Fall For You
Chapter 1
The sun rose early, its morning rays finding a way through the covering to shine into a sleeping face. Green eyes opened followed by an annoyed groan. A pale arm rose sluggishly to block the sun attempting to recall those last few minutes of the dream she so desperately needed to finish. With a sigh, she realized it was hopeless as she flung off the covers, stretching her finger tips out, feeling the cold steel of the secret she held under her pillow. Closing her hand around it, she flicked her thumb against the blade, hissing quickly at the dull sting. Pulling out her hand, she grinned as she glanced at the small line that bled slowly. She sat frozen upon the small drops of blood that began to run down toward her inner wrist,
The blood trailed down the wall, sticky and dark, her eyes transfixed as she heard boots heading her way. Feeling a hand grab her elbow she ran from the sight, her mind refusing to let it go.
Shaking herself out of her thoughts she slowly rose from her warm bed, a cold breeze flowing past her neck, causing an involuntary shudder to run up he spine. Closing her eyes, she grabbed onto the wall to steady herself as the room spun before her, her vision cloudy and fuzzy around the edges. As suddenly as it came it was over, leaving her a bit weak and confused. Shaking her head she pulled out the band holding her hair braided, letting the long amber locks trail down her back in smooth, soft curls. Reaching to turn on the shower, her skin tingled as the warm steam enveloped her bare skin before she stepped in.
Turning off the shower, she slid into her silk robe, shaking her wet hair from her face. She was surprised to hear silence from downstairs and looking at the clock she saw that it was after nine. Imam never let her sleep too long, banging on her door giving her guilt about people getting up when the sun crested the hills. She opened her door and headed down the stairs, rounding a corner and stubbing her toe on the leg she knew was there.
"Shit." It was then that she realized that the house was darker than it should be, Imam's normal tendency to create a perfect array of light by uncovering every window, and the house had so many. Now dark shadows mingled with the morning sun, causing her to shiver as the shadows seem to move on their own. Closing her eyes, her head tilted slightly as she picked up the soft voices coming from the other room. Heading slowly that way, her bare feet making no sound as she stopped at the entrance, her eyes quickly picking out the two forms that were in front of her in the dark. One was Imam standing next to his favorite chair, his body turned toward another figure sitting beside him, his eyes glimmering as his gaze turned up to meet hers.
"Hello Jack."
She could have sword her heart stopped momentarily as she closed her eyes taking in the sound of that voice. The dark timber that sent warm shivers up her spine. "Riddick." Her mind was torn in two different directions as well as her body. In one direction she wanted to run to him and throw her arms around him never letting him go ever again. And in the other direction, she wanted to kick the living shit out of him till he felt her pain. "What do you want?" Her tone was all fire, her eyes flashing at him, her body hummed as she uncurled the fists at her sides.
Inside he grinned, hoping she wouldn't lose that fire inside her, he admired so much. "To see you."
"It's been a long time, why'd you bother." Without another glance, she headed back up the stairs, her hands shaking as they trailed up the dark wood, her heart beating so frantically she was sure he could hear it.
Riddick almost smiled, knowing it would be too easy if she just threw her arms around him like before.
Imam shifted nervously beside him. "I apologize for..." He was silenced as Riddick raised a hand.
"No…that's Jack." His senses took in her scent, mostly the same, but somehow different.
Once in her room, she closed the door learning back against it, her hand covering her chest. 'How dare he come back now.' Flinging her robe toward her bed, she grabbed a pair of grey slack and a black tank, twisting her hair up in the process. Heading toward the window, her ears detected a faint knock from the door. With a sigh, she headed over to let Imam in, knowing she would receive a long lecture. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw Riddick standing before her instead. "What?"
He grinned. "Some welcome."
"You expected one?"
He shook his head, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the door jam.
"Why are you here?"
"Told you."
"Yeah, and why now?"
"Got my reasons."
She rolled her eyes, preparing to close the door, but he pushed it back. "You saw me, now leave."
Turning, she headed toward the window, opening it only to feel him
standing behind her. Turning her head slightly, she swallowed as her
eyes met his. The years had passed but his gaze still affected her as
"Going somewhere?"
"Got that did you." With a saucy grin, she jumped from the second story window, landing on her feet like a cat, stalking off into the shadows, feeling his gaze following her till she was out of sight.
