I am so sorry everyone. I was grounded, but now I am back in action! Also take a look at my brother's stories; Blazeofhonor10. He is pretty good, but only second to me! Mwahahaha! Enjoy!

Disclamier: I do not own Naruto or Darker than black

Human speak: "Sup?"

biju/ jutsu/ attack: " Got any pizza?", "Dipshit no jutsu!"

biju think: ' Bite me'

Human think: ' I wonder...'

Naruto, Naoya, and Frost were in discuise..... Well Frost didn't look so diffrent other than the fact that he is wearing a pair of sunglasses. Naruto changed into a buttoned up white T-shirt with a colar and black jeans. His hair was also dyed black and combed down and he also wore onyx colored contacts.

Naoya was also wearing the same thing, except that he tucked in his shirt and let his hair run wild. Unlike Naruto, he didn't wear contacts or die his hair.

All three of them entered a hotel named 'Hard-Rock Hotel.' (pun not intended) Naruto walked up to the check in counter. "Uh hello, I would like to rent a room for atleast 4 days." Naruto said in a fake cheery voice. The person behind the counter was a woman at the age of possibly 28. It was an estimate.

"Name please." The lady smiled at Naruto. "Li Shengshun." Naruto replied, smiling back. The lady did a little math, while giving slight glances at Naruto. "That should come out to 7000 yen." The lady stated. Naruto reached into his back pocket, trying to find his wallet. He couldn't find it any where.

"Huh? Where's my wallet?!" Naruto patted his entire pants looking for it. You could literally see a giant sweat drop form on Naruto's head. Naruto scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "It seems that I lost my wallet." Naruto stated to the lady.

Before the lady could reply, Frost came up from behind Naruto and gave the lady 7000 yen. "I will pay for it Li. Don't sweat it." Frost smiled at Naruto. Naruto nodded back and sighed in relief. The lady looked at Frost with hearts in her eyes. 'he looks so handsome! I have got to get his name.' the lady thought to herself.

Frost took off his glasses and winked at the lady "Hello beautiful." Frost grinned as he say the lady faint, but quickly got back up. "Here is your room key sirs!" She stated as she gave them a key. "Your room is 309, have a good day." The lady smiled. Naruto, Naoya, and Frost walked up the stairs to their room..... well more like Naoya dragged Frost, because Frost wanted to 'flirt with the lady'.

"Wait..... I NEVER GOT HIS NAME!!!" The woman shouted in her horror.

Hard-Rock Hotel: Room 309

Naruto walked in with a sigh. Then his face was cleared with any fake emotion he used. "Deception is the best key to trust. Don't you agree?" Naruto asked out loud. "Hai. I have got to hand it to you, that was quite a show." Naoya said as he entered the room along with Frost, who he wasn't draging any more.

"All jokes aside, what is the game plan?" Frost asked seriously. Naruto walked over a table and unrolled a scroll. Frost shut the door behind him and he took a chair on one side of the table while Naoya to the other.

"Here is the floor plans I required while I was away. The first floor is used for civilan filing and ID checks. The Second floor is the record room of their ninja staff. Every detail on each of their active military personel. Third floor is another record room, but for Jutsu information. Our main objective is the Forth floor, the Kage office. The plans will be stored there. According to our contact, the Kage spends most of his time in his office, leaving us with a 5 hour interval everytime he or she, which ever it is, takes to rest for the evening. We will infiltrate the tower atleast an hour early so we will be in position the moment that he or she leaves the tower. We will infiltrate the first floor by using our civilan ID's. Our contact will be on guard duty at the time and will create a diversion. He will hand us a bag of this village's standard ANBU armor so we can easily infiltrate the next 3 floors undetected. Then we infiltrate the office. I will leave excape plans for the moment we finish our business in the office. Any questions?" Naruto explained the plan and asked. shoked their head.

"Alright. The iniltration will comence in 2 days. Rest and prepare for the mission. You are dismissed." Naruto said. Naoya and Frost left to take a look around the village. Naruto decided to get familar with the room.

The room was a standard hotel room. Completed with a table with 2 queen side beds next to it along with a couch a few feet infrount of it. On the side of the wall where the table was at was the windows giving off a nice view of the village. He walked towards the window and placed a explosive tag on the bottom left corner of it.

When in doubt, know your way out.

Naruto then pulled out a scroll from his pocket and unsealed a camera from it. 'Ok, time to scope out the village.' Naruto thought to himself.

Rock Village: an hour later

Naruto was taking pictures of the village. If anyone were to see the pictures, they would of thought he was an expert photographer. Naruto was about to take another picture when suddenly, someone took the camera out from his hands.

"Good evening sir. I am gonna have to ask you to stay calm and let me check your camera." A female rock ninja said, holding the camera and examining it. "On what grounds is this?" Naruto asked. "You are not a citizen I reconize and under suspicon of mischief." She answered. She took a look at the pictures and sighed.

