
Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing.

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.

- Germaine Greer

"Hello beautiful." Nate wrapped his arms around Alex, leaning down to kiss her cheek. "And… can I just add that you look perfectly delicious right now?" He whispered in her ear, causing her to slap him lightly on his shoulder. But Alex certainly looked, delicious, as Nate put it. Gone were the long, unruly curls from six years before. They had been cut into the more mature shoulder-length waves that the twenty-four year old now wore. Nate couldn't believe the change that had overcome her. When they had first met, she was fifteen – in a vintage Gun's N Roses T-shirt and navy skinny jeans. And then, they were together for a short year. They had broken off, entirely Nate's fault, and not something that he intended to remember anytime soon, and reconnected a two years later. Even then, Alex had shown many signs of changing. Her hair had lost its dark red highlights, and was no longer flat ironed into oblivion. However, as beautiful as she was then, Alex still grumbled at the old photo of the two of them in Nate's wallet, complaining about how much hair product she must have had to use to keep her hair so long. Luckily for Nate, there would be many more photographs to replace that one.

Now, Alex fidgeted with her floor length, strapless, Vera Wang gown. Her maid of honor, best friend Mitchie, was busying herself with fixing Alex's stubborn hair into an elegant up do, screaming that Nate wasn't-supposed-to-see-her-yet-so-would-he-for-fuck's-sake-get-the-hell-out? "Go entertain Shane or something, get Addie off him for a bit, Nate!" were her exact words, but Nate was pretty sure that the former was what Mitchie really meant.

And then he got locked out.

So Nate had no choice but to make his way to his two-year-old nephew, Adam, or 'Addie', as Mitchie loved to call him. Adam had inherited the raven-black hair of his father, though somehow, in the process, received the amber eyes of his mother. Adam was now living the blissful life of an only child, but considering the sex maniacs both parents were, little Addie Gray should be expecting a sibling anytime soon. Fortunately, Nate heard Mitchie's calls again to start the procession, and with an encouraging slap on the back from Shane, Nate was off. It didn't make a difference, he thought, I had already seen her in the dressing room. But as he caught sight of his beautiful wife-to-be, he caught himself quickly, toes tapping uncontrollably in his black dress shoes. She was absolutely stunning, divine, even, and Nate Gray was not a man prone to exaggeration.

He reached over as she approached, and finally, finally, when they had said 'I do," he kissed her. Light and fast. Because he knew there would be much more kissing later on. And he held her hand, shooting her excited glances, as she raised one eyebrow at him, and then cracking up at his expression, reminding him of exactly why he had fallen in love with her in the first place.



The much awaited epilogue!

Kisses you guys, please read my new Smitchie story:

Taming the Wild Beast!


Hugs and Kisses,
