Hey thanks for reading.
The lucky Mrs. Stephenie Meyer owns all these characters. But I wish I did.
We Are Perfect and Always Will Be
"Hey there is someone to take you home Bella", called Ms. Smith. Ms. Smith is the director for the foster care I live at. She is very kind but can be scary at times. "Alright," I said in a sad tone, I didn't want to leave my friend Angela.
"Go get your stuff and I will be there in a sec." she called.
"Oh and the family that is willing to let you live with them is Doctor and Mrs. Cullen. They are very very nice. I think you will like it there." She said as she left the girls dorm.
"Oh." was all I could say. I went to my bed and took out my suitcase that I haven't used since four years ago when someone killed my father. My mother didn't want me, so I am here. I started to tear up. I loved my father; he wasn't in your business, which was nice because I like to keep to my self.
I started to gather all my things to put in my suitcase when Angela came over. "Hey, I am really going to miss you." She said as she started to cry.
"Me too." I said. "But you have my cell number and I have yours, so we can call each other when ever, right?" I said.
"Ya, so call me when you get all settled at their house" She looked down at the scrapbook she made for me two years ago on my birthday.
"I will, I promise."
I was ready so I took my belonging and went downstairs. I saw the couple and they were beautiful. They were pale, like sickly pale. There features were outstanding, the bone structures of his and her face were not real. She was very petite; she had caramel-brown hair and amber eyes. He was much taller and head very blond hair, and had amber eyes too.
"Hello, I am Charlise Cullen and this is my wife Esme Cullen, it is very nice to meet you Bella." He said.
"You too, thank you for letting me belong in your family."
"Oh you don't need to tank us, we really wanted to adopt for a long time." said Esme.
"You can leave if you would like, you both finished the papers, and I think Bella has all her stuff," said Ms. Smith
"I do". I said in a nervous tone. I don't know if they already have kids, are the older, younger. Do they have pets, where do they live, I just don' t know.
"Alright, let's go," said Charlise.
"Ok." Was all I could say. As we went outside, I saw a Mercedes. It was black with extra tinted windows. He popped the trunk.
"You can put your stuff in the trunk." He said in a nice tone.
"Ok and thanks." As I was walking to the trunk. I put my stuff in and went to the side of the car. As I was opening the door, Angela came running out and she hugged me and said bye.
"Bye, I am really going to miss you." I got in the car and buckled in. And we were off.