
Chapter 5

Hinata lay awake at two in the morning, unable to sleep and unable to do anything but replay her first kiss over and over again. She lay there, unknowing that a certain red head lay across the room and on the other side of that wall in the same predicament as she. She sighed and rolled over. She wasn't even going to try and sleep tonight, but she wouldn't get up to start wedding plans and risk waking anyone. She rolled once more. This was going to be a long night.

Gaara stared at his ceiling, his emotions confused and boiling nonstop. He'd gone from hurt and confused, thinking 'Why does she not have any interest in me, while the only thing that interests me is her?' to antagonized and angry, deliberating 'Who is this guy that she loves so much?!' to having acceptance and self pity, reasoning 'She wouldn't even tell me about him. She must be truly in love. Why would she want me and all my issues anyway? I should give up. I am not worthy of her. I have to let her go'.

". . ."

Abruptly, he was angry again. 'Why should I have to be the one to give up?! She kissed me back! I should make her mine!' With that raging thought he jumped out of bed in his black night pants and climbed off of his balcony. He used his sand to maneuver his way to her balcony. Her back was turned from the door, making it easy for him to slip in undetected. He closed the door to make sound and alert her to his presence. She was out of the bed in a fraction of a second, kunai in hand. Yes, his Hinata had definitely changed since the last time he'd payed a late night visit.

He was quickly aware of something different about her though. Her eyes were blood shot and even though she was poised for battle you could see the pain in her intense gaze. Something told him that pain wasn't physical and his heart ached as he mentally berated himself for his earlier boorish treatment of her. When she recognized his figure as that of her mystery man she sat back on the bed and simply stared at him.

He stared back. "What has caused you pain?" He assumed he knew her answer.

For a moment she was silent and he wondered if she would answer, but at last her pink lips parted, "Love" she sighed.

Though she couldn't see it, his eyes widened. He quickly regained his bearing. "Love of whom, might I ask?"

This time she stood and turned her back to him. He thought this was his signal to go, but then he heard her speak, barely a whisper. "You.", and his heart was set pounding all over again. He turned and stared at her back, mesmerized not only by her moonlit beauty but by the words he'd wanted to hear for so long. The words now floating in the air between them, electrifying the room and suffocating them. He stalked back to where she was standing and slipped his arms around her waist. Her breath hitched and he leaned down so that his lips grazed her ear.

"Close your eyes." When he was positive she'd done so he slowly turned her, rechecking. He replaced his arms around her waist and kissed her passionately as her arms circled his neck. This kiss was nothing like the first. It was a release of everything they'd held back and when it was over they were both breathless. Before she could open her eyes he moved to her ear once more. "I love you too" Then he was gone and all Hinata saw when her eyes went wide was a flash of red. Her dark shadow loved her back, and her heart soared on eagle wings as she slid to the floor.

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"What are you doing?", Gaara asked staring knowingly at her as she jumped halfway to the ceiling, "You shouldn't sneak around like that. One of the guards may mistake you for an intruder." he joked. Hinata Hyuuga had been peeking around a wall and looking around frantically as if trying to avoid someone. Gaara figured it was probably him. When she turned and he caught sight of the dark circles under her eyes he realized she hadn't slept all night, unlike himself, who had fallen into amazing dreams permeated by fantasies of her. He suddenly felt a bit of guilt about that.

"I was. . . umm. Playing a game with Temari! Yea, so um, I guess I better go before she catches me! Bye!" With that Hinata sped off in the opposite direction. Gaara looked after her, hoping he hadn't completely ruined his chances by kissing her yet again. Now that he thought about it this could be a real problem. He thought she'd have figured it out by now. With how close they were last night he thought there would be no way she didn't know. But maybe not? What if she thought she'd been kissed by two different guys in the space of only a couple of hours?! What if, when he finally told her the truth, she got angry?! What if she hated him?!

He had once been a cruel beast and would not have cared about her insignificant feelings, but he was not the same now. If she wanted to leave, even if it meant abandoning her duty to her village, he could not hold her. He would not. He loved her too much to keep her as a caged bird. What he'd done to get her here in the first place was not right either, but would she have given him a second look if he hadn't? This was definitely one of his less advanced machinations.

Gaara knew there was no point in going over all this now. It would not solve his problems. Rejection or not he had no choice but to catch her, tell her the truth, and hope to the Kamis that she would still love him. He sped off in search of the one person who, regardless of what the future held, would always remain in his heart.

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She hadn't meant to avoid him all day. She only wanted a little time to wander around and sort all this out. Yet, as if he could read her mind, Gaara had popped up everywhere she was. She would not be surprised if he could read her mind. After his kiss she had grown a sharp awareness of him. Whenever he entered a room there was a sharp tingle down her spine. She put this new skill to good use after he'd caught her that morning, and suspected it was the only real reason she evaded him at all. No one seemed to notice the little game they were playing.

She just needed a little time. Couldn't he give her that? As soon as the thought crossed her mind she saw a flash of red and the next moment she was tumbling to the ground with a familiar figure.

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He was becoming aggravated. He hadn't necessarily been chasing her but he felt like he should. He wasn't stalking her either but he seemed to be drawn to her. Wherever she went he always felt he should be there too. Once he had not been hungry at all but just had a very strong urge to go to the kitchen. Once there he found Hinata with her hands in his cookie jar. She was, of course, the only one allowed to do such a thing, but she looked like a deer caught in the headlights. As all the other times today she'd made some lame excuse and bolted out the door. His anger had only increased throughout the day and by now, just before sunset he was stomping through the halls and everyone else was avoiding him too. Smart people. Now he was chasing her, just at a slow pace. He used this newfound intuition and hunted her down.

