-1Colby watched as a small girl's body is pulled out of the water, along with the cement bricks that held her down for the last forty-eight hours she had been submerged. Her name was Leona Simmons, and she was one more victim they had been too late in saving.

Another case and a man's life is at stake. Their only clue is a puzzle left in his apartment. By the time the code is cracked, the message is decoded, and the riddle is solved, they have less than an hour to get to the man for there to be an even acute chance that he will survive. They arrive two minutes too late and find his blood level to contain too high of an amount of carbon monoxide for there to be any hope. His wife breaks down and cries in Colby's arms back at the FBI building, and his son just looks lost as he plays with Colby's badge.

There isn't much that makes Colby snap, so the team is more shocked than anything to hear that Colby had swung at a suspect in interrogation. They discover the man is homophobe and a neo-Nazi, but they don't understand why he makes Colby's blood boil as much he did.

The team is at a crime scene when they hear a noise coming from a closet. Colby is closest to the closet door, so with his gun drawn, he pulls the door open. On the floor, there is a woman covered in blood and clad in just a towel. She's crying and scared, and can't be older than twenty. Colby can't move an inch; he's too transfixed by the resemblance the girl has to his sister.

There's a gay bashing outside of a club; a baby is found in a dumpster; a rape victim soaks his shirt with her tears; a little boy asks him to give his father his favorite teddy bear so that it can keep him safe in prison.

Each case, every victim, all of it pulls at Colby's hearts. Some days, he wonders why he keeps on doing the job and if this fight is worthwhile. On those days, he's comes home to find a warm, sleeping body in bed, curls creating a halo on the pillow, and an arm where Colby should be.

He watches Charlie sleep for a moment and always comes to the same realization. This is exactly what he's fighting for, so that he can come home and know that Charlie is safe, that's he's bubbling with energy and numbers, and that there's one less threat in the world.

Knowing that makes it all worthwhile.