Her breath fell from her mouth in a rush as she smacked her knuckles on the tree beside her. Leaning against the side of a building, she closed her eyes, tilting her head back in exasperation. Things were just fine, why did he have to come back. 'Really, Jack. How many friends do you have? None because you never bothered to make any thinking he'd come back and then when he didn't you made it a point to never let anyone else in again.' Turning around, she laid her forehead against the cold wooden planks, the afternoon sun beating down on the back of her neck. Her green eyes opened as the sound of gravel moving under boots, made her straighten and duck around the tree. Watching as an older man walked by, tipping his hat at her, made her feel foolish. Her nerves were shot but her instincts were still alive. Fight or flight burned into her brain, though mostly fight, she had been thrown out of school early for the fights she caused. Shaking her head she glanced toward her home and sighed as she headed off.
A hiss was forced from her lips as the thorns bit into her sensitive palms. The rain had begun to fall several minutes before, causing the clothes she wore to be plastered to her skin. Slowly making her way up the slippery vines, she climbed into her room, shaking off the cold chill from the wind. Unclipping her hair, she ran restless fingers through her wet curls, massaging her temples.
The hair at the back of her neck rose and she sighed as her nose picked up his scent. "Thought I told you to leave."
knew I wouldn't.
She nodded, not bothering with the lights as
she made her way to the closet pulling out a dark tank, throwing it
onto the bed behind her. Grabbing a pair of old, baggy cargos, she
took a minute to bring the fabric up to her nose, a small gesture
that was unnoticeable except by him.
As his eyes tracked the material flying to the bed, he grinned as he realized they were his.
Without a glance to where he was seated in the corner, she slipped the wet shirt over her head, as well as the pants, tossing them into her bathroom. She could feel his eyes on her causing warmth to spread up her limbs warming her instantly.
He closed his eyes, burning the image of her, filing it away for later, as he listened to her redress even as his mind worked over the darkened tattoo at the side of her neck.
Once dressed she turned, noticing even in the dark that his eyes were closed, the usual shimmer no where to be seen. "You were the one who hid in my bedroom remember that."
He didn't answer as he rose and headed toward her. "Lights twenty percent." Handing a paper to her, he waited for her to respond.
Her eyes widened seeing the picture of herself above a large sum of money. "What is this?"
"The reason I'm here."
"So it's not to see me." 'Liar.'
"I've got a day's drop on them; they'll be here by morning."
"And you need to pack quickly."
"I'm not leaving."
"Dying isn't an option Jack."
"Not your decision."
"Look we can do this the hard way or the easy way. Either one has your ass on my ship in one hour."
She crossed her arms in defiance.
"Don't forget who you are dealing with kid."
"Like you'd let me forget."
"One hour." He opened the door, leaving it open as he started down the stairs.
Folding her arms over her chest, she backed up to the bed, the back of her legs brushing the mattress before she took a seat. 'Still ordering me around, it's like he never left.' A sigh soundly softly in the room her eyes closed, hearing footsteps heading up the stairs. Without opening her eyes, she knew it was him, his scent unmatched. Spicy and all male. Waiting for him to speak took longer than she wanted and it made her open her eyes, peering up at him as he leaned against the wall.
"For real?" Her fingers flexed the paper in her hand.
"Do I look like I'm kidding?"
"Where will we go?"
"I'll take care of it."
"I missed you." There she said it, letting it hang in the air.
'I missed you too kid.' "I had to keep you safe."
"Didn't work." Her eyes turned up to peer at him through the curtain of dark hair.
He fought the urge to push the dark strands from her face. "No."
"How did they find me?"
He shrugged. "Get packed. We're running out of time." He headed toward her closet, pulling out a large black duffel he had thrown in earlier. "Whatever fits in here, no more." He threw it at her feet. "Now."
She held up a hand, standing up slowly. "This is all so fast."
He nodded. "Not over yet, not close."
She grabbed the bag in a daze and started to empty her drawers, moving silently to her closet, feeling the warmth radiating off his body as he stood near. Turning her eyes up toward his, her breath hitched as fire traveled through her veins. "You came back." Her voice was barely a whisper.
"Told you I would," he said softly although he had no intention doing so. "But they found you anyway."
