Disclaimer: I do not owe Battlestar Galactica, Stargate or anything affiliated with it. (Hope that's enough)

AN: this X-over between BGS and SG it starts at 2011 SG time with some flashbacks to the past, The whole Ori storyline did not happen and will not be mentioned, it starts before the Cylon attack. I might ignore some things that have happened or make them happen earlier.

Thanks to my beta DEOXE

They were created by man.

They rebelled.

They evolved.

They look

And feel


Some are programmed to think they are Human.

There are many copies.

And they have a plan

Picon fleet Headquarters, Picon orbit

T minus 2 hours

The State of the art Picon Fleet HQ was manned by thousands soldiers, and was home to Admiral Nagala, commander of the Colonial Fleet. The station had hundreds if not thousands of fast firing short range flak cannons. In addition there were dozens of missile launchers capable of launching virtually any kind of anti-capital ship missile. The headquarters was also home to over a dozen battlestar and their escorts at any given time, most of them were just on shore leave and others were having refits. As usual the Admiral was in his personal cabin reviewing status reports when the phone rang.

"Nagala." he said.

"Admiral, this is Com. We just received an urgent message in a highly classified encryption, when we tried to get it through the computers it asked for an Admiral Sir." A young and nervous lieutenant said.

"Alright, I'll be right there." Nagala said as he put the phone back on the com. Unit. Anything that required an Admiral to open was bound to be interesting; it was at least better that the normal status reports that he was reviewing.

A few minutes later Nagala entered the large communications room of the station, dozens of stations littered the walls and others were working with maps that held classified encryption on tables in the centre of the room. The Admiral was soon approached by the lieutenant who quickly guided him to a station in the corner.

"Admiral, we need you to enter your personal code into the computer and it will immediately decrypt the file." The lieutenant explained.

Nagala walked over to the console and entered his personal code. Immediately the computer recognized the code and started to decrypt the message, when the first part was revealed he got a faint idea from which unit this was coming. When he was done with reading the message he turned to one of the lieutenants and started giving orders.

"Lieutenant, prepare to send an emergency priority signal to all units, make sure it is encrypted." He said to the first lieutenant. "You." He said as he turned to the second lieutenant. "I need you to put this message into the new one and make sure that everyone knows that it is to be done immediately." He said.

"Yes sir." The two lieutenants said as they walked off.

"Admiral, what is going on?" A colonel asked.

"Our systems are vulnerable to infiltration by the Cylons, someone left a backdoor open." Nagala said.

"Shouldn't we put our forces on high alert then?" The Colonel asked.

"No, we need the Cylons to attack thinking that we are vulnerable and that we can easily be overrun, that way we have a chance to win, if we scare them of now they will return with a force great enough to completely destroy our ships the old fashioned way, by fighting." Nagala said.

"But sir…" the Colonel tried.

"We also don't know when the Cylons are going to attack, it might happen today but it might also happen in ten years, we just don't know and putting the whole fleet on high alert will spread panic throughout the entire colonies." Nagala quickly said. "Will there be anything else?"

"No sir." The Colonel said as he saluted and walked away.

Admiral Nagala waited in the com. Center before he returned to his cabin. When he arrived he took of his Jacket and sat behind his desk. He thought about what just happened for a while; after he was done he walked over to the phone at the wall.

"Com. This is Admiral Nagala; I need you to send a secret transmission. Channel 4823859, the message is, I request you remain at your current position as we might be forced to request that article 5 be initiated sent by: Admiral Nagala. End message, that is all." Nagala said. He then put the phone down again and he lay down on his bad to take a nap not knowing of what was currently happening in the armistice station.

An hour later the phone rang waking him immediately, he only meant to take a small nap but for some reason he slept longer than he wanted. He picked up the phone and listened to the man on the other side.

"When did you receive this message?" He asked. "Sound full fleet alert, set condition one throughout the entire colonial fleet and planetary defenses, Cylon attack imminent." He said while he picked up his jacket and walked out of the room.

