Walter stepped in front of the two. "You keep your hands-

He was interrupted by the sound of Ramsden and his men loading their guns and pointing them at him.

"Hands where I can see them." Ramsden said coldly, keeping his pistol pointed at Walter. Walter listened and raised his hands in the air.

"Your maid better learn his manners." Ramsden said to Integra in a small laugh. Setting his attention back to Walter, he motioned for him to move away from Integra. "Hands behind you back and walk over to that corner."

Sighing, Walter slowly turned around and made his way to the corner of Integra's office.

"I said hands behind you back!" Ramsden shouted lowering his gun. With his back facing him, Walter smiled. Cracking his neck, he then laughed. "As you wish" he said jerking his hands behind his back. As he did this, Ramsden's gun split in half and fell to the ground. Blood suddenly spurted from the German soldiers surrounding, and they fell to the ground in pieces.

As Ramsden looked around to see his men being slaughtered, Integra gave him a hard punch in the stomach, causing him to collapse in pain.

"Walter. Contact Alucard!" Integra shouted running for the door.

"Yes my lady!"

"Tell him that I shall meet him at the palace as soon as possible and if for whatever reason I don't, tell him to remain there and protect the queen at all cost!"

Knowing what she meant by "If for whatever reason I don't" meant, Walter gave her a concerned look. "But my lady-

"DO AS I SAY!" Integra shouted setting her back on Ramsden who was just recovering from his blow.

"If you want me…" Integra said in a low and taunting voice. "Then get your betraying ass up and come get me!" and with that Integra took off down her long and dark hallway. Stumbling to his feet, Ramsden grabbed one of the soldier's guns and ran after the woman.

It was all too familiar. Running down the dark hallway of her own home, trying to escape death. This time was different though. Integra was not going to die. She knew where she was going. She knew what the key to her salvation was.

Entering the secret chamber as she did as a child, Integra dashed down the stone stairs leading into darkness. The sound of foot steps echoed behind her as she ran. Just as she made the last stair, a bullet grazed her leg causing her to hit the ground harshly, and tumbled all the way to the dark center of the chamber.

"Hehe." Ramsden laughed, walking down the stone stair case. "You know Integra, your words back there stirred up something inside I haven't felt in years."

Lying on her back, Integra looked up to see the dark wall behind her. An all too familiar shadow lay against the wall, draped with chains and spider webs. Slowly sitting up, Integra looked at Ramsden who stood aiming his gun towards her.

"Yes. I seem to have that effect on people." Integra spat, looking at the wound on her leg. It was bleeding profusely.

"You certainly do." Ramsden joked evilly. Integra was horrified to see that the men that Walter had slaughtered just minutes ago now walked down the stones stairs where Ramsden stood. Seeing her reaction, Ramsden laughed aloud. "You know it is a shame you vampire wasn't able to be here to meet mine."

"Yours?!" Integra shouted in fury.

"A new race. The ULTIMATE breed. The cross breed between vampire and human. All the power and intelligence of a vampire, with all the attributes of a human; love, regret, hate, sadness, happiness and above all SELF CONTROL!" Ramsden said happily. This is the army that I have built for the last seven years. This army is the first of its kind!...well…" Ramsden continued. "Maybe not the first. There was…Eloise."

Remembering the small little child that he had shown her seven years ago, Integra eyes opened wide. "Monster. What kind of barbarian would take a child away from her parents to perform horrific experimentations on them?" Integra shouted angrily.

Squinting his eyes, Ramsden smiled coldly. "Oh don't worry. She was never taken from me."

Realizing what he meant, it took all of Integra strength no to vomit in disgust. "For God's sake your own daughter, Augustus?"

Laughing, Ramsden loaded his gun. "You know Integra, you are truly pathetic with out your vampire pet to throw around at people. But having vampires of my own, I do understand now why you show yours off constantly."

Listening to his words, Integra looked back down at her injury. She dipped her fingers in the small pool of blood and rose in to her face. "Tell me, Augustus…do they thirst blood?"

Raising an eyebrow to her question, Ramsden grinned nervously. "Of course they do. They are just able to control their urges."

"Funny." Integra said studying her fingers. "A TRUE vampire…regardless of how in control they are presumed to be, will take any opportunity to drink blood at the snap of a finger." Integra then snapped her blood covered fingers, causing her blood to splash behind her and land on shadowy figure behind her. Hearing the sound of chains rattling behind her, Integra ginned and folded her arms.

"Oh Augustus, you are right. It is a shame that Alucard wasn't able to meet your vampires."