The bag fell from her fingers as she wrapped her arms around him, her head lowering against his hard chest. His scent surrounded her and after a moment she realized his arms continued to hang at his sides. "Scared to hold me Riddick?" Her head moved back, her eyes peering up at him.
"Been a long time kid."
"I'm not a kid."
"Yeah, that's the problem." He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear before stepping out of her arms and heading into the hall.
Grabbing the bag from the floor, she set it down on her bed as she grabbed a hidden box from under it. She pulled out a threaded necklace, the large pointed tooth at the end shimmering in the light. She shivered at the tooth, the memories resurfacing, the dark, and the horrible sounds they made. She closed her eyes as she slipped the necklace into her bag. Reaching in the box, she pulled out a pair of old goggles, smiling to herself as she slipped them into the bag as well, as well as his old tags. Throwing the empty box aside she finished removing the clothes from her closet and took one last look at her room, before leaving.
Moving silently through the hall, she stopped at the foot of the stairs, not making a sound as she listened to the hushed voices.
"…you're doing?" Holy man's voice was agitated.
"They are coming. Do you think that your God will stop them?" His voice rose as his patience wore thin.
"We can hide."
"Where? We both know she stands a better chance of staying alive with me than here."
"You can protect her from them, but can you protect her from yourself?"
"Watch it."
"You left here before because you…" He stopped realizing this was getting him nowhere. "Promise me you'll keep her safe?"
"No…but I will promise to try."
Imam sighed. "Fine."
Jack heard Riddick move toward her, but found it hard to move and when he stepped out of the shadows, his eyes shinning up at her, she swallowed hard. Holding the bag, she tilted her head, feeling the straps slide through her fingers to the floor.
'How long was she there?' His senses failed to register the fact she had been there at all let alone how long she had been listening.
His eyes lowered to the bag, not really seeing it. Feeling the waves of uncertainty flow from her. As his eyes traveled back up to her face he noticed a smirk on her lips.
"How do I get eyes like that?" She asked before he had a chance to speak.
"First you gotta kill a few people." His deep voiced surrounded her.
Her eyes closed. "I can do that," she let out softly.
He took a step closer, feeling the heat off her body next to his. "Not if I can help it."
Her smirk faded as her eyes opened. "Whatever it takes right?"
His eyes stubbornly refused to move from her mouth, watching it move as she spoke. She affected him, and he was powerless to stop it. Pulling his gaze back as she said his name, his eyes flipped up to hers.
"You okay?" She waved her hand in front of his eyes.
He reached down to grab her bag, pushing it into her stomach. "Time to go."
Watching him head through the darkness toward the door, her brows drew together in confusion. 'That was weird.' Slowly following her eyes glanced toward Imam before closing the door on her life.
Walking next to him, her eyes remained on her feet as they covered ground toward his ship. The last couple hours had been crazy and something told her that it hadn't even begun yet. He remained silent beside her as usual, not that she expected much conversation. He had spoken so much this last day than he really had before. She closed her eyes as she remembered the way his voice sounded, deep, the way it vibrated through her body. It was no surprise, it had affected her since she met him, but somehow this time it was different and she couldn't explain the reason why.
Taking a chance, she stole a glance seeing him focused on their route through the darkened city toward the docking bay. 'Talk to me.' Silence was the only sound along with the sound of her boots, his made no sound. A grin formed on her mouth as she thought about the black shiv tucked into her boot. A present from long ago, when she was dumb enough to think she could take him on.
"We'll take this easy."
"Come on," she stated with an eye roll. "Give me the full force or I'm never going to learn." She jumped slightly as a dark blade flew threw the air to imbed itself in the wall inches from her head. "Trying to kill me?"
"Not yet."
She jumped hearing him speak behind her unaware he had moved. He was like a ghost, no sound, without moving the air around him even. Pulling the blade from the wall, she turned to swipe at him, him ducking out of the way to bring an elbow up to her unprotected chin. Almost reaching a hand up to rub it she stopped and rushed at him, the heel of her palm hitting his fist as she twisted to duck out of his reach, her leg raising to hit him in the back only to be grabbed, finding herself on the floor.
Gripping the blade, she slid across the floor, her leg swiping out toward his as he jumped over it, her fist flicked up the blade to cut across his calf, a mark in the pants the only sign she had struck him.
