Uhm, hi? XDDD
Yep, once again a LATE birthday fic XDDDD. I'm sorry if I uploaded it today and not last Thursday... ya know, school work and tests... They kill, REALLY XDDD.
The fic is short... it came up while listening to Yukimura's songs XDDD. Enjoy :D
Everyone at school knew that today it was Yukimura Seiichi's birthday. The team greeted him and fangirls gave him presents. Well, it was normal. After all, he was YUKIMURA SEIICHI, the captain and the child of God.
Yukimura was happy because all the people at school wished him happy birthday, but he felt something was missing: his best friend hadn't greeted him yet.
But how could he forget about his birthday? Weren't they best of friends? Well, maybe even more than that, but Yukimura knew Sanada was really shy…
After practice
Genichirou hasn't wished me happy birthday yet… It's impossible, he heard everyone…
The team had already left and there were only Yukimura and Sanada inside the club room.
Usually the Emperor would even walk Yukimura home, but not today…
"Yukimura, I'm going. I have things to do."
"Ok, see you tomorrow, then…"
Yukimura smiled weakly, while Sanada just nodded.
'I can't believe it…' The Child of God thought. He sat down for a while, but then decided to go back home. He stood up and opened his locker. Suddenly something fell down: it was a book entitled 'Better ways to care of your garden'. Yukimura scanned through the pages and then he found a small folded paper:
Happy birthday, Yukimura. Meet me at 8:30 pm. Sanada Genichirou.
The captain smiled and looked at the paper. He never knew Sanada would make a surprise for him. Everyone thought Sanada was strict and cold hearted but he might actually be sweet in… different ways.
Thanks for reading it until here XDDDD. How was it? I hope you liked it :DDD. See ya, then ;D.