To Ramsden's surprise, red eyes suddenly appeared from behind Integra. The sound of chains ripping from the walls startled the tall blonde man so that he dropped his gun.

"So you'll just have to settle on the next best thing." Integra laughed.

The eyes then rose so that they where above the ground at a terrifying height. There was the sound of growling and snarling from the shadows as the pair of red eyes turned to many.

"Ready your selves!" Ramsden shouted to his men as he watched the eyes pierce through his.

"Hmm. It seems your pets cannot be killed and my pet is hungry." Integra said with a smile. "Whenever your ready, slave."

Right as she had finished speaking, a monstrous black creature came bolting out from the shadows and towards Ramsden and the troops. Many of the soldiers shot at it, and many others attacked him with their own power. But non where close to being a match for him.

Watching the massacre, Integra just smirked as she watched Ramsden being torn to shreds. Normally she wouldn't enjoy this, but this was no time for feeling sorry about it now.

When the last of the soldiers where swallowed whole, The creature's body took it's original form. Integra knew that she had defiantly lost track of time because walking towards her was not the small 12 year old boy that she knew seven years ago. Oh no. This vampire towered above her, with hair that reached the floor. His body was matured, from his face, right down to his feet. For a moment, Integra could have sworn that this was Alucard walking towards her. Reaching her, the vampire slowly bowed.

"Hello James." Integra said in a warm voice.

"Hello, my master." James responded.

Integra nearly fell flat on her face when she heard his voice. It sounded identical to his father's, but carried his mother's English accent.

"It has been far too long James, but you are needed here once again and that is why I have awakened you." Integra started. "I fear that this may be too much for your father to handle alone. We must meet him and your mother at the Queen's palace."

Integra then slowly stood up, biting back the pain from her injury. "This family reunion might be interesting.

"You are SCUM, you know that?!" Seras shouted as she fought back German soldiers outside the gates of the royal palace. Fighting back soldiers not too far away from her was Yves.

"Really! Zis is not ze time to be insulting me!" Yves shouted, kicking back a soldier, and then shooting him.

"Then when will you ever get it through your thick skull that I want nothing to do with you!" Seras screamed, finishing off her last few attackers. "I am nearly twice your age!"

"Oh come on!" Yves said turning towards her and shooting the soldier's surrounding her. "You don't look a day over twenty."

"Eighteen to be exact, but that is beside the point!" Seras shouted, wiping the blood from her skirt. All of the soldiers lay motionless on the ground.

"When we are called to duty, I will not have your shenanigans interrupt my commanding!"

"I won't have to interrupt if you would just give it a chance!" Yves said, throwing his brown hat on the ground.

Seras groaned out loud and shoved passed him. "How many times must I tell you that first of all I am YOUR commander and second I am already in a relationship?" Seras yelled, kneeling down beside one of the soldiers.

"Oh yes. A RELATIONSHIP wiz a guy who looks like he should be in some horror picture film. Speaking of which, where in ze hell is he? Wasn't he supposed to guard ze palace with us?"

"He's inside the palace guarding the queen." Seras said, studying the Soldier's uniform. "German…?" Seras whispered. Right as she had said this, she felt a vibration pulsating through the ground. Looking up from where she knelt, she knew more of the soldiers where approaching.

Catching Seras off guard, a hand suddenly wrapped around Seras' neck, raising her up above the ground. Seras was surprised to see that it was the same dead soldier she had studies, only now his eyes where burning red, and fangs over lapped his lower lip.

Before Yves had time to react, all the soldiers he had shot around him, stood and leapt on him, only now they were stronger.

Seras struggled for breath as she was being held in the air. He legs dangled above the ground, and her face began to turn even paler that it already was. Right as she though she was about to pass out, the soldier's grimace smiled turned to an expression of horror as large black bugs crawled through his mouth. Seras was immediately released and fell to the ground gasping from breath. The soldier's body fell to the ground in front of her and looked as if it was half devoured. Looking up, Seras saw Alucard folding his arms and giving her a displeasing look. He then turned around and walked over to where Yves was being attacked. As though they where rag dolls, Alucard ripped the heads off the soldiers that where attacking Yves. He took the one by the back of the neck and held it as if it were a small dog.

"Sigh…another failed breed of artificial vampires." Alucard grumbled, ripping the head off of the soldier and tossing it to the side.

"Master" Seras started, watching them form back to their originally forms and stand. "I don't believe this breed has failed. I have seen these men before years ago with the Millennium."

