Okay, after an extra-long hiatus, my story is back and I will be putting up chapters more frequently! Sorry for being MIA guys!!
"So, I was thinking calla lilles for the vases at the tables-"
Serena had been babbling on about wedding details for the last thirty minutes and I had stopped listening after five. I was too busy thinking about what Nate and Chuck could have been talking about. As far as I knew, they hadn't spoken since the freaky Upper East Side love triangle we'd created-
"B?!" Serena shouted, snapping me out of my daze. "Are you listening to me?"
"Kind of-" I shrugged.
"Blair, did it ever occur to you that this is extremely important to me, and maybe I'd want some of your input?"
I shrugged. "S, I just came because I thought you would need someone to talk to in person, rather than calling me every two minutes because you found a plate design that you liked."
She raised a neatly arched eyebrow at me and sighed. "Fine, just go, if that's what you want."
She turned from me and began running her hand along the lace of a nearby table cloth. I felt like passing out on the floor, but I knew, the second I told Serena, she'd make me feel guilty about it somehow. I had to stay with her, I had to help her pick out the things for her wedding with Humphrey, I was her best friend.
"It's not what I want," I said. "I'm sorry I'm being so crazy. It's just with me being pregnant, and Chuck being back in my life, and seeing Nate for the first time since being back in town-"
"You saw Nate?" Serena asked curiously.
A little too curiously for me. Why was the fact that I'd seen Nate such a surprise?
"Yeah, haven't you spoken to him? He does live here-"
"No he doesn't." he laughed, as if I should have known. "He left for Europe about two months after you'd gone to Yale. I haven't seen or spoken to him since."
Europe? What could possibly be in Europe that he'd abandon his friends for?
"Why'd he leave?"
"No one really knows. I'd always assumed it was a new girl that he'd fallen for, but since you saw him and he didn't have her in tow-"
I shook my head. "I saw him at Chuck's office."
"Was he wearing a ring?"
I thought back to the few moments we'd spent at the door, speaking like no time had passed. I don't even recall looking down at his left hand, I couldn't tear my eyes away from his adorable scruff and the smile I'd grown so used to-
"Not that I saw-" I said, picking up a champagne flute with a gold rim. "What about these?"
I found myself with my head in the toilet when I heard the phone ring. I'd just spilled the contents of my stomach and I didn't have the energy to run and catch the phone. Was this what I'd signed up for? Possibly eight continuous months of throwing up?
I raised myself from the floor and flushed the toilet before making my way to the porcelain sink and rinsing my mouth out with warm water. I hung my head over the sink for a moment feeling slightly better, but not by much.
I brushed my teeth and flicked some water onto my face, trying to ride out not speaking as long as I could. But once I'd cleaned myself up, I headed for my cell phone which had played a latin beat not five minutes ago. I checked my messages and saw that it was Nate who'd called when I had my head buried in the toilet.
I held the phone in my hand, just staring at Nate's number, contemplating whether or not to call. I certainly wasn't doing anything bad if I called. It wasn't like I was cheating. Chuck and I hadn't even established our relationship. All he'd said to me was that he wanted me to keep the baby because he didn't want to lose what'd we'd had, and for the last few years, what we'd had was hot tempers and even hotter sex. We'd never had a real relationship; he was never my boyfriend and I was never his girlfriend and I'd be stupid to think that because he'd said he didn't want to lose me he'd meant that we were dating from that moment on. It was Chuck, and there was never an underlying meaning to his words, except when it came to sex. He meant what he said, the way he said it.
Letting out a breath, I pressed the call button and waited nervously as the phone rang. Once, twice, tree times.
"Hello?" he answered.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey, I just called-"
"I know," I smiled. "And imagine my surprise when I saw you had the same phone number after your mystery trip to Europe-"
I could have kicked myself for saying the words. Why had I brought up Europe? Whatever Nate had left New York for was none of my business.
"Well I had to fight with the phone company to get my number back." he laughed. "But since I am back in the country, I was hoping we could catch up over dinner. Maybe tonight?"
I glanced at my watch. It was six o'clock and because I'd spent the entire day picking out wedding stuff with Serena, I'd pushed back approving clothes for my upcoming fashion show. I knew I was getting down to the wire as far as the show went, but I had a life and I was being pulled in ten different directions at once. Between my throwing up, being tired all the time, Chuck, Serena, her need for me to be with her at every step in the planning of her wedding, and now Nate, I was beginning to think that the show would have to wait-
"Uh," I breathed.
"Look, you don't have to go if you don't want to. It was just an idea and I know that I can't just spring stuff on you like this-"
"No!" I said, almost frantically. "I want to go, I just-"
My sentence was interrupted by a beeping noise. It was my other line.
"Hold on." I clicked over. "Hello?"
"I was thinking we could stay in tonight, and work on that hormone problem of yours." Chuck said, his voice as smooth as velvet.
Oh perfect. Just what I needed, my ex-boyfriend on one line and my-
Well, Chuck, on the other. I knew what this would come to. I would have to chose.
"I'm not really feeling up to working on my hormone problem tonight-"
"Well, we'll find something else to do."
"That's sweet, but-"
Here it was, the moment of truth.
"Nate asked me to go to dinner tonight, and I already told him I was going to go-"
There was a silence, as I assumed there would be. No one ever turned down Chuck Bass, especially not for Nate Archibald and especially not me. I'd had my history with the two, and it seemed obvious who I'd preferred over the two.
"Sorry." I tried. "I'll call you later though-"
"Sure-" he murmured, and hung up the phone.
I clicked back over to Nate.
"What time should I be ready?"