HI GUYS ! Did you miss me ?? :) I hope you did ...

ANYWHO! Well, as you all know I deleted all my stories a while back, to make room for a whole bunch of new stories. BUT I will re-write the old ones if at least five people review me telling me to re-write one of my stories (five people per story) OH, and Anon's don't count ;)

Sorry - but it's a lot of effort at the moment, and I'm just getting over a massive meltdown.
So without further ado, this is my new story - it's seems like ages that I've been on here ! I've actually really missed it (N). Yes, I have a problem. Also, I've given up coffee for lent (:(), so I'm a bit UUHHH at the moment, so on Sundays (when lent doesn't count) I get most of my stuff done :).

So here you go my loving readers !

"a teenage vow in a parking lot, till tonight do us part!"

There is a part of Juuban that can only be described as dark and dingy. The buildings were all cheaply built and a dull brown colour. On the ground lay at least an inch of debris that swirled in torment at any sign of movement. Coming upon the brink of nightfall, a dull orange glow emitted from the street lamps, barely illuminating the streets below. The stench of alcohol and cigarettes and trash is everywhere, increased by the occasional drunkard to pass by. A man was slumped against a wall, smashed bottle shards around his hand and a messy laceration on the back of his head. No one would come to help him.

It would have been torn down and turned into a gated community years ago if not for him; the powerful Mr. Tsukino that kept this dank world alive. Mr. Tsukino was a vile, short tempered man and the most powerful loan shark in all of Juuban. Upon entering his office you would see Mr. Tsukino behind the mahogany desk that occupied most of the space. A cot was pushed to one side and behind him were three or four file cabinets. Aside from the desk, Mr. Tsukino was the most imposing thing in the entire room.

His daughter Serena sat at the left side of the desk, a bright light in the otherwise severe room. This was despite her severe attire; a black long-sleeved turtle-neck jumper ending right above her knees, her feet demurely crossed underneath her seat and her hands serenely folded in her lap, her knee-length platinum blond hair pulled back into a tight ponytail, it's tail cascading down to the floor.

Mr. Tsukino used his daughter as a prize, bait to lure in new and old customers alike. The man standing uncomfortably in front of his desk, for example, had recently had his share of the beautiful Serena. She found it repulsive, but who was she to say no. No one says no to Mr. Tsukino, not even his daughter.

"I've given you three weeks," Ken said, angrily.

"Yes, I am in your debt for that, but if you could just lend me—"

"You are already in my debt," Ken interjected. "Get me the money by tomorrow."

"Yes, Mr. Tsukino," the man said, nodding and backing away.

"I will see you tomorrow, yes? If not, I'm sure the gentlemen behind you will love to have a little chat about why not."

The burly man stood to the left of Tsukino smirked and winked at Serena. She just turned to look at the crack in the wall. It looked about an inch longer since yesterday. The poor man left in a hurry.

"Can I go now?" she asked, her gaze stuck to the wall. "I'm meeting someone."

"No. One more client," Ken said impatiently, looking at his daughter's profile.

Serena didn't move. It was safer to avoid showing emotion in the presence of her father. A small sigh did escape her lips, though.

A loud knock came from the door.

"Come in," Ken ordered.

The door swung open, revealing Mr. Darien Shields, a man who emanated almost as much power and control as her father. Almost.

"Mr. Tsukino," he greeted, walking across the room.

"Mr. Shields," Ken said, bowing his head, "what can I do for you?"

Serena was astounded. This Mr. Darien Shields was not like any of her father's usual clients. First of all, he probably was only a couple of years older than herself. Second, the man was gorgeous. His black hair cast provocatively over his forehead, with deep blue eyes peering into her father's, their intensity shocking Serena for a couple of seconds. And he was tall. Taller than tall at what looked to be six foot two at least, making Serena feel tiny at her five foot one. His intimidating demeanour grew as she noticed his attire; a black suit and navy blue tie, bringing out those intense eyes. She could tell behind his expensive suit was a very ripped body. Spotting the glint in his eyes and his casual display of power in his stance, she suspected the man knew his powers of attraction and used them often to his advantage.

"My business is running out of money. I have reason to believe you might be interested in an investment," Darien declared.