Seeing that the soldiers that he had just dismembered where indeed still moving and now standing, Alucard smirked. "So I see. Perhaps this night shall not be a complete waste of my time after all."

Alucard's small grin turned to a furious expression as he watched a whole army of German soldiers come marching towards them. Seras stood close beside Alucard, as well as Yves.

"What ze hell do we do now?" Yves questioned, loading his gun.

"Well we certainly can't continue shooting and ripping them apart. They'll just stand back up." Seras answered.

Suddenly in the distance, in the middle of their troops, soldiers were being tossed up in the air. Ripping through the lines, a large black creature devoured soldier after soldier.

Seeing this Alurcard smiled widely.

"What ze fuck iz zat?" Yves shouted.

Seras felt a familiar presence as she watched the creature feed upon the vampire soldiers. She suddenly couldn't' hear anything that was happening around her. She just watched the massacre happen in silence.

Not knowing what to do, Yves began to shoot into the massacre, trying to hit any soldier still standing. Suddenly, the land around them was filled with flames, and the red piercing eyes of the creature was the only thing visible in the flames.

What seemed like hours was only to a few moments. The soldiers to be completely devoured, and out from the flames walked a tall dark figure with draping long black hair covering any visible sign of a face. Seras held her breath as she watched this tall figure approach her.

Alucard simply laughed aloud and clapped his hands. The tall figure finally reached them, standing the same height as Alucard. Through the dark strands of his hair, Seras could see a piercing red eye staring at her. Finding the strength she needed, she slowly walked up him. Something inside of her was screaming. Something that she hadn't felt in almost seven years. Pushing the black strands of hair and placing her hands on his face, Seras' eyes immediately grew foggy with tears.

James placed his hands on hers as he smiled at his mother. "Hello Mum." He said in his deep voice.

At this point, Seras was couldn't stand on her own. She cried tears of joy aloud, and wrapped her arms around her once small little boy who was now a full grown man. James hugged her in return, remembering the feeling of being embraced by his mother. "JAMES! JAMES! OH, MY LITTLE BOY! YOU'VE COME BACK TO ME."

"Mom?" Yves questioned, dropping his gun to the ground. "So you two-

"Do you understand now why Seras does not want anything to do with you?" Alucard asked in a crude tone, watching his son.

Pulling away from his mother, James looked over to his father who stood there with a small smile. Alucard slowly walked over to his son who was now eye level with him. It was if Alucard where looking in a mirror, his son looked almost identical to him, a bit younger looking, but the same all together.

Keeping a small but yet serious smile, Alucard reached his hand out to his son. "Why, hello James." Alucard said, taking his son's hand in his. "I have waited a long to see you again." As James' and Alucard hands touched, both of their gloves glowed a powerful red.

"So have I, father." James responded calmly.

Letting go of James' hand Alucard sighed and looked at the destruction around the palace walls.

"Well done, James. Looks like you came back just in time. This war is far from over." Alucard stated.

"Great." Yves said, picking up his gun and headed for one of the organization's jeeps. "Another vampire to get on my nerves."

"James!" Seras wrapping her arms around her tall son once more. "Did Sir Integra summon you? Where is she now."

"She was injured back at the mansion. It was too deep to risk her coming here with me, so Walter took her to the nearest hospital." James then looked at his father. "She sends her regards."

"Well?" Seras said, throwing her hands up in the air. "What is going on? German has declared war on England! We can't simply eat every bloody German vampire soldier!"

James and Alucard then met eyes and smiled grimly. "This war should not last long." Alucard said in a snicker.

Looking at her son, and then looking at her master, Seras sighed in frustration. "Oh bloody hell…now I have twice as much headache."

"I'm going to the hospital to check on Sir Integra!" Seras said, following Yves to the Jeep.

Alucard watched as she walked off, then set his attention back on his son. For the first time in his life, Alucard smiled kindly. He placed his hand on his son's broad shoulder.

"As I had said." Alucard started. "We would meet again and look, here we are."

"Yes." James agreed. "Now the world has two monsters to seek after."

Alucard pulled his hand off his son's shoulder and laughed. "The World might see us as monsters…demons…creatures of hell…but we are simply us." As Alucard said this, he reached inside his jacket and pulled out a pair of rose tinted glasses and handed them to James. James looked at them with kind eyes and took them in his hands.

"But I believe we have the benefit of the doubt." Alucard said, smiling proudly at his son. "For you only know me as your father and I only know you as my son.


I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry that this took SOOOOO long. I kind wrote myself in a corner after a while. But I really really really hopped you enjoyed my story and THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for read. I 3 all of you.