He glanced down, his eyes seeing the tear, her hands still holding the blade as she stood to ready herself. He nodded once and adjusted his goggles. "Nice job, kid." He turned to walk out when her voice rang out to him.
"You forgot this." She held out the dark blade.
"Keep it. You'll need it." With that he walked out.
She chuckled softly to herself.
"Something funny?" He asked quietly as his eyes peered over at her. Shaking it off as he was met with silence, he continued till they reached the cargo bay, his ship waiting patiently, lit barely, mostly hidden in the shadows.
As Jack was led inside her eyes noticed the wording code at the back of the ramp door, before it lowered.
Laying her stuff down against the wall, she watched the ramp closing behind her before turning to him. "BE?"
He grinned, lowering the goggles before heading off toward the cockpit.
Grabbing her bag, she followed, her mind trying to work around the letters for the ships name. As she reached the cockpit, watching him in action as he worked quickly to get them off the ground it hit her. "BigEvil." The nickname she had given him before he left.
She refused to let the tears fall, feeling them lining her vision making it harder to see. Watching him walking down the stairs, a bag held in his hands, she reached forward. Her fingertips ran down his forearm but he didn't slow or stop his pace. "I can't believe you are doing this." Her voice was so lost and hopeless, causing him to stop. Her bottom lip trembled with the emotion she refused to let go, not in front of him. She would not be weak.
He turned, taking off his goggles for a moment, his eyes boring into hers. "I have to."
"You're leaving me."
He stepped closer to her, his finger tilting her head up so he could look at her. "You'll be safe without me here. They'll always be trailing me. I won't let you get caught in the middle of my fight."
"Let me go with you."
He shook his head. "You're not ready for out there."
"I'm fifteen, Riddick, I'm not a child."
"I know." His eyes held a strange look she hadn't seen before as she watched him trying to speak. "You'll be safer here."
"Without you?"
"Better this way?" He turned to leave once more, his goggles lowered.
"For who?"
Without an answer he marched out into the sunlight.
"You're an asshole." She followed him out.
He stopped and sighed. "Go inside Jack."
She crossed her arms over her chest. "You don't have authority over me anymore."
He pointed to the house. "Go."
"No, I'm not a dog and I'll never obey." She waved him off. "Go if you feel the need to leave me."
"I'll be back."
She shrugged. "Doesn't matter. You're leaving just the same." She fingered the dark blade she had in her hands, her thumb moving over the two inscribed letters, 'J-R'. Feeling him move in front of her she refused to look up.
"Look at me." Nothing. He gripped her chin forcefully in his fingers. "They'll never look for you here."
She shrugged him off. "Right." She heard noise from inside the house as Imam walked up behind her. "Just in time, BigEvil here is just leaving." Her eyes were cold as she turned around to head back into the house.
"Bye Jack. I will come back."
The almost silent beeping from across the room alerted her of the time and there was nothing but darkness around her as she opened her eyes. With a small groan, she threw her blade across the room, shattering the wall unit with a short spark, rendering the room to silence once more. Her mind took a moment to adjust as she tried to figure out where she was. Sitting up, a small red glow from a wall reminded her, on a ship with Riddick. Somehow being with him had made her feel like she was a kid again. A small smile flashed across her face as she settled into the soft, warm pillow. Standing to stretch, she could feel her muscles pulling tight, her back popping as she leaned back, her palms flat against the wall behind her.
Riddick sat in the corner, once again in the dark, his eyes watching her every move. 'Something else to replace. 'A small grin formed when he watched her stretch back towards an impossible angle. 'Flexible.' He shook his head, this was Jack here. Taking a silent deep breath, he cleared his throat, expecting her to be surprised, frowning as she turned his way as if expecting him. "Kept up your training." It wasn't a question, merely an observation.
"You said you'd come back and I wanted to be ready."
He rose and headed her way, stopping in front of her. "Let's see what you remember." Without another glance, he headed out, knowing she would follow.
Leaning against the wall, she ran her fingers through her hair, taking a moment to stand back, not in the mood to play. "I need a drink." Letting out a breath, she remained still as he appeared in the doorway, looking a bit annoyed. "I'm not a puppy; I won't follow you like one." She turned her eyes up to his. "You might want to remember that." Pushing off the wall, she headed around him and down the hall toward the gym.
