Ryuken- wow first story I hope you'll like it.

Steel shattering fist

After losing to Ryuto, Kenichi threw himself into his training.

"RHAAAAA!!!" He screamed as he tossed the training statues Akisame had made for him. "I think you should rest now Ken-chan." said his perverted master Ma Kensei. "Yes you really should stop for the day Ken-chan after all I'm taking you with me on a training trip into the mountains and you'll need all your strength to survive." Said the elder, Furinjii Hao. "WHAT REALLY!!" everyone voiced this especially Akisame. "Yep you're going to get stronger Ken-chan." the elder finished up. "YAHOO!! I'll go pack elder thanks a lot!

"Elder is that wise to take him there?" Akisame said to him "This is something that has to be done Akisame" the elder said wearily "he needs to find his path weather Dou or Sei we will continue to train him. Understood?" Akisame hesitated slightly then "Yes he is our beloved disciple and I will train him no matter what as will the others. The elder sighed in relief "Thank you Akisame, Even if he chooses the path of Dou he is too pure to walk the path of an ashura." Akisame "Let us hope so elder, Let us hope so."

Oblivious to what they were talking about Kenichi sneezed several times over their conversation. "Is some one talking about me? Oh well, I have to finish packing!"

So what do you think? Good, terrible, anything is welcome in reviews.