This is the second story to "Life's Too Short". Hope you like it.

Thanks again to Mertz and Wade Wells for proofing! You guys are great!

I make no claims to Voltron or the WEP characters. I just enjoy writing about them.



The dark, dank halls of the castle on Planet Doom are silent. The King paces his throne room while his servants spy him. He senses the eyes on him and grows irritated, "Leave me now!" They all rush to leave the room before the King has time to show more anger.

Haggar hovers into the room, "My King, you don't seem well. Is there something I may do for you?" Haggar asks, sensing his depression.

"I had them! I had that miserable planet in my hands! Once again that bitch has made me look like a failure to the galaxy!"

"Perhaps you should have attacked while they mourned her condition?"

Zarkon turns to Haggar with hatred in his voice, "Do not treat me as a child witch! Watch your tongue or you will lose it!"

"My apologies, your Majesty. I shall retire to my lab." Haggar bows to her King and exits, leaving Zarkon to endure his misery.

Out in the hall, a lone figure waits. It enters the throne room while the King's back is to the door. The figure approaches the King and stands, waiting.

"Ahh…I was wondering when you would come home." Zarkon turns and smiles at his son.

Prince Lotor just stands, staring at his father. "You have failed father. You thought by killing Allura that you would beat Arus and Voltron. Allura lives and because of your ignorance, Arus is stronger. They stand by their princess; you have only made them stronger."

"You dare to talk to me in this manner! You are the failure! Pining over that bitch is why we don't have Arus now! I should have your balls cut off and throw you to the vultures!"

Lotor stands there with no emotion visible upon his face. He quietly says, "You're right father. I have failed Doom and you. I plan on fixing that." He holds out his hand to Zarkon for the king to shake.

Zarkon looks down at the offered hand and slowly takes it in his. Lotor pulls his father to him in a hug. As the two men embrace, Lotor embeds a sharp blade into the ribs of his father. He pushes hard, forcing every inch of the blade into his body as Zarkon tries to pull away. With his lips close to his father's ear he whispers, "You never took my love for Allura seriously. You've underestimated me father. Now you feel the pain you have caused me….die." With those last words Lotor twists the knife as Zarkon gasps louder.

He releases Zarkon and the King falls to his knees. While he pulls the knife from his own body, Lotor glides behind him. Pulling his sword from its sheath, Lotor raises it high. With one quick swing, Zarkon's head tumbles to the floor in a pool of blood.


The witch is deep in meditation. A deep sense of hatred and blood lust overwhelms her. Having an urge to go see the King, Haggar quickly rises and moves to the throne room. The room is dark and quiet as she enters. A large dark figure is seen slumped over; Haggar hovers toward the mass and stops short as she spots a smaller one. She steps closer and feels a thick liquid beneath her feet. Haggar looks down to see blood spilling from the larger mass. Recognizing the figure, she eyes the small round shape near it…the head of her King.

The slaves walking the halls stop suddenly as a horrendous scream echoes through the walls.

"Upset are we?" Lotor asks sarcastically as he descends the throne.

"Lotor…what have you done? The people will retaliate against you for this!"

"My people will love me for ridding them of an imbecile such as him! I am their King now…and yours." Lotor walks up to the still body and bends down lifting the severed head. "You're either with me or against me witch. Your choice…I would pick wisely."

Lotor walks past Haggar to the balcony where the citizens of Doom have gathered.

Haggar turns to watch Lotor as he steps up on the balcony. She grits her teeth as he begins to speak.

"My people…I, Lotor have returned to Doom to bring you glory! The one who has brought you nothing but repeated failure will no longer bring you down!" Lotor raises his arm with his father's head dangling for all to see. Gasps and screams from the audience is piercing. "Behold! Your former King has met his fate! I promise to bring nothing but riches and power to you….as your King!"

The people just stand, looking to one another not sure if they believe what they see. Soon, one kneels in submission, and then they all begin to kneel.

Lotor's smile is a wicked one as he drops Zarkon's blood covered head into the crowd. "Soon, I will bring you your Queen." Lotor says, to no one in particular.

Haggar takes one last look at the King's dead body and hovers out of the room.