Title: Elizabeth Masen
Summary: As Bella wonders the woods, she is attacked by a vampire named Elizabeth Masen, a non-vegetarian on her way to visit a clan of vampires she has heard includes one Dr. Carlise Cullen and Edward Cullen. What will happen to Bella? How is Elizabeth Masen 'alive'? How will the Cullen's and Edward react?
Author's note: First Twilight fanfic, set sort of during Eclipse, but don't try and focus on the time line. I've always been fascinated at the lack of people jumping on this plot... By the way: I am not American. So I hope I don't upset people too much with spelling – I've tried to remember how you folks spell things.
It was a stupid idea to try and navigate to the Cullen's grand house at seven o'clock at night, as per Alice's request; I should have known straight off the bat I wouldn't have been able to find the sudden turn-off into their driveway amongst the ever-green shrubbery that made me detest Forks. I had only a small amount of fuel left in my gass-guzzling chevvy, I conceded, but figured I'd have just enough to make the trip from my house to Alice's for 'dinner.' Alice had told me during lunch as she played with her food she wanted me over to hang out to celebrate Charlie's parole grant of my house-arrest sentence. It was now ten minutes until seven, so it was unlikely Alice would have been looking into my future to see my tricky predicament as I was still in good time. Frustrated, I killed the ignition to my truck on the shoulder of an unfamiliar, narrow road, pocketed the keys, and collapsed back into my seat, whose cracked leather creaked in protest.
I could either wait fifteen minutes on the side of a deserted road for Edward, my heart jumped just thinking it, to completely over-react at my lateness and demand Alice to foresee into my future and find me, which would be smart, safe, but incredibly boring. Since... last September, I'd somehow found myself without a car stereo, and I was fully confident that I was so dull for company I'd be in tears by the time a nervous, panicked Edward found me. Alice clearly never saw me getting lost as it would have been a last minute decision for me to make the sudden turn-off, and Alice couldn't see the future. However, I could always get out of the car and walk just a little ways towards where I thought their house would be. A house full of seven hungry, vegetarian vampires were sure to smell me, the only human blood for miles, especially by Edward or Jasper.
That would be so much quicker. I'm already getting cabin fever, anyway.
Decided, I stepped out of my truck, not bothering to lock it. Noone would steal it, and one of my vampires was sure to find me soon enough anyway. I began to hike into the dense vegetation, making slow progress even for a human to take my excessive clumsiness into consideration. It wouldn't be good for them to smell me because I'd split my head open on a rock. It was especially cold there, the rain had cooled the rocks and made the air smell fresh and crisp, but at the same time it made me shiver as not only was I getting chilly in only my shirt and sweater, but I couldn't see at all, and resorted to feeling my way.
Please smell me soon. Someone.
After about five minutes of walking/tripping I realized that this plan of mine failed to take several points into account. I would be found easily by my would-be-family. If, of course, noone was already out hunting and would make a meal of me. I had no trouble confidently leaving the cab of my car knowing there couldn't be anything out in the wilderness scarier than a Cullen, but what if that were enough? Secondly, I honestly was wondering if I was going into the right direction to reach their enhanced senses.
I began to feel colder. The same kind of feeling I got when I could feel Edward watching me. There was no sound, what with his graceful, silent foot-falls and ability to hold his breath, and the dark prevented me from seeing more than outlines of trees. I felt I had company, but at the same time I had never felt more alone. It could just be one of the wolves – but the wolves could never have this stealth! My mind hissed, internally. I started to quicken my pace, but that just made my footing less secure, and I was slipping and sliding in the mud and moss, propelled forward only by the force of my acceleration. My heart began to quicken, though I heard no movements anywhere around me, and my body began to pump my veins with adrenaline, as though knowing something I didn't, needing me keep moving faster, just this once, even if I didn't understand. But as I moved I could here the tell-tale sound of whispy laughter echoing all around, almost like the frosty Forks breeze, but taking me back to the ballet studio, James' voice surrounding me from all corners.
Definitely not a wolf!
This is the one time it was okay to scream, to alert others of my presence. My heart suddenly ached to hear that velvety voice in my head, offering my guidance I desperately needed in soft, melodic tones, but it never came. I should have waited in the truck! I should have been watching for the turn, I shouldn't have worried about the fuel – I should do something!!
"EDWARD!" I screamed, propelling my body onwards, my brown, wavy hair whipping in my face as rain began to mist down. "SOMEONE, HELP!" I was suddenly overcome with a feeling of terror. Whoever – whatever – had the desire to prey upon me obviously could have outrun me in an eighth of a second and still had time to torment me. My hunter was just toying with me. My weak body was spent from running and trying to stay upright, and instantly gave out as I begin to feel even more panicked, losing control of function. I felt my face slam against the earth and slide for a good six inches before stopping, my whole right side suffering the brunt of the impact, scratched and raw.
