AN - Before I start this chapter I just want to say I am really sorry for the wait. My laptop broke a couple weeks ago and that stunted all work. Chapter 13 WAS done but I hadn't put it up so I was really discouraged to continue. Even now my computer is broken and I am on the main computer. This chapter is going to be really short as I don't believe making a full chapter dedicated to just AN's. So expect me to come back with full force within a month. Once again, sorry for the wait.


0745 Hours, August 31, 2552 (Military Calendar) /

Unknown System, UNSC Born To Kill,

planet Ring

"This is your Captain speaking. We are aborting this ship. Push the Covenant back out into space and get your asses onto some escape pods." The speaker cut off as Captain Henry let go of the button. He turned to Daniel, "Get your team. Take a Pelican, its all I can offer you."


"Master Chief, wait. Take care of her."

Daniel looked down and stared at the chip, Deja was resonating within the technology. Nodding, he took the chip and inserted it into his helmet. This time the feeling of cold liquid was comforting inside his mind, instead of discomfort like last time.

Spinning on his heel, Daniel strode out of the bridge. His infiltration team saluted him as he came out, they had waited here like they were told.

"Sir, we are to abort the ship." Gillett suggested.

"No. We have different orders." Daniel almost wanted to smile at the cold humor.


Yuk had been put in charge of three Unngoy, not the most pleasant job in the world. His distaste for the creatures were not unknown, he squawked down orders and as soon as their pod had slammed into the side of the humans vessel they ushered out. Yuk had decided a long time ago that he was not going to be killed but he wasn't just going to hide.

Yuk ran past the Unngoy and behind a couple of giant crates, clawing his way up, he soon took a position that he favored and laid down. "Come filth. Like gretzal to the slaughter."

He fired. Two purple beams lanced throughout the air hitting his targets with ease. Their heads cocked to the side as they stumbled to the ground, "Pathetic humans."

Letting out a vulture like laugh, he continued to fire off precision like shots with his sniper rifle. Unlike his brethren he did not find it necessary to wear the excessive gear on his face, it just made him an easy target.

More humans ran out of the door way, yelling out and tearing through his "teammates". Another chuckle followed by two more dead humans. This was the reason Yuk was still alive, he was one of the best with a sniper. He would be the best had it not been for his overwhelming cowardice.

"There!" Human bullets rained down towards Yuk, screeching he rolled to the left, then to the right. Jumping behind the crate, being absolutely still and listening for footsteps.

"Wort wort wort! This human was pathetically weak."

Yuk's eyes shot open, Sangheili had killed the humans, he had been saved. He laughed to himself as he began to step out of his hiding place. "Good wo-"

A green blur, screaming and gun fire. The Sangheili were dead and all that was left was a Demon. The Demon turned his head and fired toward Yuk, catching him in his left leg. Letting out a small yelp, Yuk hid behind the crate once more. His heart beating at a sporadic rate.

Cursing in his alien tongue, he opted what he should have never done, been brave. Clearing out his mind, Yuk ran out of his cover, rolling onto the ground, taking aim and fire!

"The Demons have shields!?" Yuk's final words as human bullets tore through his head.


"Are you ok sir?" Llama asked.

"It only skimmed me. My shields took most of the damage. Lets go team. Our ride is in the next hangar."




AN - I told you it was going to be short. As I am not allowed to stay on this computer long. Once more, I am sorry for the wait and you will all get your chapters once I get my laptop fixed. Which, hopefully, shall take less then a month. I am sorry if this is not "up to standards" or seems different but until my laptop is fixed, this is the last chapter you get.