Title: Nuzzle
Author: Enkidu07
Disclaimer: Just playing.
Secret Challenge Theme: 'Dean has a fever.'
A/N: For you, Mad Server. To ensure a Very Happy Birthday, we threw the word limit (as well as the word, actually) out the window and asked everyone to bring us Feverish!Dean. I hope you enjoy and that this is a wonderful end to your birthday weekend! P.S. I borrowed your bossy hands.
Sam's POV
Dean's breathing sounds like cellophane rustling in the dark. Sam prefers Dean's characteristic snores of sick sleep to this ragged wheezing. He pulls himself from bed and shakes Dean gently.
"Dean." Whispered even though he's trying to wake him up. "Come on man, let's get some more meds in you."
"Go 'way, Smmy." Dean pushes at him and then falls back to sleep with Sam's shirt still in his grip.
Tiredly, Sam runs his hand over Dean's brow. Rather than extricating himself from the grip, he gives in and sits on the bed, pulling Dean close and opening the pills.
Dean's POV
Dean feels the pull of drugged sleep even as Sam tries to shake him awake.
His 'Please let me sleep, Sam. I think unconsciousness is the best plan,' slurs out as "Go 'way, Smmy." He pats Sam and is drifting before he even pulls his hand back.
Sam slides in beside him creating a warm haven that pulls at his aching body. His lungs and throat are on fire and his muscles burn, drawing dampness to his eyes.
He lets Sam manhandle him without complaint. At least Sam's bossy hands are something not painful to focus on. He nuzzles closer.