Hello! Welcome to Bloopers, Interviews, and Behind the Scenes of our fav show; Teen Titans! Pretty much I'm going through every episode and making up stuff for the purpose of comedy and anti-bordom. Episodes are in order so stay tooned for jokes about your personal favorite Episode :)
Let's begin!
Divide and Conquer
"Alright, so in this shot, Cinderblock, your going to have lasers fired at you," instructed the director. "It's not going to hurt cause your made of stone. Is that okay?" Cinderblock got up from his cast chair. "Okay, like, whatever," he said with the utmost girlish voice the large creature could muster. "Just make sure fefe gets his walk and tell Starfire to stop going through my purse."
The director's continued to hold his smile despite it obviously being forced. He ignored the twitch in his eyebrow. "Whatever you say," he gritted his teeth.
"Oh, and can I where my tutu for this?" Cinderblock asked with schoolgirl glee. The director's eye began to twitch more.
Not far off three gun specialist were getting in costume to operate the laser guns. The one where the number three looked from Cinderblock and the director to his comrades. "Would you believe that guy's a dude?" he said.
Number eight looked to Cinderblock. "Not really," he said scrunching his nose.
"To be serious, I think it really is a girl," added number one.
"Well, there's one way to find out," said number three with an evil grin.
On set...
"And, action!" shouted the director.
Lasers fired at Cinderblocks back. The stone villain turned with a snarl. He stood full height shifting his weight to hit the ground, then stopped. His tiny eyes grew wide and a painful "d'oh" slipped from his mouth. On the set different "oos" and "ahs" could be heard from the viewing crowd. Cinderblock's hands held his groin area while tears streamed down his face. He fell to his knees first, causing the ground to shutter. Then he fell into a fetal position on the ground. Around him the ground crunched under his weight so that he was lying in a crater. "Cut! Medic!"
Breaking in:
Cinderblock stops his outraged destruction upon hearing Beastboy's words. "You know, Cinderblock, the bad guys usually break out of jail."
"Why are you complaining, this makes the job easier," Robin cut in. The other four titans plus Cinderblock each stared down Robin. In turn the boy wonder glanced at each set of eyes. "Oops...not my line," he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. There were several face palmed. "Let's do this again," the director growled.
Count down:
Take one:
Cinderblock stops his outraged destruction upon hearing Beastboy's words. "You know, Cinderblock, the bad guys usually break out of jail."
"And I can think of five good reasons why you don't want to break in," Robin's voice carried through the holding cell. He leaped across the floor and landed in a crouch.
"One!" he said. Just then both Starfire swoops in and Cyborg jumps to the scene. "Two," they said in unison. They glanced at eachother. "I believe I am the one to say 'two'," Starfire said.
"Really? I could have swore I was number two," Cyborg answered as he scratched the back of his head. Behind him, Beastboy began to snicker. "What's so funny?" Cyborg turned to his green friend.
"Dude, you said you were 'number two'," Beastboy's laughter began to grow to a fit of chuckles. Cyborg was not sure what the changeling was getting at. Then it hit him. First his face flushed red from both anger and embarrassment. His fists began to clench. He tried to reason with himself not to harm his young friend... it had just been a play on words that he had fallen into on his own, but then Beastboy said it. "So is that why you're brown?"
Everyone and everything froze. Robin, Cyborg, Cinderblock and the camera crew's jaws dropped. Though more concealed, Raven even held a look of surprise. Starfire however was simply confused as to why everyone was reacting to the comment. Beastboy's laughter suddenly stopped when he noticed everyone was starring at him. "Way to be Racist," Raven commented.
Suddenly, all sense of Cyborg's control was let loose. "I'm gonna get you you little grass stain!" he yelled. Beastboy screamed and ran with Cyborg charging after him. After a few minutes of watching a wrathful Cyborg chase down a fearful, snivelling Beastboy, Raven walked away. "I'll be in my trailer," she said.
take two:
Cinderblock stops his outraged destruction upon hearing Beastboy's words. "You know, Cinderblock, the bad guys usually break out of jail."
"And I can think of five good reasons why you don't want to break in," Robin's voice carried through the holding cell. He leaped across the floor and landed in a crouch.
"One!" he said. Just then both Starfire swoops in. As she comes to a hault she cries out, "two."
This time Beastboy and Cyborg come to the scene. "Three," said Cyborg at the same time as Beastboy said, "Thr... hey wait. I'm suppose to be three. You're four."
"No I'm not!" Protested Cyborg. "Your four and I'm three. I looked over the skript after messing up last time."
"Dude! I'm totally three! Look." Beastboy held out a rolled up booklet. He unrolled it and on it in bold letters read: Divide and Conquer- Beastboy's script.
Off to the side... "When did he get his skript? Was he carrying it on him person?" Starfire whispered to Raven.
