This is kinda short. I'm having a major writers block for this story. For What The? i have millions of idea's in my head but not for Not Again. Nope a single one. Well....I have this one where Dylan gets ki-
Dylan; -covers Poison's mouth with hand- Shhhhh!! Don't tell them that! thats one of the biggest parts of the story!!!
Poison; Okay okay, geez. it's only a big part of the story because of the fact thats when Dylan gets a d-
Dylan; Covers her mouth again- HUSH DAMN YOU!!!! By the way, when is Kylie appearing?
Poison; Soon!! So without farther ado! Here comes Chappie Seven!!!

Chappie Seven; Can you move it like this? NOPE!
Not Again!
Disclaimer; If I owned Naruto, Sasuke would be one of those guys from the 80's that wore leather and slicked back hair while spending more time with Naruto, Orochimaru would wear a TuTu and have the hooker name 'Candy', kakashi would have his own TV Show with Jiriaya, Sakura would have real boobs, and Naruto would be shorter and with a Uke-expression on for Sasuke at all times.
Or more obvious SasuNaru

"No. Spread your feet apart so you have a better position to move."
"Like this?"

Sasuke grit his teeth together as he watched Gaara moved the crazy aqua haired girl's legs into the correct position. His hands lingering longer then needed. No he didn't have a reason for wanting to cut out the kazekage's throat, feed it to a dog Nin while laughing evilly but as Sasuke Uchiha, he didn't have to have a reason. Well, he hoped not. His grinding of his teeth got worse as Dylan purposefully moved her feet together when Gaara moved back to teach her. Not even Gaara had it in him to keep this up. She had been doing this for ten minutes. Yes she had learned one jutsu, the transformation one Sakura had failed to teach her. She had turned into a perfect version of Gaara only with a gangster bandanna on his head and a pair of sunglasses the one guy from that's So 70's show always wore. You know that guy. The guy that makes the authoress think of Shino. ANYWAYS!

Sasuke smirked as Gaara growled at Dylan and held his head in one of his hands. "Since you do not want to corporate we shall move on to your Kekkei Genkai. Show me it." Sasuke's smirk disappeared as he leaned closer from his seat in a tree to watch. He was curious as to what she does. Dylan closed her eyes and scrunched up her nose in an almost cute, pouting look as she thought. Sasuke swore he saw smoke appear from her ears.

"I dunno how I did it." Gaara nodded slightly before leaning on the tree behind him. "What exactly happened when the silver haired ninja pushed you from the cliff's edge?" Yes he had been told what happened. They hoped he would figure out what Dylan could do. Said girl did the face again and shrugged. "I clapped my hands together, prayed to God about how I was better at his job and to evilly torture Sasuke and Kakashi for doing that to me." Gaara smirked slightly at the torture to the Uchiha and older ninja, Sasuke just frowned. "Then I touched the rocks when I was close enough! Then BOOMMM!!! MARSHMALLOW"

"Do it again then."
"I'm not sure if I can get the words exactly the same but…Dear God…I'm sorry for try to being you. But really, I'm much better at your job. I just wanna say that I wish Sasuke would get that stick pulled out of his ass one day after I die, Kakashi suffers a painful death from cheese and Naruto…Naruto can have my pet goldfish Sushi. Amen. Oh and I hope that kid from fifth grade can finally forgive me for the flaming arrows thing-"
"No not that. Try the clap thing again and touch something."

Dylan nodded as she clapped her hands together and closed her eyes for a moment before touching the rock at her feet. White light appeared for a moment before a chair took the rocks place. Gaara and Sasuke stared in amusement as Dylan grinned and sat in the chair, tipping back in it. "Cool! I just gonna touch things now…where's my emo water bottle?" Gaara smirked once more at the girl while Sasuke growled from his perch. Clearing his throat, Gaara turned so his back was to Dylan who was spinning in the chair. "That is all for today, we shall start training once again in the morning at five." "Pm?!" Dylan asked cheerfully. Gaara shook his head. "No. Am." Dylan pouted before getting out of the chair and stomping off to the ramen shack to find Naruto and complain to him.

Once Dylan was out of sight and distance for her to hear them, Gaara looked up at the tree Sasuke was in. "You can stop spying now." Deciding it would just be better than trying to hide and having Gaara use his sand, Sasuke jumped from the branch and placed his hands into him pockets while staring at the Kazekage. "How did you know? I hid my chakra." To answer his question, a ball of sand that looked exactly like an eye appeared in front of the Uchiha. Sasuke frowned.

"Why is it you were spying?"
"I wanted to know how terrible that annoying girl was."
"That is not why you spied."
"Then why are you asking if you already know?"
Gaara smirked. "Because I wanted to see if the great Uchiha would admit his feelings."
"Feelings? For whom?"
"That Dylan girl." Sasuke raised an eyebrow at this.
"What makes you think I have feelings for that moron?"
"Because you do."
"Hn. Trust me, I don't."
"Then you would not care when I ask her to come back to Suna with me."

With that said, the red-haired Kage, turned his back on the other and walked off, leaving Sasuke Uchiha staring at his back in anger. He may not like Dylan, but like hell if would lose to Gaara. Uchiha's, never lose.

Smirking as a plan appeared; the raven haired boy turned and walked off to find the topic of their conversation.

WOOT! Evil plan!! Now if anyone has anything they wanna see happen in the plan; examples being Naruto having a Uke moment and kissing Sasuke(Im a Sasunaru fangirl) Dylan singing a certain song, Barney appearing and Dylan destories it with a bazooka, Talk muffins, or anything say so! Also i have a new poll up for this story. Who do you want paired with Dylan!!! Go vote so I can start getting evil ideas. Muwahahahahahahaha-coughs and chokes on spit-