When he arrived in the CIC the marine greeted him and announced him, he quickly walked in telling the rest to continue what they were doing.

"Admiral, care to share why we are on full alert?" the commander of the station asked.

"The Cylons are coming, I need a secure line." He said.

The commander waved over a communications specialist and told her that she needed to help the Admiral. When she was finally done Nagala spoke with the person on the other side. "Admiral Baker, I need you to deploy Battlestar group 16 to Picon immediately and ask our guests to join the Valkyri and make their way to Caprica, it is time to show our muscle, they are authorized to use all force necessary to defend those planets, the Cylons are coming back today." When he was done he put down the phone and tool a look around to see that everyone was at their stations and extra personnel was getting to their stations. The main screen showed the emergency launches of two battlestars while others were launched from the other side of the station. The defense force of Picon numbered around the 20 battlestars including those that were just launching, further more there were several smaller types of ships but they were not of any importance in a full out battle between battlestars and baseships.

"Admiral, the station is a full alert and we are currently receiving readiness reports from all over the colonies, may I ask what battlestar group 16 is, sir?" The commander asked. There were no official records of a battlestar group 16, the last time that number was used was in the first Cylon war and that whole fleet was destroyed by a Cylon ambush.

The Admiral thought about it for a while, Battlestar group 16 was a group that had the best equipment and even some alien technology procured at a secret way, for two years now the colonials had been building battlestar group 16. It contained 7 battlestars, all off the records. "Commander, battlestar group 16 is a highly technological and secret group consisting of 7 battlestars, all off the books. Their job is to do those things that even the Atlantia cannot do, soon you will have six unidentified battlestars out there sending colonial recognition codes, and they are here to help. The last one, the Valkyrie is going to Caprica with those that gave us the technology used by battlestar group 16." Nagala explained.

"How is that possible, wasn't the Valkyrie destroyed after the command crew made an emergency jump after evacuating the entire ship?" The commander asked.

"It was a cover up, just like the Mercury, Atlas, Pacifica, Solaria, Rycon and the Triton. They have all been gathered at an abandoned fleet facility in the Andara system and were upgraded and placed there." Nagala explained. The Andara fleet facility used to be a base to protect mining operations in that system, during the Cylon war a lot of attacks were made by the Cylons to attempt to interrupt the mining facilities, at the end of the war it was abandoned but not destroyed.

"How do you crew seven battlestars without anyone knowing about it?" the commander asked.

"Well, we've got some help with that and those ships are heavily computerized, we only have about eight thousand people in total on that group and on the support base, it is still hard to keep secret but we manage." Nagala said.

The commander tried to reply but got cut off by the lieutenant that manned the dradis console. "DRADIS contact, six unidentified capital ship size vessels have just jumped in." the dradis officer said. Immediately everyone was alert and the claxons were screaming. The Viper pilots closed their cockpits and were rolled into the launch tubes.

"I am getting a Colonial IFF, they signal friendly but they do not match any active ships. Sir, If I'm correct all these ships have been destroyed over the last two years." The communications officer said.

"They are friendly's, stand down, get the vipers out of the tubes and warn the battlestars that they'll get some company soon." Nagala ordered.

At his orders the designation of the battlestars changed from hostile to friendly and the six new battlestars took up positions within the defensive fleet. The six battlestars were larger than normal and had strange turrets while their large engines were gone and replaced by something completely different and smaller.

"I'm going over there; I am assuming command of the fleet from aboard the Mercury." Nagala said while he exited the CIC and moved to his personal quarters awaiting his transport.