"I think he keeps it in his pants," Raven whispered back. "Probably why he always has a bulge in the front." After a moment of silence passed between them Raven looked at Starfire shocked face. "What?" she asked.
"I did not know you look at such an area on our friend," Starfire answered. Stock silence befriended the two as they just staring at each other. Starfire had a look of innocence while Raven had a usual placid face. "We never speak of this again," Raven said forcefully. Silence again. Then..."He must have plenty of room to hide it there," Starfire inquired. Raven's eyes snapped open as she starred in shock at Starfire. The alien girl simply watched the happenings between Cyborg and Beastboy. Raven then shut her eyes tight trying to rid herself of the mental image Starfire had so innocently provided.
Meanwhile... "I told ya I already looked at the script," Cyborg answered. He took the book from Beastboy and read the first page. Sure enough, on Beastboy's line was "three" and bellow it had Cyborg at "four".
"What, that's not right," Cyborg opened an compartment in his shoulder and pulled out another rolled up booklet. When unrolled this one read: Divide and Conquer- Cyborg's script. He quickly flipped the book open and read the opening lines. "See," Beastboy stated proudly as he puffed out his chest.
"Hold on, my script says that I have three and you're four," Cyborg said looking over both scripts at the same time.
"What?" Beastboy stood up on his tippy toes to see over Cyborg's shoulder.
"Yeah, right here, see..." He lent the books down for Beastboy to see properly. The green changeling read over both books again and again. "Well, mines the right one, so I'm three," Beastboy stated matter-of-factly.
"No, your's is wrong, I'm number three," Cyborg responded.
"no, I am."
"No your not."
"Am too!"
"Am not."
"am too."
"Honestly, do I have to separate you too?" Raven cut in.
Five minutes later....
Cinderblock stops his outraged destruction upon hearing Beastboy's words. "You know, Cinderblock, the bad guys usually break out of jail."
"And I can think of five good reasons why you don't want to break in," Robin's voice carried through the holding cell. He leaped across the floor and landed in a crouch.
"One!" he said. Just then both Starfire swoops in. As she comes to a hault she cries out, "two." A green tiger jumps in. After landing the creature turned into Beastboy in all parts except head and one arm. That quickly changed as he said, "three."
Raven dropped into the scene with her arms out stretched for spell casting, "four."
Finally, Cyborg slammed in. "Five!" he yelled. The five heroes stand at the ready for what ever fight Cinderblock may bring. "And cut," called the dirrector. All characters relaxed, each relieved to be over with the scene. All except Cyborg. "I know you said you were going to split us up, but I didn't think you meant in the count," he said. Raven merely smirked to herself. "I did what I had to," she answered.
"But why did I have to be last?" Cyborg continued to grumble. Starfire floated next to him. She gently patted his shoulder as she said comfortingly, "Do not worry friend. I believe Raven's choice was simply so she could watch Beastboy more closely. After all, he is not clothed when he is in the form of an animal."
First Fight:
Take one...
The Titans raced in to fight with Cinderblock charging forward. Robin lands a solid kick that staggers the foe. Cinderblock turns around just in time to be caught in a shower of star bolts in the back, courtesy of Starfire. Cyborg comes in with a right hook. Cinderblock manages to block it, but the force still knocked him back. A hawk form Beastboy swooped in repeatedly scratching his talons on the rock being. Cinderblock attempted escape to another corner but Raven stands off in front of him. With a quick cast the floor is lifted vertically until it forms a barrier.
No barrier will stop Cinderblock though! Raven barely had time to move out of the way as the rock beast crashes through the barrier. The attack continues but Raven flies away soon replaced by Robin, Starfire, and Cyborg. They rush him as he continues to charge. With one great swipe the two male Titans are knocked back. With concern for her fallen team mates, too late does Starfire realise the monster has her in it's grasp. She struggled for freedom with her eyes glowing green with her rising furry. Then she stops. "You have very large hands," she inquired innocently.
"Cut!" yelled the dirrector. "Star, come on, don't you remember your lines? I let you write this line yourself!"
"I do remember what I was suppose to say but I am merely pointing out how enormous his hands are," Starfire answered as Cinderblock set her down.
"I'm big boned!" Cinderblock whinned girlishly.
"I am sorry if I have insulted you, but I remember once being told that males having large hands means something here on earth," Starfire's features became one who was pondering deeply. Some of the women in the crowd began to giggle realizing what Starfire was talking about. The alien princess only seemed to be more confused as she searched her mind to what it meant. Frustrated in her lack of remembering she turn her attention to Raven. "Please tell me again what it means," Starfire pleaded. All eyes turned to Raven would had the smallest tint of pink. Silently, she turned on her heal and walked off.
take two...
The Titans raced in to fight with Cinderblock charging forward. Robin lands a solid kick that staggers the foe. Cinderblock turns around just in time to be caught in a shower of star bolts in the back, courtesy of Starfire. Cyborg comes in with a right hook. Cinderblock manages to block it, but the force still knocked him back. A hawk form Beastboy swooped in repeatedly scratching his talons on the rock being. Cinderblock attempted escape to another corner but Raven stands off in front of him. With a quick cast the floor is lifted vertically until it forms a barrier.