She handed back the camera. "I am gonna have to ask for your ID." She said, more like demanded, Naruto.

"Uh sure, here ya go." Naruto pulled out his fake ID card from his back pocket. The rock nin took one look and immediately scratched her head. She then handed the ID back to Naruto.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were a visitor from a different land!" She apologized over and over again. "It's ok. Even though you read my name, I think it is proper to formally introduce myself. I am Li Shengshun." Naruto introduced himself with his fake name.

"Terra Biato. Again, I am so sorry! It is just that I am a little jumpy after my new permotion." Indeed she was a high level ninja. Terra had brown hair and brown eyes with pale skin and glasses and her hair tied into a ponytail. She wore standard jonin vest for the rock village and black skin-tight T-shirt and pants that showed off her curves.

"It is ok. Let me guess, work pressuring you too much?" Naruto asked, although he wanted to get back to taking pictures so he can gather more info on the landscape.

"You can say that. More like I am being too jumpy these days. After all, it is not like you get to become head security of the Kage Tower right?" Terra asked outloud. That caught Naruto's attention. Maybe he could squeeze some info from her after all.

"Interesting. So your head security of that big building right there?" Naruto pointed at the Tower. "Yup. All because of my IQ of 212. I can't get that too my head though hehehehe." Terra laughed sheeplishly. 'Interesting. Maybe I could get her to talk about her floor plans and security. What a nice catch I got here.' Naruto thought to himself.

"Still I feel sorry for the confusion earlier. Anyway I could make up for it?" Terra asked.

"How about dinner tonight at 7 P.M.?" Naruto asked Terra. "Sure, I get off at 6 so that should work out. Here lets meet at the Akai-Tsuki restarant." Terra said as she pointed out the restarant. "Sure. I can do that." Naruto said.

They said their goodbyes and walked off. Once Naruto was out of sight, he looked at his camera. "Terra...Biato... Interesting." Naruto looked at one of his pictures and it had Terra in it almost staring at him.

"NO! She is trying to steal you from me! You are mine and been marked mine!" Amber yelled at Naruto in his mind. 'So I am just property to you now? Plus she has info that could prove useful in the near future.' Naruto retorted in his mind. Not like he can be feel anything from Amber's comments.

After what was said, Amber stayed quiet for awhile untill Naruto could hear little breathless snores coming from his mind. He smiled. 'All great beings need rest once in awhile.' He thought to himself.

Naruto decided that since he doesn't have anything to do, he headed back to the room.

With Naoya and Frost

Naoya and Frost were hanging at a bar, minding their surroundings while downing Sake slowly. Before they could enjoy more Sake, a drunk man lands belly first onto their table.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on my girl friend again ass-wipe." a bulky man said as he was hunched over and painting from throwing a man. A few other men got up and and attacked the bulky man.

"Hey! Don't fuck with our boss asshole!" After that, a bar fight started. Naoya and Frost looked at each other then nodded. Frost got up and layed a hand on two of the men that got up earlier.

"Fellas, fellas! Is there not a peaceful solution for this situation?" Frost asked them nicely. One of the men that Frost layed a hand on pulled out a knife and pointed it at Frost's Adam's apple. "Shut the fuck up or you're next fruitcake!" he said as he moved the knife a little closer. Frost sighed and said "hey, your choice."

Frost swiftly hit both the men he had a hold of in the family-jewels. "Hope you don't like kids, cause' it seems your not getting any." Frost then swiftly back-handed a man that was charging at him. Naoya then tripped two guys in one swift movement then kicked one of then at another guy who was charging at Frost. Before anyone else decided to move, an chunin leveled male ninja walked in and yelled "Enough!"

Everyone stopped fighting...except Naoya and Frost as they attempted to sneak out. "Hey! Hold it!" the chunin said. "Run!" Naoya yelled as he started runing along with Frost. They both pushed pass a few civilians, but the chunin didn't stop. Instead, he got backup on the way.

Frost yanked Naoya into a alley way suddenly as he also made a sheet of ice behind a dumpster.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Naoya yelled at Frost. "Just shut up and hold still!" Frost said as he yanked both him and Naoya inside the sheet of ice. Several chunin and jonin ran passed them as they remained scilent inside the sheet of ice.

When frost deemed it safe, he pulled Naoya and himself out of the sheet of ice. "Woah... cool trick." Naoya complimented as his breath was visible. "I know." Frost said as he was currently smoking.

They decided to sneak back to the hotel undetected.

As they arrived at their room, they instantly fell onto the bed. Naruto looked at both of them and decided not to ask. Knowing full and well what they probably went through.


About F***ing time right? I am soooooooooo sorry for the long Hiatus on my stories, but I want all of you to know that I am back in business baby! WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!

pleace review! CYA!!!