CIC, Battlestar Mercury

T minus one minute

The CIC was very different from the normal ones, instead of a large plot table in the centre of the CIC, a tactical map was projected on the forward screen. It showed exactly where friendly ships were and what their status is. Another screen showed a tactical 2D overlay of the entire colonial domain marking every friendly military unit with green, civilian with yellow and hostile (or presumed hostile) with red. It currently showed high concentrations over the more heavily populated planets and smaller ones over the light populated planets. What was shocking was the fact that around every planet just outside normal DRADIS range large fleets of red triangles flashed. The triangles represented capital ships while dots represented groups of fighters.

"Supreme Admiral on the deck!" A marine yelled when he saw Admiral Nagala enter the CIC.

"At eases everyone." Nagala replied while he walked over to the tactical screen of the entire colonial domain. He looked at it for a while until Admiral Baker joined him. "It is amazing, how is it possible?" Nagala asked.

"We do have the best technology available to us sir, even some alien tech, our sensors are part of that." Baker said.

"How do we know when to expect them?" Nagala asked.

"You see this sir?" Baker asked while he was pointing at several bright blinking triangles. "These are hostile baseships spooling up their FTL-drives, we unfortunately don't know where they will go, but if we take their positions and present course into consideration, we can expect this unit to attack Picon and this unit to attack Caprica." Baker explained.

"Amazing, do we know for sure it's the Cylons?" Nagala asked in awe.

"It is very likely, hours ago these three ships attacked the armistice station and destroyed it, the captain of the ship present was able to get a message off but it was too weak to be heard by any regular colonial radio's. Only our advanced sensors were able to detect it." Baker explained. "Now who would attack the armistice station on the day the first war ended." Baker asked rhetorically.

"It has to be them." Nagala whispered fearing that his worst nightmare came true. All of the sudden most of the red triangles and dots disappeared and reappeared close to the colonial planets. "What the…" the admiral said before he was cut off by the sound of activity.

"Hostile ships incoming, they are launching nukes, so far only at our battlestars." The DRADIS officer yelled. The advanced battlestars had positioned themselves so that they were the first and most attractive targets to tempt the enemy to launch on them, and it worked.

"Launch all vipers and engage those baseships." Baker ordered. All over the CIC people started moving. After a few seconds some small shudders could be felt through the ship.

"What the hell was that?" Nagala asked. He was used to the newest battlestar, the Atlantia, it only shuddered if it was hit by missiles or anything doing damage to it.

"That Admiral, are the Cylon nukes impacting our shields." Baker said with a grin on his face. "Tactical, Assign a target for every battlestar in our group and have the regular ones group up on one basestar at a time, bring our railguns and plasma weapons in position and fire at will."

"Plasma weapons?" Nagala asked. The colonials weren't even able to produce laser weapon let alone plasma weapons.

"We had some help from some friendly aliens, they aren't as powerful as theirs but they'll do enough damage to a baseship." Baker explained. "The problem is that we only have them at the very front of the ships were the offensive weapons used to be so in order to attack any hostile we have to turn towards them." The first of the yellow/orange bolts of plasma started to hit their mark, making large holes in the basestars, after several more salvos the baseship exploded in a huge fireball, any ship that was to close got caught up in the blast or was impacted with debris. Soon enough the Cylons had lost over a third of their force when they regrouped and started attacking the regular battlestars, quickly two regulars were destroyed while two others were damaged. At a heavy cost though, seven more baseships were destroyed and most of their raiders got slaughtered when they came to close to one of the new battlestars.

"Admiral Baker, don't you have any fighters?" Nagala asked. The regular forces had already deployed their fighters while the upgraded battlestars hadn't launched a single ship. Nagala knew that the upgraded battlestars had some fighters, not as much as a regular battlestar but they still held 2 squadrons of 20 advanced fighters each.

"I've sent them with the Valkyrie, they only have three ships while we have six with the point defense system and all the vipers that Picon HQ holds." Baker said.

"How is that battle going anyway?" Nagala asked. He had tried to ascertain the situation of the Caprica defense force from the 2D screen but had to admit that it was way beyond him.

