Episode: None

Players: Mad Server, Onyx Moonbeam, IheartSam7, Orange Autumn, NC Girl, Nana56, MuffyMorrigan, mahtalie, Sherry Darling, supernaturalsammy67, Twinchy, twinchaosblade, PADavis, InSecret, deangirl1, Supernoodle, Vanessa Sgroi, moonlight80, Chailyn, Dream Painter, Thru Terry's Eyes, writergirl94, sweetysmart0505, silver ruffian, letting the rain in, xFaithyx, Dreadedfemale, DeansBabyBird, PlatinumRoseLady, SciFiRN, Helen Bache, TheDarklighter, jasper03, 1983Sarah, Batman'sBeauty18, Sensue, mysticsilver86, KatyMM, sammygirl1963, Vampyvii, ExpandingDarkness, Ayumidah, Fuu43, JandJFan92, HappyChaos913, parisindy,Enkidu07

Challenge Phrase: Dean Has a Fever


A/N: Rather Graphic imagery in this story, IMO, anyway. If you are squeamish you might not like it.

A/N2: Happy Birthday Mad Server! This one's for you!

Rising from the Ashes

"So, what was this call about again, Sam?" Dean questioned as he piloted the Impala down a gravel road, carefully avoiding potholes illuminated by his headlights in the darkness.

"Some sort of fire has been appearing in the night sky around this graveyard. Could me some sort of demon making its presence known, or the spirit of a person who died that way and keeps reenacting it." Sam flipped through their father's journal, trying to determine what it might be and if there was any indication that their father had tracked a spirit near Greektown by Detroit, Michigan.

"Well, here we are Sam, time to investigate. You know, it's probably just some kids playing a prank or Northern Lights." Dean shook his head and brought the Impala to a stop at the gates of the cemetery.

Sam and Dean exited the vehicle and headed to the trunk. Dean popped it open and grabbed two guns filled with rock salt shot and two containers filled with holy water. He tossed a gun and a container to Sam.

"Alright, you take the left; I'll take the right side of the graveyard. Holler if you see anything."

With that, the brothers split up. They had been walking away from each other for about 20 minutes when Dean saw something fiery in the sky.

"Sammy! We got something here!"

Dean watched the flames fly overhead and followed them with is his, training his shotgun on the beast. It alighted on a cedar tree, an odd nest of sorts visible to Dean below. The shots rang out from the weapon and the birdlike beast, all red and gold and flaming, made a strange cry, but melodious and terrifying. Sam came around just as the bird was reaching Dean.

"DEAN! NO! It's a Phoenix! Don't Shoot!!" Sam cried out, but the Phoenix was already on top of Dean. It swiped only once at Dean and flew away, leaving three minor claw marks on Dean's chest. Dean moved as if to raise the shotgun again but Sam stopped him, rushing over to push the gun down.

"It's a GOOD thing Dean. You can't kill it; it's immortal and considered filled with virtue and healing."

Dean lowered his weapon and glanced down at the marks on his chest.

"Could have fooled me! Damn bird nearly got my leather jacket. If it had it would be a dead bird, immortal or not."

"Let's get out of here and take care of your cuts Dean." Sam started walking toward the Impala and Dean followed, tossing Sam the keys.

"You drive, I'm feeling a bit tired, all that adrenaline rush I guess," Dean stated as he got into the passenger side once they had reached the Impala. A short drive later and the Winchesters were back at the dumpy Days Inn hotel they were currently residing at. They had a ground level room with a back window that actually overlooked a rather large wood.

"Don't get this view every day, huh Dean?" Sam sat at the window as Dean stripped off his jacket and shirt. He grunted in response to Sam's question and headed into the bathroom, applying some rubbing alcohol to the cuts on his chest and then headed back to his bed, grabbing a t-shirt out of his bag laying on the floor.

"I think I'm gonna hit the hay, Sam. Not really up for anything else." Dean yawned and climbed into bed.

"Dude, since when do you go to bed at…*Sam glanced at the clock*… at 8:00pm! You feeling alright?" Sam planted a hand on Dean's forehead, which Dean quickly brushed away.

"Don't friggin' baby me Sam!"

"Dean, you're burning up! You seriously have one hell of a fever!" Sam went into the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth, wetting it and returning to place it on Dean's forehead.

"Sam, this is so damn gay, no wonder people think you're a red-headed woman! Besides, I'm freakin' cold!" Dean grabbed more of the blankets and wrapped them around him tighter than before.

"Shut up, Jerk. I'm taking care of you, you asshole! Now get some sleep and I will too." Sam pushed off the bed to his own, kicking off his boots and crashing on top of the quilt. Soon his slowed breathing filled the room.

When Dean was sure Sam was asleep he headed over to the radiator near his bed and curled up next to it. Still, it didn't feel warm enough. Dean went to the bathroom and quickly stripped off his clothes and turned on the shower, stepping into the warmth it provided. But soon it wasn't warm enough and Dean turned off the cold water entirely. Steam rose up around him as the hot water poured out of the showerhead. Yet, after a time even that wasn't warm enough and Dean got out and dried off, moving back to his bed with an extra blanket from the closet to try and settle in for the night.