"Straight to the point. I like that," Mr. Tsukino observed, scrutinizing Mr. Shields, eyes trailing up and down his body in a manner that would have made most men uncomfortable.

"Company?" Ken asked, eyes fixed on Mr. Shields' in order to try and break him.

"Shields Enterprise Casino," Mr. Shields stated.

"Ah, yes. I have gone there on occasion. I like your establishment," Mr. Tsukino said, half to himself.

"It would be a mutually beneficial arrangement," Mr. Shields added blandly.

"How much?" Mr. Tsukino asked.

"As much as you deem fit," Mr. Shields offered, lips returning to their harsh line.

Serena gulped, fearful of what this man might mean to her in the future and whether or not this pleased her. He certainly peaked her interest. He didn't sneak glances at her chest when he thought her father wasn't looking. In fact, he hadn't looked at her at all. Why did this suddenly bother her? Shouldn't she be glad?

"Serena, get me Mr. Shields' file," Mr. Tsukino ordered.

Serena looked over to her father and nodded, glancing quickly back at Mr. Shields. She rose from her chair and walked to a file cabinet behind the table. She knew he was looking at her then, as if he had only just noticed her. Her hands were shaking at the thought of Mr. Shields looking at her. It was probably only because she was getting something he valued. She had a feeling he wouldn't give her two shakes if he had seen her in any other capacity. In fact, he hadn't. Serena hadn't seen him glance her way once during the entire exchange. She could feel his thunderous eyes on her as she brought the file out. Turning around she found that he was still looking at her, eyes blazing as she walked to the front of the desk to give her father the file.

"Here you go," she said quietly.

Mr. Tsukino looked down at the file. Serena looked at it too. Not like she was interested. She just wanted to avoid Mr. Shields' penetrating gaze.

"Everything seems to be in order," Mr. Tsukino said sternly, pulling out a chequebook from a drawer in the desk and writing out a cheque.

"Yes," Mr. Tsukino muttered. "Mr. Shields, I believe you have yourself a deal."

"Thank you sir," Mr. Shields said, a small smile of satisfaction at the corner of his mouth breaking his cool façade.

Mr. Shields came up to the desk and took the cheque from Mr. Tsukino's outstretched hand.

"Make sure you use it wisely," Mr. Tsukino warned.

Mr. Shields nodded, not breaking their eye contact. "It will be safe with me."

Mr. Tsukino smiled, took a quick glance at Serena, and looked down at the paperwork on his desk, an indication of dismissal. With that, Mr. Shields sauntered out of the room, his confidence apparent.

"He sure was a looker," Mr. Tsukino observed, still looking at his paperwork.

"I didn't notice," Serena lied, face still passive and serene. "I've got to go now."

"Very well. Don't be late for dinner."

"I'm staying at Mina's," Serena reminded him, rising from her seat. "I've got to get ready."

"I'll see you tomorrow," he said, ending the conversation.

Serena nodded and left the room, head held high. She was Serena Tsukino, daughter of Mr. Ken Tsukino; no one touched her without her father's permission, and they certainly were not of those at liberty to do so.

When Serena got out of her father's business was another thing entirely. She had a black tote bag around her shoulder with her clothes and such for the night, keeping her head down to avoid any unwanted attention.

She walked slowly, the dirt and debris taking flight in her wake. As Serena walked, she thought about her friend and how innocent she was. Mina didn't even know about the circumstances regarding her father's "employment." She still thought Serena was a virgin. Serena had jumped that fence a while ago, but she still liked to think that she had kept some of her virginity. It wasn't as if it was something she wanted to do. Outside of her father's hold she was a born-again virgin. In all honesty, now that she had done it, she didn't think sex was anything to make a big deal about.

"Serena?" someone called out.

Looking around, Serena's crystalline blue eyes fell on Lita Kino crossing the road to reach the blonde. The fierce brunette was holding hands with her long-term boyfriend; Taiki Allstate. Taiki was a tall, taut, muscular man with bright brown eyes and wavy chestnut hair that brushed against his shoulder blades from not getting it cut in a while, a few strands falling across his forehead.

"Hey Leets, Taiki," Serena greeted. "Where you going?"

"We were going to go to Oasis, but we heard you guys are going to Crown's," Smiling, Lita and Taiki both began to walk with Serena, watching her expression carefully.

