Voices and laughs were coming from another room, but Ron wasn`t going to join his family. He leaned against the wall and was watching small and very cosy living room. It was his daughter`s, but not his. One of the armchairs that were sited near the fireplace was favorite place to rest after hard day in work for the man of the house, that`s true, but he wasn`t that man.
This house, this living room, kitchen where his wife, son, daughter and her husband were preparing dinner, even this damn armchair- it all belonged to someone else. Even his daughter, that clever little auburn-haired princess of his wasn`t literally his anymore.
Yes, when she was still in school they were seeing each other only on Christmases and holidays, but it was different. He at least knew where she is and who he handled her to. She was safe.
Small living room wasn`t actually looking like a place of potential crimes and from the logical (that is- represented by Hermione) point of view there was no possible way that something worse than tripping over carpet could happen to Rose here, but Ron knew what kind of horror was hiding behind those painted in light blue walls.
Rose will forget him.
She was still visiting her parents` house every single Sunday and she was sending owls from time to time, but he was sure that it will get less and less frequently and he could imagine himself that someday she won`t come at all. Ron will sit, old and shaking from some geriatric disease, in his favorite armchair and mumble to himself about a daughter he once had.
His pessimistic vision was interrupted by quick, silent footsteps and Rose appeared before him.
"Why don`t you have a sit, Dad?", she asked, gesturing toward the armchairs, but he just shook his head.
It didn`t make her bright smile disappear. Actually, she was nearly jumping with excitement, her cheeks colored by the softest shade of pink. Ron didn`t remember her having this kind of expression in quite a long time.
"Your husband was accidentally killed by a knife?", he guessed. He never used his name.
Rose stopped jumping for a moment and rolled her eyes.
"No, Dad, don`t be mean to him", she warned. "We have something to announce to the family and I want you to be first one to find out. Mom will probably start to cry and we won`t be able to calm her, so I better say it after dinner...", she reasoned to herself. She met Ron`s glance, clearly telling her to split it up. "Um, Daddy...", she started, but hesitated. It was very, very important to put it in right words. "You are going to be a grandpa".
First reaction of Ron was astonishment. Than he caught Rose in his arms and spilled her around as if he could see a child inside her body if only he looks from the right perspective.
"It`s going to be a baby girl", she added, laughing at his reaction. Ron also laughed.
Rose knew that now she`s going to have some rest from her over-protective father. It is well known fact, that even the most loving and over-protective parents are reaching whole new level of love and over-protectiveness when it comes to grandchildren.
'You poor little girl', she thought to her unborn daughter. 'You don`t even know what kind of live is waiting here for you. For your own good you should be a boy. Fathers always loses their minds when it comes to their daughters'.
iSo this is The End (well, not for Ron).
I had so much fun with imagining Ron`s reactions... I hope you can say the same. Rest is up to your imagination.
Thank you very much for reading "Three hardest converstaions". I hope you liked it and could understand my strange, strange English.
Give me some advices- practise makes perfect. And don`t get mad at your parents./i