"Eh, it seems like it didn't start yet, these basestars are supposed to attack Caprica but for some reason they aren't doing it." Baker said while he walked over to the screen and pressed some buttons to light up the particular area.

"Admirals the hostile baseships are spooling up their FTL drives, they are getting out." A sensor officer said.

"Alright, prepare to send a message to Caprica and tell them that we have held Picon, while losing only six regular battlestars and little to no damage to the battlestars from group 16." Baker ordered the communications officer.

CIC, Battlestar Valkyrie

Caprica Orbit

T plus 12 minutes

The CIC was mostly the same like the one on the Mercury; it was only smaller as the ship was originally designed for stealth missions. A lot of tasks were done by the same person decreasing the amount of people required for the job. Commander Doris Shawk was in the CIC, awaiting the Cylons, since the first signs arose that the Cylons might be attacking she had not left the CIC and since arriving at Caprica she hadn't left her chair. She joined the fleet when she was only sixteen and lied about her age, she quickly rose through the ranks until she got an offer from high command, she was to be the commander of a battlestar but off the records, her death would be faked and she was not able to contact her family and friends again, she didn't need long to decide, her family was long gone and she didn't have many friends.

"Commander Shawk, we've received a message from Admiral Baker over Picon, it reads: Have successfully defended Picon fleet HQ, only lost six regulars, group 16 sustained little to no damage." The communications officer reported.

"Ma'am, Colonels Emerson and Chekov report that they are in position and are awaiting the enemy's arrival." The communications officer said. They had been lucky as the Odyssey and Korolev were about to leaf when the request came in. Both ships were about to return to Earth to pick up more supplies for their base of operations. Two more ships would be arriving within a week but until that they had to make do with the two they got.

"Prepare every Mark eight for launch." Shawk ordered. With the new technology also came a new design of fighters, the mark eight was improved on about everything. It now was stealth and fast, while it didn't even use as much fuel as a normal viper trying to conserve fuel. The ship currently had 240 vipers while another 40 were spread over the two Earth vessels.

"Yes ma'am." The tactical officer said.

"DRADIS contacts, 18 capital ships, judging from the size and shape they are Cylon baseships." The DRADIS officer yelled.

"Launch all fighters and tell the Odyssey and Korolev to prepare for combat and have them launch all their fighters." Shawk ordered. The CIC came alive as everyone walked to their stations and relayed orders and information. The 280 vipers were launched along with the Odyssey's and Korolev's own squadrons of 16 fighters each making it a total of 312 fighters. They were soon joined by their regular counterparts who had trouble with picking them up on their DRADIS.

"Red, Blue and White squadrons have been tasked to defend the other battlestars while the rest will engage the Cylons." The tactical officer reported.

Shawk pushed several buttons in the side of her chair. "All fleet units, de-cloak and engage on my command." She said. "Engage!" She said. Immediately the Odyssey and Korolev de-cloaked and fired their beams each cutting a baseship in half. The fighters also engaged and launched regular missiles. The Cylons still recovering from the sudden emergence of two small vessels with enough power to cut a baseship in two activated their point defense systems to take out the missiles, the raiders were already occupied by the masses of fighters that came crashing down on them. Over 50 percent of the missiles were destroyed but it left enough to do some heavy damage to the baseships, two were destroyed right there, two others suffered massive damage, one of them jumped out but the other was destroyed by energy weapons, four others had sustained damage and set course for the two earth ships. Before they reached them tough they were destroyed by the beams. After that the two earth ships started moving and quickly made it to the back of the Cylon formation where they turned around and kept on pushing until the Cylons were at point blank range of the battlestars that functioned as the anvil with the Odyssey and Korolev acting as hammer.

"Commander, the Cylons are retreating, we've won this battle." The tactical officer said.

"That was easy, what are our casualties?" Shawk asked.

"We lost 49 mark sevens, 23 mark eights and two battlestars, we've destroyed twelve baseships, the remaining six have jumped out." The tactical officer said.

