Ha, ha... this is my new fic... it is what all of you voted for... okay, I realized that I told people from Ikarishipping stories and Contestshipping stories to come vote for my poll. Yet, I didn't separated it. Then I got my two unbiased sisters to vote, and this story is now going to mainly be....CONTESTSHIPPING!!! :)Yet, don't worry... everyone should be okay with this story. Okay, drum roll please.... Chapter 1!!!

May sat in History trying her best to pay attention, yet everything the teacher said was so boring and mundane. They had been studying the Civil War for the last week and a half now. May sighed as she looked up at the clock. 25 more minutes before it was time to go, she drew a heart on the piece of paper she was saving for notes. However, on the paper were no notes, only hearts, lightning bolts, flowers, and a picture of Drew being electrified.

Drew was the boy who sat beside May in class. Other than the fact that he had a freaking huge fan club because of his good looks, May saw him as a waste of time, space, and creation. Okay, she had to admit that he looked cute. He stood at an average height of five feet and six inches, green hair and matching green eyes, a great complexion, and a very unique style. He dressed better than most boys his age, and heck, better than some boys in college...big deal. May hated him because he thought he was cute, everyone gave him whatever he wanted, and he always thought it was personally fun to annoy her. She didn't know what she did to make the principal hate her, but Drew was in her every class.

"Alright, class, I hope you were paying attention," the history teacher chimed as she erased the board. "Now, we have fifteen minutes left, and I am going to give you a pop quiz of everything we have studied during this chapter in your textbook." The entire class groaned. Everyone, except for May. She was a straight "A" student, and her dad was a history buff. If this was going to be just a few questions, she would surely ace it. "Take out a pencil and clear you desks," the teacher said as she went down the row, handing out a piece of paper with five questions and one extra credit. May grinned; it was easier than she thought: all multiple choice.

May busily began to fill in the first answer, and then the second. She paused when she noticed Drew's emerald eyes on her paper. May glared at the boy and put her hand over the quiz and continued. She then filled out question number three until she felt a sharp pain on her arm. She removed her hand and observed her arm; there was a light green dot right below her elbow. She looked over toward Drew who was smirking. "Stop it," May hissed as she filled out questions four and five. Drew gave her a faked look of consideration as he copied the last two answers she wrote down. May growled lightly and thought about turning him in...there were several different scenarios that played through her head for the possibilities.

On the plus side:

1. She raises her hand and the teacher comes to see what's wrong and she explains the situation. Drew gets a zero for his test and is moved to another spot, never to smirk at her again.

2. She tells the teacher and the teacher embarrasses Drew in front of the whole class and forces him to switch history so she will never have to see him again.

On the down side:

1. She tells and they both get "F's" because Drew argues she was cheating.

2. She tells, Drew gets in trouble, and she is stalked by his psychotic fan club, made up of cheerleaders and wannabe cheerleaders.

3. She could be branded for a snitch for the rest of her high school life.

May sighed as she weighed the options in her head. More bad than good was never a good idea. Just as she decided that she was going to turn it in because it was only a test, she took another glance in Drew's direction. He smirked and she growled.

"Miss Maple and Mr. Hayden, I want you to bring your tests up now and wait for me outside until the end of class."

"Bu-but..." May stuttered as she turned to look at the teacher, and then back at Drew. Drew glared and she sat in her seat, dumbfounded.

"Now, you two," the teacher's shrill voice rang out. It was only November. This was going to be an extremely long school year. May sulked up to the front, followed by Drew who looked almost pleased with himself. The teacher took the test and directed them outside.

"Great going, May," Drew sneered as they got outside.

To be continued lol. I hope you like it, my sister and I were sitting here and she says it is interesting. I love guinea pigs lol. Anyways, REVIEW, FAVORITE AND ALERT. By the way, thank my Beta!!!!!!!!!!!