He titled his head sideways, hearing it crack, his body humming with energy as he chose to follow her, this time.
Stepping around the darkened room, her eyes took in the equipment she could see, some of it old, some new. Feeling him enter behind her, she turned. "Nice equipment." With a grin, she continued to observe the room, her mind catching the double meaning. Turning, she arched a brow. "How do you see what you're doing though? Lights forty percent." Hearing him hiss as he quickly shut his eyes, catching the glare as his goggles were placed.
"What are you gonna do BigEvil?" She stepped back, taking a stance, her arms at her side but ready to move.
"Think you can handle me?"
"I was a kid and almost took you down."
'Her hand lowered to run fingers over his freshly shaved cheek, her thumb grazing his bottom lip before she found herself on the cold floor, alone in the room, his back the only thing she saw as he walked away.'
'More ways than you think kid.' "Let's see what you got."
She ran her tongue over her bottom lip, flexing her fingers. Instead of rushing at him, she calmly walked toward him, confusion evident, though his face registered nothing. "Lights ten percent. " Stopping just in front of him, she peered up at his face, her hand rising to remove the goggles, tossing them behind her toward a small stand, the straps catching the hooks.
"Nice shot."
"I know." Bouncing her brows, she flipped backwards suddenly, the toe of her boot almost catching him on his chin as he stepped back.
'Wanna play huh.' He was at her back as she stepped down, grabbing a hold of her chin, his chest pressed up against her back. "Quit with the footwork and fight me." He pushed her forward, pleased as she didn't stumble but turned to glare at him.
His hands grabbed her elbow as she neared him, flipping her arm behind her back before her forehead slammed into his temple, his grip tightening as she ducked to slip her head over her arm. Her knee jutted up toward his middle causing his body to bow out, her legs flipping up to kick him backwards, his grip loosened, her arm snapping upward at an odd angle.
With a wince, she brought her shoulder up, hearing the small yet audible pop as her shoulder slipped back into joint. Working her muscles into play, she advanced yet again, her body crouching low as she neared only to veer off to the right, slipping around his body, his arm reaching out to wrap around her middle, gripping her to lift her backwards, her back slamming into the ground as he stepped back. Flipping up onto her feet, she lowered to her palms, her legs in the air as she flipped behind him, her heel slamming into the back of his knees. Pleased with his stagger, she flew back toward him as his hands grabbed a hold of a fistful of her hair, pulling her behind him to bring a hard fist into her chin.
He blocked her attacks as her fist rose to catch him unguarded at his temple. His hands enveloped hers as he pulled both of her hands behind her back, to push her back against the wall, her body hitting it with a loud crack.
She rushed at him, her head ducking under his powerful swing getting a knee in the stomach for her effort, feeling her breath whoosh out. Bringing an elbow back swiftly as he neared her, she dropped down to the floor slipping around and behind his body to grab his neck, her body flying forward as his arms grabbed her quickly, sending her to the floor, his boot at her throat before she kicked him in the inner thigh too close to home for his comfort. As he backed out of position, she rolled over, missing another boot that would have slammed into her back.
She rose only to have her arm grabbed as she swung around, the force of her body carrying them toward a wall, her back pressed up against a hard table. Her hands were held on the table, his palms holding them down hard. She glared as his mouth neared her ear.
"Don't mess with me." He backed up quickly, his grip loosening as his fingers rose to his left cheek, the bloody line trailing down his skin at the deep cut. His eyes met hers, seeing the blade sticking out of her mouth, before she expertly hid it once more. 'Not bad, but I'm better.' He grabbed her as she hopped off the table, sending her to the floor, his body holding her down.
Swinging out, she kicked him away from her body barely as her hand flew to her boot, gripping the blade to hold it to his throat, his eyes shining down at her. "Game over." She grunted as he rolled them over, sending her sailing over his head as he stood and nodded before walking out. She rubbed her sore backside, flexing her legs; she stood up, her body feeling the exercise.
The darkness was all around her, the silent night threatening to engulf her. She suddenly could hear them, the scratching, and ticking, and screeching sounds. Holding her hands over her ears, she closed her eyes, willing herself to awake. This was a dream, she had survived this nightmare. A sound in front of her made her eyes fly open, the dark creature hissing as it made its way up the ramp, its sightless eyes staring at her, mouth open and sharp teeth ready.
