Master Chief Petty Officer also known as Spartan 117 is the luckiest Spartan to have come out of the program created by Dr. Halsey. As we know the world must balance itself so for every good there must be a bad, by this logic if John was the luckiest who was the unluckiest. Follow the adventure of a Spartan who wasn't lucky.

Note: This is a serious fic, yes there will be humor in it but generally this will be like the books (so I hope). John and the other known Spartans will be appearing throughout this fic. Oh and I do not own any characters or ideas of this universe other then my OC, everything else was created by Bungie who I will work with one day. :P

*NOTE* - I added the ability for everyone, logged in or not, to review. So get to it. =]

Elysium City, Eridanus-2
August 18, 2517

"Luck or did he actually see it."

Dr. Halsey had been replaying the video Lieutenant Keyes had recorded of John, a perfect candidate for her Spartan-II program. She watched his eyes and face for any gestures or specific movements that could hint her to which it was, as far as she could tell there was none.

"Ma'am, I am here to remind you about the-"the marine was cut off.

"Thank you." Dr. Halsey smiled at him as the marine gave a quick salute and was back to the cafeteria if anything. Today she would be looking at two possible candidates, "Daniel 047 and Ruchi 035" she muttered to herself. Surprisingly ONI, Office of Naval Intelligence, actually updated these two weeks ago, "Shocker" she once again spoke out loud to no one in particular.

"Déjà, tell Keyes..." she stopped after realizing he was already there, his civilian clothes on once again.


"Gravball, how quaint." Dr. Halsey smiled once they were back on the planet; she looked around and almost immediately spotted 035. "Go find 047 and test him out." Dr. Halsey smiled as she walked away from Keyes, it took him a second or two but he realized he was just given an order.

Keyes, just like the day before, was confused as ever. He wasn't entirely sure what he was supposed to be testing and the purpose of this whole adventure of meeting children. He walked up to the monkey bars and looked at a child trying to cross it with one hand, to say the least he fell, but on his behalf he did make it halfway.

How was he supposed to act towards a child? He could barely understand how to act around Dr. Halsey but now to be talking to a child... "Permission to speak...err." His mouth dried up, he was about to ask the child if he was allowed to speak. Letting out a quick sigh he tried again, "Daniel, correct?"

The boy who had fallen stood up and smiled, "Yes, sir?"

"Um, how are you?" Keyes mentally slapped himself, how was this going to test anything.

"Not too bad, sir. I just wish they would let me play Gravball again. Oh! Maybe you can tell them to let me play, see I didn't mean to kick the ball into the teacher's head! Honest!" The child was stirred as he talked, making all sorts of hand gestures and the like.

"Sorry but I don't think I am qualified to let you back in there, but how about we play a game?"

"I am not so sure..." the boy cautiously stepped back.

Keyes at this point decided to mentally take in the boys appearance, long dark brown hair with a batch of bleach on the left side, his hair fell past his eyes and hit his shoulders in the back. He wasn't taller or shorter than the other kids, more slender if anything.

"So the game is 'Rock, Paper, and Scissors'. Do you know how to play?" Keyes let out a small smile trying to reassure the boy that it would be ok.

"Easy!" Daniel got into a battle stance and readied his hand awaiting the games start and Keyes seemed a bit wary but got out of his straight stance and made a mocking stance of Daniel. The boy let out a small grunt and the battle began.

"Rock, paper, scissors, GO!" They shouted in unison. The winner this time, along with the next four times they would play turned out to be Keyes.

"You're cheating!" Daniel whined in protest against Keyes.

"How about a different game then?" pulling out a coin he showed the candidate. This was their process of elimination, a flip of the coin. "You see, the coin has two sides. I will flip it and you will either call heads or tails. Understood?"

"Yes, sir!" Daniel mocked a salute and readied himself. Keyes nodded and flipped the coin, watching it tumble down back into his hand and awaited an answer.


The most shock came onto Daniel's face, "I won? I never win! I won!" he was estatic.

"I will see you again sometime." Keyes made a nod and began walking off; hoping Dr. Halsey would shed some more light on this project of hers. Soon enough they met up with each other and explained what happened and watched each other's videos.

"How was your candidate, Lieutenant?"


September 23, 2517
Colony Reach

Dr. Halsey was trying to make the best speech you could possibly give to a bunch of six year olds, it just wasn't working out. Some tried to leave but their handlers pushed them back onto their seats.

"You have been called upon to serve, you will be trained...and you will become the best we can make of you. You will be the Protectors of earth and all her Colonies" regret started filling into her but she had to push on. This project would solve so much; they would become super soldiers to stop the rebels, in matter of fact it had to be done. She looked around the crowd and spotted John, she wanted to smile but she couldn't.

Some of the children were confused, others interested, and yet some let out some tears at the next statement, "You will not be allowed to go back home." Her chest stung and her throat became dry, it had to be done. Dr. Halsey turned to Chief Mendez, "Keep their minds off of what just happened. I don't want them to have any other thoughts then training." The handlers began ushering out the children; they fed them and sent them to bed.

September 24, 2517
Colony Reach

Noises, scrambling, confusion.
"I said up boot! You know what up is?"

Daniel stood with the rest of the children watching as a man with a baton smacked a kids back with it, it seemed painful. Taking a quick mental note, he decided to never get hit by one of those. They were led outside, the morning sun was just rising and the sky was filled with yellow and indigo.

"One hundred jumping jacks, count! One, two, and three..."

Daniel had never done so many jumping jacks in his life; his chest was starting to burn as he witnessed a child get hit with the baton for stopping.

"Crunches! Count off! One, two, and three..."

These were followed by an assortment of physical "education". Some of the children would throw up and one or two just flat out fell unconscious.

"Make a line! We are going for a short walk!"

The short walk turned into a two mile sprint around the complex until they reached a building where Déjà was awaiting them.

"Hello children, I will be your academic teacher."

Some of the kids let out a groan, but Daniel was too tired to care. He was trying to figure out what had happened in the past day or two but he couldn't focus. He took a moment to scan the other kids, no one he knew. He was a loner. The children started piling into the building and Daniel followed suit only to slip on the stairs and come tumbling back down.

"Ow." If he wouldn't have been so exhausted he might have cried but at this point he just wanted to sleep. After being pulled up by a handler he was put in the classroom where he sat down, milk and crackers were provided to all the kids. Greedily he ate his and chugged his milk.

Déjà explained that she was an AI, an artificial intelligence, which would explain why she was see through. She made an explosion happen and showed a hologram, it showed the Spartans, as she explained, fight off the Persians.

"Tomorrow I will teach you about wolves." She smiled and waved them off to Mendez who was waiting with his arms crossed, "Alright kids, we are going to the playground."
Another "short" run followed after that until they reached the playground. Playground might have been what is was called but it surely didn't look like one. Ropes, wooden poles, metal poles, and other items surrounded a single tall pole that held a bell on it.

"What do we win?"

Some kid wanted to know what we were going to win. "Does it matter?" Daniel pretty much said to himself. All he knew is that he and his team would need to get across that line first, no matter what.

"Names Ruchi." The girl next to him said, she was darker and had a pretty smile. Her hair was pretty short for a girl. "And mine is Fhajad, pleasure is all mine." He too, like Ruchi, was darker skinned and his eyes seemed to be extremely focused.

Before he even knew what had happened, the children exploded onto the course and the game had begun...


Well what did you think? Was it good? I did lots of research before starting this, so honest opinion. =]