I froze. I lay perfectly still, crumpled on the ground, trying, pleading with it to let me melt through it as mists of rain grew thicker around me. Now I heard them. Footsteps. I knew their owner was intentionally being noisy to attract my attention and exacerbate my fear. It was working. My plan to stay as statuesque as my Adonis and personal miracle, Edward, was thwarted as I began to tremble. Edward. Where was he? What was he doing now? Possibly during my final moments? Would he be disappointed in me? That I couldn't fight? Or didn't stay where I ought? My breathing became ragged as the foot-falls ceased.
"Now, what could we be doing in the middle of the woods at this time of night, all alone?" A soft, high, and painfully enrapturing voice drawled. "You make it too easy. You make ones like me compelled, drawn to you. It's almost as though you want this..."
I didn't move.
"Where were you going, sweetheart? What were you doing out here? Is there noone who loves you near to protect you?" I couldn't tell if the hypnotizing voice was teasing me or genuinely curious. It seemed a bit of both. Maybe I should talk. It couldn't worsen the situation, I thought, as my breathing came in and out forcefully, unevenly. This was definitely a vampire, and any vampire new to Forks was sure to be around here because they either knew the Cullen's, or at least knew of them. Maybe the idea of seven vampires would be enough to scare this one. I tried to will myself into speaking, but couldn't find the breath to do it.
"Do tell me, dear. You truly are an enigma to me now, and I am in no hurry with this." She was right. I was alone in the woods with a non-vegetarian vampire. I was on her time. Slowly turning around, I was met with the most vivid, sinister red eyes I had ever seen. If I hadn't already heard her voice, I would have been sure it were Victoria, her pale alabaster skin, and dark purple rings under her eyes. Even her dark hair had elements of ginger to it. No, not ginger, I thought, more like honey; more like bronze. The female's soft, windswept waves of hair were styled in an up-do. I didn't know nomadic vampires could be so meticulous with their appearance, but my hunter's clothing was nothing but designer. Classic, but at the same time up-to-the-minute, and clearly European. She spoke in a superior tone, used to be respected, and her diction was clearer than Carlisle's. I was suddenly reminded of the beautiful, elegant ladies from Pride and Prejudice, one of my favorites. Perhaps this female was from a clan. Even more trouble for Edward's family. I slightly shook my head to remind myself that my first priority right now should probably be me.
I finally found my voice.
"I was on my way to see the Cullen's. The vampire clan," I emphasised slowly, "who have this territory. I am very close with them and they wished to see me this evening. They're probably looking for me right now..." I tried to sound confident, but my voice broke at the very end. The breath-takingly beautiful woman before creased her brow in thought, peering into my eyes in deep concentration.
"I don't... believe you," the female said slowly, as if convincing herself, "although you know their secret... our secret... they can't hold you in that much regard. They left you here alone. You're only a human. Perhaps they enjoy your company as a novelty. Before they devour you." Her eyes grew black. Wide. Hungry. Beg, I thought to myself, as Edward instructed me all those months ago at Laurent's mercy.
"They will be livid with you. There's seven of them, they're each very powerful will be furious if you hurt me. I mean it." My voice began to quiver and ascend in pitch as the female leaned her elegant neck towards mine. "I'm very close with them! You don't understand! Please! We should go and see them now, they will tell you, you can't do this please, they will destroy you; tear you to ribbons and burn the pieces, please, just let us talk with them, WAIT!" I stopped talking for a moment as my fast babbling was becoming incoherent and my hunter's lips were pulling into a smile.
"I think I might be rather familiar with them too, though, darling," my killer cooed gently, softly. "I can not be sure but I believe I might know some of them, too. From a lifetime ago, of course," at this she smiled, and I let out an inhuman sob. "I am unlike them, though. They shall understand my difference in dietary preference. You are only a mere human, anyway. It will be as though you never existed." With those final words so close to Edward's declaration to me so many months before, I began to cry fresh salty tears streaking my cheeks and sobs racking my whole body, making it even harder to breathe. This is it, I thought.
"Please," I managed in the softest of tones, although I knew her vampire hearing could detect, "they know me so well, we are so close and they will never forgive you, no matter your connection," I spat. My tormentor seemed unconvinced.
"Well, my dear, you did answer my questions. Do tell me your name, so I may tell them when I go to see them." The female seemed the epitome of eloquence and etiquette.
I took in one final, shaky breath, and moved my lips to form my last words as she moved hers to my neck. I decided that I would tell her what I wanted my name to be, instead. I may not be married to Edward yet, and although I rued the grand wedding that was being planned, I still wanted to say this out loud. My mind was moving slower now. As though it knew it would soon be over.
I almost smiled as I felt her sharp, razor like teeth pierce my delicate flesh as I said,
"My name is Mrs. Edward Anthony Masen Cullen."
Please Review! This is my first twilight fanfic and my first attempt at writing in a loong time.