She cried out when she felt a hand drop to her shoulder and suddenly he was there. Pushing her aside as he kept her away from the monster, killing it with such force she couldn't look away. As he turned to stare back at her, she felt the breath leave her chest as he started toward her.
His hands reached out, drawing her toward him as the ramp closed behind him. The wall touched her back as he pushed her against it, smoothing the hair from her face. Hair? She felt his hand trail down her body causing her to cry out as it closed over her breast, his mouth attaching itself to her neck, his lips leaving a burning trail down her chest. He grabbed her hair and forced her lips to his, taking them with his passion.
Pressing his body up against hers, she felt the solidness of him as she wrapped a leg around him, rising up to wrap them both around his waist as he ground into her. Her head fell back as he ripped open her shirt, his mouth and lips moving over her skin. Taking a nipple into his mouth, her heart stopped as she felt it harder and harder to breath. Her hands spread across his back, feeling the powerful muscles shifting under her touch. One hand lowered to his belt, making quick work of the buckle, pulling it away, reaching in to close her hand around him, her blood boiling hearing him growl…
She jumped quickly, falling sideways onto the floor. Looking up, she glared at him. "What?"
He could smell her rising body levels and it caused him to clench his jaw as he put some distance between them. "Message."
"From who?"
"Who else do you know?" He turned and left the room.
She rubbed her face, feeling the nerve endings tingling everywhere. Shaking her head she headed off toward the cockpit stopping beside his chair, her eyes glancing at him quickly before leaning forward to push the receive button. "Imam?"
"Yeah, what is it?"
"They were here. An hour ago. You guys made it out of here just in time." He moved into the picture a split lip and swollen eye making her gasp.
"They did this?"
He waved her off. "I got off easy trust me."
"Are they on our trail?"
"Don't know. Make sure you cover your tracks."
She nodded, disconnecting the call and turning to look at him, her hands still braced on the console. Heat flooded her cheeks as she watched his eyes rise from her backside. Turning away, she took a breath and turned her body around, her arms held at her sides as she lengthened her body. "See something you like BigEvil?" Her brow arched at his look.
He ignored her as he returned to his maps. She moved to his side, her nose picking up his strong, unique scent. Her hand lowered to his shoulder before he gripped it in a tight lock.
She pulled her hand out of his grasp.
"Why are you afraid of me?"
His dark gaze met hers. "Never." Without another glance, he stood and walked out of the room.
"Yeah walk away like you always do." Her voice was barely a whisper but he heard her.
The pictures floated around in her memory, the ones she hadn't taken that is. Setting the box aside, she wiped at a tear as it streaked down her cheek. Rubbing the back of her neck, she stiffened, turning her head to the side slightly to see a dark figure in her doorway. "What?"
He didn't move as his eyes turned to the box, photos sticking out the side. "I had to take you with me."
"I know." She still didn't turn.
He walked into the room, flipping open the lid to peer in.
"I didn't get to say goodbye."
"He's still alive."
"Yeah." She shook her head. "But we both know that it could have gone the other way."
"Still could." He winced as the words came out and turned to her. "We both know how things work, nothing is forever."
"And things change, I know." She slid out of bed on the other side away from him. 'It used to be so easy to talk to you.'
should eat."
She turned. "You cooked?"
He grinned. "Kinda." With a shrug he left her in silence.
After a sigh, she threw the tooth onto the bed before the catching something glimmering out of the corner of her eye. Reaching, down she grabbed the small tags, slipping them around her neck and leaving the room.
As she entered the kitchen, she was surprised to find that the smell wasn't half bad. "Surprising." She heard a grunt for a reply as a plate was set in front of her. "Thanks." She peered up at him waiting till his eyes met hers.
He nodded. "Eat."
Her eyes felt like they were permanently glued to his mouth as he ate, his lips parting for the spoon, his tongue flicking out to get all the taste. Glancing up, she realized his eyes were on hers, a curious gaze on his face as he noticed the tags around her neck. Turning down, she tucked them back in and finished her last few bites before heading out, his eyes on her back.
End of Chapter One