"Ma'am, I am receiving distress messages from multiple planets, the fleet was unable to prevent a Cylon break through, some planets have been nuked while others have been invaded." The communications officer said.

"Give me a run down on all planet's situations." Shawk ordered.

The communications officer started to name all colonies and their status. "Caprica safe, Picon safe, Aerilon safe but weakened, Scorpia battered but still in the fight, Virgon occupied the fleet had to retreat, Aquaria occupied total fleet collapse, Canceron half nuked the fleet retreated to regroup, after that they retook space, Gemenon complete destruction of population centre larger than 100.000 inhabitants and occupied, Leonis not yet attacked they are taking the casualties of the other planets, Libra complete destruction, the planet is uninhabitable because of nuclear fallout, same goes for Saggitaron, Tauron has been partly occupied, the battlestars are attempting to regain full control of the planet space." The officer said. As the list progressed the faces of the crew were showing utter shock and disbelieve, some were crying others were just plain angry and wanted to kill some toasters.

CIC, Battlestar Mercury

Picon Orbit

T plus one hour

The Mercury had set to condition two after there were no immediate threats to the ship itself. The CIC was buzzing with activity and a special room had been prepared, it showed a 2D map of the colonies, positions of military units but also civilians and casualties. Another extra were the probes that had been deployed at the start of the war, they relayed every bit of information they gathered and it was incorporated in the maps, it showed were nukes had been used and made an estimated casualties projection. The room was manned by only a few officers and Admiral Nagala as supreme commander of the Colonial fleet.

"President Edar, we've successfully defended Caprica and Picon, they are safe for now. We are preparing to deploy part of battlestar group 16 to other colonies." Nagala said to the president who is on the other side of the connection. Immediately after the announcement of a possible Cylon war Edar and the cabinet had taken shelter in secure bunkers.

"Is there a way to strike back at the Cylons?" Edar asked.

"Not for now, the Tau'ri are currently sending two more ships to help us and they have also promised to put in a good word with one of their allies." Nagala said.

"What good will that be, two ships and one of their allies." Edar said sarcastically.

"Those two ships are the same as the two used to defend Caprica and they were able to slice a baseship in two in one shot. As far as those allies go, they appear to be able to upgrade our ships to the standards of battlestar group 16 one ship a week, maybe quicker." Nagala said.

The president suddenly overwhelmed by the information didn't know what to say. "Which ship do you want to send for upgrade first?" He finally asked.

"The Galactica, it might be old but it is also drastically underpowered, it is no good as a battlestar currently, right now we need every battlestar we have to fight, the only one that isn't in the fight is the Galactica, Adama reports that he is low on munitions and needs to restock which will take a day or two." Nagala said.

"Alright, how many battlestars did we lose?" Edar asked.

"So far we've lost 43 battlestars and another 7 are heavily damaged." Nagala said.

"That's close to half the fleet, how are we suppose to protect all twelve colonies with such a small fleet?" Edar said while getting furious.

"We don't have to defend all twelve, Virgon, Aquaria, Gemenon, Libra, Saggitaron and Tauron are either occupied or nuked into oblivion. We lost almost half the fleet, but we also lost half the colonies. Now we have several highly advanced battlestars and two friendly ships even more powerful, for now we should be able to hold what remains." Nagala said.

"And after that, will we recapture the other colonies?" Edar asked.

"Yes sir, as long as the planets are habitable we will attempt to take them back and if we have the strength we will also try to take the destroyed colonies back. We also have several outposts and military forward bases, most of them have not been attacked by the Cylons." Nagala said.

"My gods, it could have been much worse if it wasn't for the Tau'ri to come along and help us, refresh my mind, how did it all happen?" Edar asked.

"Well it all started three years ago…" Nagala started.

TBC in Chapter 2

AN: PLEASE R&R, it would mean a lot to me if you did.