"Yeah, I'm not sure about Ames," Serena said. "She said she has studying to do, but I think it has something to do with this new boy she's mentioned."

"Is his name Zoicite Williams?" Taiki asked. "Cause I was talking with this lad at my gym, and he said he was seeing someone called Amy."

"Now that you mention it, I think I heard her call him Zoicite or Zoi or something," Serena muttered.

"Maybe we'll see them tonight then," Lita said absent mindedly. "What about you? Any new men in your life?"

"Not a flying chance in hell. I don't want to be in a relationship right now anyways," Serena answered offhandedly, thinking back to Mr. Shields. Her friend probably wouldn't think he would count.

"Okay," Lita muttered. "Oh, Mina said she met a girl named Raye that she wants to introduce to us tonight."

"That's great," Serena said distantly.

"Serena, you are not going to Crown's in your work clothes!" a familiar voice shouted from above.

Looking up, Serena smiled. "Of course not. I've got a change of clothes in here."

"Good, get up here and get dressed. The taxi's gonna be here in ten minutes!" Mina shouted. The blonde was sporting a red bow to hold back some of her hair; small black dress short, with dainty black heels and a black top that clung to her body like a second skin.

"Crap!" Serena muttered, jogging up the stairs to Mina's apartment.

Not even bothering to go all the way in to the bathroom, she stripped off her clothes in the living room, pulling out a tight peacock blue t-shirt, a black pleated mini skirt and black heels. Thankful that she had already waxed her legs two days previously, she pulled on the top and slipped into the skirt and heels.

Running to the bathroom, being as careful as she could not to fall in the heels, she washed her face to stop the flush that wanted to reside from her day.

Muttering to herself, she dried her face and took her hair out of its ponytail, running a hand through her hair. Today had been yet another reminder that she wanted to have a talk with her father about their arrangement. She couldn't continue to sell her body in such a way just so he could increase his client base! Biting her lip, she closed her eyes; a feeling of annoyance arousing within her.

"Come on Serena, you need to relax," she murmured. Shaking her head, she left the bathroom, steadying her feet.

"Serena, come on!" Mina shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

Serena smiled and walked down the stairs, slamming the door and grabbing hold of the banister.

"You shut the door?" Mina asked once Serena had gotten outside.

"Yep," Serena said, nodding. "Come on, let's go!"

"Wait. You need to meet my friend, Raye," Mina said, pulling a black haired girl by the wrist making Serena notice her.

The girl was wearing a mid-thigh length black skirt with a blood red top that hung loosely around her midriff and tight almost everywhere else, her tanned hand was holding the pale on of a man next to her. He had blonde hair that seemed slightly windswept, his clothes seemed to compliment his ectomorphic frame.

"Hi Raye," Serena said awkwardly. "I'm Serena."

"Hey Serena," Raye said, flashing her a smile. Her eyes were a shade of violent purple. "This is my fiancée Jed," she said, pointing at the tall blonde man next to her.

"Nice to meet you too Jed," Serena said politely.

"Come on then!" Mina said, not giving Jed any time to speak she dragged them by the wrists to the taxi.

Serena blinked and laughed, going along with her best friend.

Stepping out of the taxi, Serena and her friends walked up to the front of the line, seeing people they may or may have not known waiting to get into the Crown. The people were pressed against the wall, a red rope restricting them from the rest of the pavement. The building that they were so impatiently waiting to get in was tall, wide and pounding with music.

"I think my big brother's coming tonight," Raye said, rolling her eyes.

"Is that a bad thing?" Mina asked, looking over at the woman.

"Well… he's a bit of a womanizer. Loves whisking women away for one-night stands," Raye said harshly, a crease beginning to form in her brow as she walked.

"He's not that bad," Jed defended, a frown growing on his face too.

"You would say that; you worship him," Raye said, rolling his eyes. "Just like all his other friends."

"I resent that—"

"What's his name?" Mina asked, cutting in the lovers' spat, she turned towards the brown haired bouncer, who smiled kindly back. She smiled sweetly, stepping forward into the club.

"Darien," Raye said plainly, the bouncer smiling at her as she stepped forward also.

Serena inhaled a sharp breath. "Darien Shields?"

So, next chapter? Please review :) It means so much! :)

Niamh-Chan x