"I'm sorry, Zane," she whispered, tears visible in her eyes as she raised her arms and pointed a gun at his chest. "I can't let you hurt her the same way you hurt me," she said, louder this time, looking to the girl who clung tightly against his backside.
"I didn't mean to hurt you, Mina. I told the agency that you weren't being fired, that it was all me."
"I don't care about the agency! Is that all that I am to you? Some stupid model that you can use and discard?"
"I don't understand."
"Do something, Zane," the girl behind him said quickly. "She's crazy."
"I…." Zane started to speak, but didn't know which girl to respond to. He wanted to protect the girl that he had somehow brought into this, even though he didn't really have any interest in her at that moment. "I knew how you felt about me, so I thought it would be best if you didn't work for me anymore. That it might be easier for you this way."
"But sleeping with me would be ok?" Mina exclaimed, her hands shaking.
"Sleeping with you?" Zane seemed taken aback by her words.
The girl behind him spoke again, stopping him from further responding. "She's pointing a gun at you. She's obviously beyond reasoning!"
Zane paused, again confused over which girl to listen to. The blonde at his back was right that Mina was a danger to both of them, but at the same time he didn't know how to respond to Mina's accusation. "I didn't –"
"Two nights ago we laid in your bed and as soon as we were done you walked out on me. It certainly looked like you that was kissing me, and sounded like you that whispered words in my ears. It was you that made love to me – the first man that I have ever slept with."
"Enough of this already!" the blonde exclaimed as she slipped away from Zane. She briefly passed through a shadow in the darkened apartment, and once stepping back into the lights shining from the windows, Kai stood where she had been only seconds before. "I thought you would have done what you came here to do by now," he said in a bored tone to Mina. He turned to face Zane. "She came here to kill you," he said calmly. "I would advise taking that gun from her before she finally decides to use it on you."
"What did you do with Sakura?" Zane asked the question even though he already knew the answer.
"A figment of my imagination," Kai smirked. "You seem to have such a penchant for blondes. Now we can either debate the issue or you can worry about the immediate threat to your life. Take the gun from her, Zane. If you don't kill her, she will kill you."
"I'm not going to hurt her."
"You already have. Look at her," Kai gestured towards where Mina watched the two men, her eyes glossy with unshed tears. He moved back towards Zane and pressed a gun, which seemingly appeared from nowhere, into his hands. "Do what you must."
Zane looked down at his hands, the metal feeling cold against his clammy hands. His eyes then traveled in the direction Kai had pointed the gun to realize that it had been positioned perfectly with Mina in its sight.
"I think you're taking advantage of this situation, Pan."
Kai growled as he looked up to notice the arrival of woman with silvery hair piled in loose curls on her head. A crown adorned her forehead, perched above her brow with a large crescent moon affixed to the band. "You have not been summoned here and he is no longer one of yours. He is fair game."
"You tricked the both of them, seducing them before turning them against one another, I will not allow this to continue to unravel. If you will not tell him the truth than I shall." The woman walked further into the room, coming to stand next to Kai, her eyes focusing on Zane. "Even as one of the fallen you still have all the beauty and grace of those who remain ascended. Do you remember who I am?" Zane shook his head, but found that he could not lower his arms from Mina's direction. "I see," she continued. "You should reconsider your actions otherwise I will not be able to protect you from the outcome."
"He acts in self defense, he cannot be punished for that," Kai interrupted her, his voice no longer calm as it had been before.
"That is no longer the case now is it?" The woman gestured elegantly with her arm towards the door. As Zane cast his eyes in that direction he froze, a cold chill running through his body. Darkness seeped out from around the slightly open door. Ghastly hands reached through the opening of the door as if trying to grab something being held just out of reach. He could feel the sensation of the balmy hands grabbing his arms and pulling him into the darkness. His mind reeled back to the nightmares that he had been experiencing as of late where death had been dancing just out of reach. "This action will bind you to him, Zane, and once this happens, there will be nothing that I can do to help you. You are one of my fallen and I need you to remember this. Those scars on your back represent your sacrifice for this mortal girl that you fell in love with. You've come so far to find her – will you end it like this?"
"I don't remember," Zane said.
"It's all lies," Kai said loudly. "She's using illusions to distract you. Look back to the door, there is nothing supernatural or unholy about it – it is what it is, a door."
"What are you?" Mina asked Kai, her voice bringing the attention of the light haired woman to her for the first time.
Kai sighed and looked down on her as if annoyed that he needed to explain things to her. "Humans always seem to feel that they must name things to understand them. I am what I am."
"You're a svengali."
