Ben didn't die on my birthday!!

LOST is claimed by Darlton, not me. Sadly.
Though, Ben really needs a hug.

Locke watched as Ilana and some others circled around this giant metal crate. He didn't know what it was for, they wouldn't tell him. He didn't return the gun Caesar let him borrow because he feared he might need it later. Ilana seemed to take a leadership role and everyone else just seemed to be fine with it. It's like they all knew her or something.

Locke walked up to them. "So you're not going to tell me what's inside?" he asked.

"I thought you would know, you seem like such the leader," Ilana said, still trying to fiddle with the lock.

"I don't remember this on the plane."

"I don't remember you on the plane."

Locke didn't like the level of hostility here. Without getting the trust of everyone here, how could he fulfill the task he was given? He hoped Ben was having more luck where ever he was.

Dave kept looking at Chrissy's body. "Should we just leave her there?"

"Would you like to carry her back?" Ben asked. Dave shook his head.

"Stop wiggling, you son of a bitch!" Marc yelled. Pedro and Marc then came out of the jungle, each brother holding one of Tommy's arms. Ben did a quick analysis of the twins. Marc seemed like the stronger of the two, but Pedro looked like he kept his brother in check so he didn't do anything stupid. A great pair.

"You guys got it all wrong!" Tommy said, looking straight at Ben, "That guy shot Chrissy!"

Dave scoffed, "What, Ben? Tommy, we aren't stupid, we know you did this." The irony in that sentence almost made Ben laugh.

"No, this guy is playing you!" Marc then delivered a slap across Tommy's face.

"Stop being loud."

"Marc, you didn't have to-"

"Shut up Pedro."

Dave went up to Tommy. "Why did you do it?"

"I didn't," he replied.

"There's no reason to lie, Tommy."

"I'm not lying! He shot her!"

"Okay, let's say Ben shot her," Dave said, "Then why would he have bullet wound on his shoulder?"

"He shot himself."

"And why would he do that?"

"To set me up!" Tommy screamed in Dave's face. Marc then delivered a good punch to Tommy, knocking him out cold.

"You don't gotta do that!" Pedro yelled.

"He was dangerous, Pedro," Marc replied. It felt good to not be the suspect for once, Ben thought. He could play the victim well, since he had practice as Henry Gale. Those were some fun times in the Swan.

"You still don't run around hittin' people!"

"Calm yourself," Marc said.

"Can we just go back to the others, now?" Ben asked. Marc looked at him funny. "What?"

"I thought we were gonna shoot him," he said.


"I said calm yourself, Pedro! You want a murderer walking around back with the other five? We can just tell them Tommy went insane, killed Chrissy, tried to kill Ben, then offed himself."

"You want to kill him?" Ben asked.

"I'm surprised you don't wanna. Revenge, you know?" Revenge. Ben instantly remembered when he went to the marina to kill Widmore's daughter. That didn't work out so well. How was he supposed to know she had a son? He couldn't have killed her. Just like how he couldn't kill Danielle Rousseau.

Ben got out the gun and put his hand out, offering it to Marc. "You want to do it?"

Marc took a step forward, then hesitated. It wasn't because of Pedro, since he surprisingly didn't say anything. Maybe Pedro secretly want Marc to do it. But Ben knew Marc couldn't. He didn't have the eyes of a killer. A fighter, yes. Just not a killer. Marc let out a sigh and then stepped back.

"Naw, I can't kill him," he said.

This was good for Ben, since he could still have Tommy as an escape goat. It's also not the best thing in the world. If Marc did go and shoot him, Tommy would be kill number two, thus reducing the amount of blood he needs to get on his hands. Then it would be possible to use Marc as the new escape goat, claiming him to be crazy. But Pedro would defend him... Never mind, that wouldn't work out.

"Help me carry him back to the beach," Marc said to Pedro. The two picked up Tommy without too much of a problem. That must have been a really, really good punch.


Ben, Dave, Marc, Pedro, and an unconscious Tommy were quickly swarmed by other five. Ben stayed at the back, not really wanting to explain what happened again. Dave could take care of that. An older woman came up to him.

"You're bleeding."

"I know."

She pulled out a bunch of Band-Aids from her pocket.

"I don't think that's going to help," Ben said.

"It's better then your shirt sleeve." She then proceeded to rip off his shirt sleeve. It was already shredded at the top since of the gun shot. She started to put Band-Aids on his shoulder. This was quite weird.

"I suppose you're not a doctor?" Ben asked.

"Nope, just an insect collector," she said, "Your name is Ben, right?"


"My name's Leslie," she said, "Nice to meet you."

Is it Wednesday yet?
