I had the time so I wrote a small story here. Hope you all will like it.

Protect Our Queen

"Here goes," I told myself. "Time to get to a better start."

Morning, my name is Mikan Sakura. Recently, my mother, Yuka Azumi married the headmaster of the prestigious school of Alice Academy. My surname has changed to a Sakura.

I didn't mind my mother remarrying since she's now happy and my step-father is really kind. But I had to give up my ol' country life and move on to the city and enter my step-father's school.

"Class, settle down," The teacher shouted and everyone giggled. The blonde teacher faced me with a warm smile. "Please come in, Miss Sakura," The teacher said with his purple eyes shining.

"Hey, it's a new girl!"

"Wow! A girl! Wahoo!"

That's when I realized, my whole class is infiltrated by boys. Suddenly the door behind me slammed open and made me jump in shock. Two boys came in. One with his beautiful aqua blue eyes and blonde-orange hair and the other with this mysterious aura with raven hair and crimson eyes.

"Ahem, your introduction, Miss Sakura," the teacher whispered and I shook my head in realization.

"Oh!" I said. "Umm, good morning, my name is Mikan Sakura. I am 16 and will be your new classmate for this semester. Please take care of me," I bowed.

"Wow! Her body is way hotter than Luna's!"

"Or even Sumire's!"

"Her looks beats the F.Q. for sure!"

"Umm, Miss Sakura, you will sit next to Kokoro Yome there," The teacher pointed out and I took my place. "I have a meeting with the teachers now so I do hope you will stay put and be discipline," The teacher said and walked out of the classroom.

Here it comes! The noises when there're no teachers! I thought and closed my ears. Silence….total and complete silence… "What are you doing Sakura-san?" The boy Kokoro Yome asked.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Oh, you can call me Koko. What are you doing with your ears closed? You should be studying," And heck he was right. Everyone in class was studying. And I thought this class was an all-boys class.

"We're not as noisy as you think we are. If our leader allows us to make noise, we would. But our leader is sleeping and it'll be hell if we wake him up," Koko said and pointed to the boy with his Biology book on his face; sleeping.

"Leader?" I asked.

"He is the leader and the King of this school," Koko said.

I chuckled. "Yeah, like when there's a King, there should be a Queen," I laughed and everyone stared at me. "You've got to be joking. There's even a Queen?!"

"Queens, actually. The candidates are known as the F.Q. the Four Queens. Our King is allowed to choose his Queen and out of all of them, he chose the worst to us boys, Luna Koizumi," Koko snickered.

"Why? Is she horrible?" I asked.

"She's…rather possessive. When she heard she was queen, she literally thought she WAS! She pushes us around and calls us commoners and orders us to do things!" Koko wept.

"What world is she living in, the medieval?" I asked and I heard a low chuckle.

"Oh, Natsume, you're awake," Koko smiled.

"I heard you commented on my Queen in my presence," Natsume chuckled.

"Are you living in the medieval era too?" I sighed and he laughed lowly.

"You're a very interesting person, Sakura Mikan," Natsume said and stood up. "Mochu, Yuu, get my bags and books. I have some arrangements to do in the Student Council room," Natsume said and two boys stood up and carried Natsume's belongings. "I'll be seeing you, Miss Sakura."

"Looks like he's taken an interest in you. You must be proud," Koko sighed.

"Proud of what? He sounds like a slimy jerk, he can't even choose his girl correctly," I said and huffed. "I better get going. Father wants a report on my first day," I said and packed up my bags.

"Father? Is your father in this school?" Koko asked.

"Huh? Oh, I thought it might be obvious. My father is the headmaster of this school or rather, he owns it," I said and left the class's mouth fell agape.


"Good morning father," I knocked on the headmaster door and entered.

"Mikan!" He stood up and I ran to hug him. "So how's your first day in my school? Is it well?"

"Well, for starters, are you resurrected from the medieval era?" I asked and giggled.

"Ah, you heard of the Queen and King rule, huh?" Father chuckled. "It was a great hit with the students four years ago so we decided to keep the rule."

"Well, it was done well, the boys in my class are absolutely discipline," I smiled.

"Boys?! You were sent to the boy's room?" My father said in shock.

"Yeah, it was in my card for the class name," I said and father took the card and slapped his face.

"Narumi! I will so kill him! I told him not to put you in the same class as the boys. You will be immediately changed to the girls classroom," Father said.

"How many classes are there?" I asked.

"Two for homerooms, separated by gender. Other than that is mixed during Physical Ed and the other science subjects," Father said. "You better get going, your Chemistry class starts soon."

"Yes father," I said and left the room. Well, he was really protective even if I'm his only stepdaughter.

"You like another girl?!" A deep grey hair girl said with menacing eyes.

"Ah, Hyuuga Natsume-kun," I said when I saw him next to her.

"Sakura Mikan, what a time to come. This here is my Queen, Koizumi Luna," He said. Sure enough she's beautiful. Her silver grey hair shines and her eyes are beautiful, she even has a gorgeous body.

"Sakura Mikan?" Luna looked at me in disbelief. "THIS IS THE GIRL YOU WANT TO BECOME YOUR QUEEN?!" Luna shouted.

"What?!" I shouted and the people behind me included. "EH?" I looked back and saw the whole student body behind me.

"Looks like the F.Q. will have a new candidate present. We will now be known as the Five Queens!" A girl with pink hair giggled.

"NO! I object!" Luna shouted.

"Jeez, you people talk like Medieval people too," I sighed. "Forget it, I refuse to be in the F.Q. or whatever. It's meaningless." I said and walked away. Until someone pulled me and jolted me to turn around.

"You will become my queen," Natsume said to my face. I flipped my hair and twisted his arm.

".NO!" I shouted and kicked his face.


"No way!"


"She did?!"

"Oh my god!"

"What's the commotion about?" Aikawa Sakura came out from the hallway and got through it.


"Headmaster is here."

"Father!" I squealed and walked next to him.

"Father?" Everyone asked.

"So what's going on here?" Father asked.

"Sakura Mikan defeated Natsume Hyuuga with just a kick and now he's fainted." Koko reported. "And it seems as according to the rules you commenced, Mikan Sakura shall become the new King," Koko announced.

"Correction, the new Queen of the school. The Four Queens are disbanded. Mikan, you are now allowed to choose your Four Kings!" Father smiled.

"I refused to be known as a medieval leader!" I shouted.

"Should I choose the person to be your future husband and my future son-in-law?" Father asked.

"No!" I shouted.

"Very well then, the future four will be Tsubasa Andou, Kokoro Yome, Ruka Nogi and…Hyuuga Natsume," Father smiled.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I screamed.

How's the first chapter?!