Kai paused and smiled at her words, looking sharply at her. "Ah, there is a name that I haven't heard in some time. You may call me that if it satisfies you to do so."
"You pretended to be Zane. You took his form and it was you who…who…"
"Made love to you?" Kai closed the distance between them in just a few steps, turning her face to look up at him. "You're a beautiful girl, I'm sure you know this. That's why Zane fell in love with you, that's why I was curious to know why. Such passion, it's so exciting to watch in motion. And now, to see that same passion at its pinnacle," he paused as if reveling in the feel of the powerful emotions alive in the room, "well, I'm sure you don't need me to explain that. You humans are really such interesting creatures. Although I have to say that your participation in this little exercise has left me intrigued. I expected you to have acted by now, but you haven't. Tell me why."
The silver haired woman moved to stand near Kai, reaching up to lay her hand on his shoulder. "She doesn't owe you an answer or an explanation. You've done enough here. Zane and I will return to our place in the sky now."
"You may have him," Kai responded, his eyes never leaving Mina's frightened looking ones. "My interest has shifted to the girl. Zane's predictability bores me."
The gun in Mina's hand fell to the ground, bouncing off the hardwood floor with a loud clatter. Her hand rose to her chest, shock registering on her pretty features as a gasp slipped from her lips. Slowly she peeled her hand away from her chest to notice the blood that now stained her hand. Mina looked at Zane for a brief moment before her eyes rolled back in her head and she collapsed to the ground. Kai's features darkened for a moment as he looked down at the limp body of the blonde before turning to look at Zane, a wanton smile spreading across his lips. Selene clasped her hands in front of her chest, sadness evident on her features. "Zane," she said sympathetically.
"I didn't want him to hurt her any further," Zane said in obvious disbelief over his actions.
"There was nothing more that he could have done to her. He has been named and his illusions dispersed. You would have returned with me and she would have been free of him."
"But now you," Kai put extra emphasis on the word 'you', "will never be free of me. You belong to the earth now, no longer will you be able to return to your home in the heavens." He looked at the silver haired woman grieving over the loss of one of her own. "My most treasured conquest, I thank you for your interference." He placed a soft kiss on her check before walking towards the front door and pulling it open. Ominously he looked over his shoulder and smiled, his normally handsome features suddenly very frightening. "We are tied together now, Zane." As Kai exited the door, a cold breeze seemed to fill the room in his absence.
Zane looked to Selene who had kneeled down next to the fallen girl. He watched as she stroked the blonde locks whilst whispering a gentle prayer. The woman finally looked up to him with sympathetic eyes. "She's safe with me now. She has taken her place among the stars - where you once belonged."
"Tell me who I am," he begged her.
"I cried for you when you sacrificed your wings," she said sadly. "I wanted to stop you from descending to the earth, but I couldn't. This planet has brought me nothing but heartbreak in the form of Pan's deceiving me and the eternal sleep of my greatest love Endymion. It's forbidden for me to interfere, and so I had no choice but to watch you suffer through the loss of your memory. When you finally met the girl that you had given up the heaven's for I rejoiced for I thought that everything would be okay from that point on. Unfortunately I wasn't able to see through Pan's illusions until it was too late. I tried to contact you in your dreams – to show you that your eternal star would be extinguished by your mortality. I wanted to save you, but my presence only made you more vulnerable to his lies, and for that I apologize." She blinked back the tears in her eyes. He watched with great sadness as she slowly stood up, leaving Minako's body on the floor to cross over to him. She leaned up onto her tiptoes to place a kiss on his cheek. "You can't return with me as I had hoped. But maybe one day she will remember you and she too will make the choice to descend to this planet to be with you. Please, watch for her, watch for any of the fallen and do your best to protect them." Her fingers lightly ran through his hair before turning to follow Kai's path and exiting through the door leaving Zane alone with the body of his fallen lover and his damned mortality.
Note: Pan is most noted for his sexual powers in Greek mythology and was believed by the Greeks to have plied his charms primarily on maidens and shepherds. Though he failed with Syrinx and Pitys, Pan didn't fail with the Maenads—he had every one of the Maenads in one orgiastic riot or another. To effect this, Pan was sometimes multiplied into a whole tribe of Panes. (I find Panes to be amusing for some reason). Pan's greatest conquest was that of the moon goddess Selene. He accomplished this by wrapping himself in sheepskin to hide his hairy black goat form, and drew her down from the sky into the forest where he seduced her. Just to provide a bit of background on these characters. (Taken from wikipedia). It's believed that many demonized images are based on pictures of Pan. In my universe, I've used all elements of Pan to create this likeness.