As he rounded the corner he knew she would be around he slammed full-force into her. Not expecting the impact they tumbled to the ground before he could stop them.

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Gaara immediately shifted as they fell, so as not to crush Hinata's small frame. They lay there, Hinata half on top of Gaara. They breathed deeply, each taking the time to study each others eyes, until Hinata attempted to scramble away. Gaara quickly captured her hand and pulled her back down. "Don't run." His voice held a note of warning that told her it would be wise to obey. Still, his voice captivated her, as it always did, and with their close proximity she could not move even if she wanted to.

Gaara flipped them, to be on top and ensure that she could no longer escape him. "Listen" He said in a demanding tone that quickly faded. "I'm sorry." Hinata blinked owlishly. This was not what she'd surmised. He'd looked thoroughly pissed at her. Throughout the day she'd gone from running because she needed space to running because she was afraid of what he'd say when he caught up to her. This, though, put her completely off balance. "What?"

He took a deep breath and began slowly. "I apologize for not telling you the truth from the very beginning. . . I love you" Hinata gasped. She couldn't say she hadn't seen the signs but to hear him say it set her heart beating so fast she thought she'd have a heart attack. It made her entire face flush the shade of a tomato. It made something warm pulse through her entire body, starting at the nape of her neck where his hand gently propelled her face up to his. He kissed her just as gently and all she could feel was his lips and his heart matching the frantic pace of hers. She could feel it, in this kiss he had given his heart an soul. Now he needed an answer from her. She was still shocked, but he didn't give her time to speak anyway. He pulled back to stare at her longingly and said in a voice with a timber she easily recognized, "Are you happy?"

Her eyes went wide and she could say nothing. All at once she understood everything. Gaara was her dark figure. The dark figure loved her and therefore Gaara also loved her. Gaara had forced her here because he loved her. A shiver went down her back. Understanding everything did not make this any easier. She still thought of them as two people. Could she also love this side of Gaara?

"I'm very sorry to interrupt, Kazekage-sama!" Both lovers turned their heads to see one of Gaara's office staff. A young woman of around 21 or so, with medium black hair, braided at the end, and long bangs on either side of her face. The girl was bowed completely over but you could see the blush on her face. Hinata realized what the girl was seeing and hastened to get off of Gaara. He still did not let her go. "The Council just called an immediate meeting." As soon as this was said she raced away as if she feared death. Hinata looked down to see Gaara still glaring at the space the girl had vacated. She could comprehend why the girl left so hurriedly.

Gaara came back to the present and pulled them both to their feet. "Come on" he said and began moving toward the Council Meeting Hall. He never released Hinata's shaking Hand.

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Hinata paid little attention to the meeting and she had a feeling Gaara knew that, although he didn't comment. He still hadn't freed her hand, and that definitely didn't help her think through her issues, but it did send little shivers of pleasure through her system.

Finally, when the meeting ended, he led her back to their rooms, knowing she wanted alone time. He stood in her doorway, still holding her hand and slowly bent to kiss her forehead. He touched his forehead to hers, silently telling her to take her time. He let go of her hands reluctantly and went to his own door.

Hinata was tired. She reclined in her bed and slowly drifted off. She was still extremely confused but she couldn't stop the little stream of happiness that let her sleep peacefully.

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She had no inkling of what had woken her. Perhaps it was the sense that there was something important to be done. She sat up in her bed and looked to her door. The formerly timid girl had no conscious thoughts, only a peaceful decisiveness wafted like mist around her head while butterflies fluttered around in her stomach. Her heart and soul cried out for someone. She could not stay still. She had to search for what she truly yearned for.

She slipped out of her bed and then out of her room, heedless of where her heart was leading her. Yet, as soon as she came to a stop in front of his door she knew. Inside waited the presence that she'd grown so accustomed to and aware of. She turned the knob and pushed. The door opened noiselessly. Her dark figure sat in the bed at the center of the room, quietly waiting for her. Their eyes locked and held as she entered and closed the door behind her.

She stood there and neither said anything for a moment. Slowly and carefully Gaara's hand stretched out to her. Without the least hesitation she went to him, as a moth to a flame, and lay her hand in his. He pulled and she went willingly, climbing onto the bed beside him on her knees. She sat across his lap and there was no need for words. They leaned towards each other until, before they were even aware, their lips caressed each other. This time, a simple affirmation of what they both knew the moment she appeared in his doorway. She leaned against his shoulder, staring out the glass doors at the most beautiful night sky she had ever seen, until she fell asleep.

Gaara watched her rest, basking in the knowledge that she was completely at ease in his arms. The moon shined on the two, smiling as if it were a father giving approval and glad to see that his child had finally found the one they were meant for.

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For the life of her Temari could not seem to find Hinata. They had lots to think about and pick out for the wedding and the plans were already behind. She checked her room again and then went to her last resort. She hated to wake Gaara when he was sleeping. He was no longer an insomniac but she could not feel that there was ever a reason to steal away his sleep now that he actually could find that peace. Plus he looked so adorable and so much more little brother-like when he slept!

Sighing she lightly knocked on his door before pushing the door open. "Hey Gaara, sorry to wake you but. . ." Her words were set adrift on the wind as she came face to face with a scantily clad Hinata wrapped securely in the arms of a half naked Gaara. They both continued to snooze peacefully. Temari backed away and closed the door as quietly as she could. She didn't want to know. . . They really should save that kind of thing for after the wedding.

The End

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It seem weird 2 end dat way but at the same time right. So I guess w/e. Is the ending weak? Was it worth the trouble? It confuses me. Feedback plz! Thank You! *bows*