Author's note of Failism

Well, this has been quite the ride, hasn't it guys?

Just want to say that this story will be revised and republished soon. Namely because it was written solely when I was feeling down or depressed, which I can't afford to happen all too often anymore. You know, life and stuff like that getting in the way of feeling like turds.

The original first chapter won't be changed all too much aside from the removal of OC's that really, had no place in the story to begin with. Thanks for bearing with me, and for all your kind reviews and notes! (I still can't believe that many people liked this story O_O wow. My ego was so pampered).

I absolutely adore all of you with a burning passion that could fuel, like, twenty gazillion chilidogs, and am so sorry for that whacked-out second chapter. I'd expected to upload right after, and so it would make sense, but I was exceedingly lazy :C Expect regular updates from now onwards, okay? Though, I can't promise a set schedule.

Hope you stick around~!

-Souja (karen1011)