(A/N: I'm so sorry people. I've been so busy. I intended to write sooner but it's hard. I've been very busy with school plays and concerts. I've finally had time to write again. As promised, here is the next chapter.

This chapter is dedicated to Twilightobsessed09, Kim as a Christmas present. Thank you, Kim for making me realize that I'm lazy (even though you never said that) and getting me to start writing again.

I'm not Stephenie Meyer, but I'd be a wealthy woman if I were.)

"Isabella, please get out of bed." A tiny yet demanding voice ordered me. I simply groaned and rolled over, pressing my face into the linens. I had no motivation to move; it was a wonder I was still breathing.

"Isabella!" The voice demanded again, I kept my eyes shut tightly, ignoring her. "If you don't get up and bathe right now, I'll bring the water to you. You'll have to sleep on a soggy bed tonight." Angela didn't scare me, but the thought that I could potentially be sleeping in a wet bed scared me into complying.

I dragged my body lamely out of bed. I didn't want to, but I loved Angela and seeing me miserable was making her miserable as well. "If you'll draw my bath, Angela, I'll take one." I sighed and put on my best not miserable face as I could muster. She smiled at me like it was Yuletide and she had just received a gift.

I saw no reason for celebrations-just a slight bit of improvement - and Angela skipped off to draw my water from the well and heat it over the fire. I decided that I probably should scavenge the kitchen for remnants of last nights feast because I was hungry and frankly, I'd go hungry if I had to prepare anything for myself. I didn't have the energy.

As I walked down to the kitchen something in the parlor caught my eye as I attempted to walk through the room. A piece of parchment with large calligraphy print was sitting atop the parlor side table. I walked over to it and picked it up.

Dear Swan Lord and Lady Isabella,

The royal wedding of Prince Edward and Lady Tanya,

Six sunsets from this evening will be the glorious marriage. Bring a guest for the ball afterwards.

Tears sprung to my eyes. Prince Edward would be married. His parents would step down from the throne and leave him in charge. With Lady Tanya. I didn't know why I had gotten involved with him in the first place. I knew that I should have simply continued to hate him. I knew now that I had good reason. Now, beside the agony I was feeling was a deep resentment for Prince Edward.

I set down the paper and noticed another thing. It was a note from Alice. I knew her my whole life as my father was an important member in the King's discussion committee and Alice and I had always gotten along though we rarely talked. Alice was the kind of person that I couldn't imagine not liking though. I picked up the note and began to read with trembling fingers.


I feel as though I should not meddle in the affairs of my brother. However, I couldn't sit idly by and let this happen. I needed to speak with you on account of many things I know. I feel as though I owe you an explanation though first. I've always been an insightful person. Especially when it comes to my brother. He's so very predictable. So many of life's things are predictable to me.

I wanted to tell you that despite Edward's foolish actions, he truly does love you. He loves you more than he loves himself. But, Mother and Father always have the last say, Isabella. They demanded this of him. This is not what he wanted.

You need to believe that you are the most important thing to him and he wants to fight for you. But he can't. I wanted to make this my gift to you. You need to know that he's honest. I predict that though you're terribly upset now, things will get a whole lot better. I know it, Bella. Just trust me.

I think that I'm going to ride my horse to your manor some time next week. I'd like to talk with you.


I put the note down befuddled. I knew from what Edward said in his parting letter that he loved me but shouldn't love conquer all? Shouldn't I end up happy? It made me want to start crying. He was something that I wanted but couldn't have. He was someone I love but couldn't love. It wasn't fair. Life was cruel.

I managed to stumble my way to the kitchen to eat something before Angela practically forced me to bathe.

When I had finally finished getting ready for the day, I decided that though everything had changed, I wanted to do something for myself. I wanted to do something for old times. I found myself climbing the dusty cobweb filled staircase. I felt nostalgic as I inhaled the familiar musty scent of attics.

The attic had been my haven before I had nothing better to do with my spare time. It was odd how when something changed in life, a person reverted back to stages they had already experienced.

I padded barefoot on the floor to the trunk placed before my wide stain glass window that overlooked the manor. I sat there and watched the manor children play happily and I was suddenly overcome with a sense of awareness. I remembered something I'd forgotten way back when. Before I had become obsessed with trying to be with Edward. The promise I made to the manor children.

I suddenly sat up straight and looked out the window for the three children I had talked to. I was sure they thought worse of me now that I hadn't kept my promise. Every sad thought that was in my head about Edward and Tanya and even Alice was gone. Now it was all about making right for what I'd done.

I ran from my perch in the attic nearly the moment I got there and dashed down through all the levels of the manor house and outdoors to the manor village. There were children everywhere each a brown skin color from being outdoors in the sun nearly every day. I couldn't find the right brown children though.

I ran through the tiny dirt paths and past each tiny shack that the peasants lived in. I stopped at the place I'd met them one day and sat right down in the dirt. I disregarded my pretty dress. I didn't care if I got dirt on it. It didn't matter. I had a feeling if I sat where I was long enough, I'd find them. Or I'd find someone who could find them for me.

Staring at the dirt for a moment was sobering. I realized at once that it wouldn't exactly be fun to be this dirty all the time. I remembered the children were drawing in the dirt the day I met them. There were no twigs in sight and upon scavenging the ground I finally found one and began to draw in the dirt.

If Lord Charlie could see me, I doubt he'd be happy. He'd probably off my head in the guillotines. It didn't matter to me though. I was on a mission. I was going to fulfill my promises.

Lines upon lines were scratched in the dirt by my shaking hand. Lines twirled into twists and turns. Dirt got into my fingernails, in my hair and it covered my dress. I didn't care.

I was only drawing for a few minutes when I heard a semi-familiar voice from behind me. "Oh, Look who came back." I turned to see the taller, older looking dark boy standing behind me with his arms crossed. "You bring us false hope and then you dare to come back here? You've got some nerve, Lady Isabella." He spoke in a tone that was worse than anger. It was pure disappointment. "She gets caught up with the Prince and forgets all about the little people she swore she'd help."

I couldn't defend myself, because I knew he was right, and though it wasn't customary for the peasants to speak to the upper class the way he was speaking to me, I couldn't say a word. I had more than deserved it and I let him chew me out.

"Jacob." I finally said after a long, sobering silence. "I promise now, I'm back to bring you joy. I want to bring a better life for you and I'm really going to work hard to get this for you. Tell your families. The first thing I'm going to bring you all is new clothes."

I didn't know how I was going to achieve the things I promised, but I knew that somehow, this time, I would find a way.

The tall brown boy took a final disappointed look at me and he sighed. "Sure you are." With that he turned and walked away back into the depths of the tiny raggedy village.