No barrier will stop Cinderblock though! Raven barely had time to move out of the way as the rock beast crashes through the barrier. The attack continues but Raven flies away soon replaced by Robin, Starfire, and Cyborg. They rush him as he continues to charge. With one great swip the two male Titans are knocked back. With concern for her fallen team mates, too late does Starfire realise the monster has her in it's grasp. She struggled for freedom with her eyes glowing green with her rising furry. "I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am stronger than I look," she said. Starfire drew back her foot and set forth a powerful kick.
Once again Cinderblock's eyes grew wide. He groaned as he let go of Starfire. She dropped to the ground and stared up as the giant held his man hood for the second time that day. "Call a doctor," he whimpered high pitch before falling to his side. The forced caused a large enough shock wave to lift Starfire off the ground. As the director called for a medic for the second time, the only other thing heard was Cinderblocks pathetic whimpers about people having it out for his basement buddy.
Hit and miss:
Robin jumped onto the stone bemonth's back and grappled the giant in an attempted head lock. The great monster thrashed about in random directions trying to shake off Robin. No matter what he did the teen hero would not let go. Cinderblock grabbed a nearby girder pulling up some of the floor while he yanked it from it's place. "Thrashing only makes me hold tighter!" Robin yelled. Furiated, Cinderblock slammed the girder towards Robin. Robin leaped out of the way just in time. Instead the girder continued it's path and smacked Cinderblock in the back of the head.
Cinderblock looked dumbfounded as his whole body suddenly cringed with the impact. Everthing seemed to stop as the girder fell from his hands. His large stone body seemed to freeze. Then, sensing what was coming, Beastboy yelled out, "Timber!" Sure enough, the large brute Cinderblockfell forward out cold. An earthquake erupted in the wake of his fall. The director sighed as he turned to call for the medic. He was surprised to find they were already on set.
Yo Mama:
The pair turned to face off. "You got a problem, tin man?" Robin growled.
"Ya, It's four feet tall and smells like cheap hair gel!" Cyborg yelled back.
"Ya, well your an over sized klutz whose feet smells like motor oil," Robin hissed.
"Ya, well yo mama is so stupid she married a carpenter just to get nailed!" Cyborg equally hissed. Suddenly, Robin's face went from anger to a pitiful version of sadness. He was suddenly like a small child and tears formed under the rim of his mask. "Mother..." He whimpered. Cyborg suddenly stopped the mime. "Woah, uh, hey...hey come on man, you know I'm not serious," he tried to explain. "It's in the script." He pulled out his script and flipped through the pages until he found the right scene. "See, look," he pointed to the page. With each passing second Robin grew more and more depressed.
Not far off the director was smacking the script writer over the head with his own copy of the script.
Cinderblock walks into the light. He throws down the container of 385901 on the floor. Slade begins with his calm voice, "Cinderblock. I see your mission was a..." For a moment all was quiet. Then, a scream more girlish then any even a three year old girl could commit echoed through the area. "Spider! Get it off! get it off!" Out of his hiding place Slade danced about trying to get the tiniest spider off his shoulder. The little creature crawled towards his back out of reach of the grown man's thrashing arms. No one knew what to do as they watched the display unfold. Eventually, the spider crawled onto Slade's mask. Horrified he threw off his mask with the spider flying with it. The tiny arachnid raced away from what it believed to be an insane human.
Seeing the beast running away Slade calmed. He fixed himself up and straightened out the wrinkles in his shirt. He carefully collected his mask as if the spider was still on it and then returned it to his face. He cleared his throat once. "So... um... where were we?" He said in his unusual tone once again.
Plasmus consumed each can of toxic waste he could get his hands on. With each can he grew in size. As he went to drink one more, a star bolt exploded the other end. the waste oozed out away from his mouth. Surprised, he looked through the can at the opening on the other end. Like a telescope it zoomed in on the reason his meal was interrupted; the Teen Titans had arrived. "That stuff can't be good for you," Robin said. Plasmus sneered before letting out a great belch. Beastboy laughed, "Nice one!"
Suddenly, a strange siren echoed over the set. The set doors slammed open with four silhouettes. A familiar song played behind them.
If there's something strange, in the neighbourhood...
Who ya gonna call?
As the next line was shouted out the four figures came into the lighting to reveal... "Ghostbusters!" Beastboy shouted with the song. The other Titans stared hm down. "What, it's a catchy tune," he said. Sure enough, the four ghostbusters walked in wearing their uniforms and weapons at the read. "Um, can I help you?" asked the director with a security guard on each side of him.
"Just stand back sir, we're professionals," said Dr. Peter Venkman.
"Excuse me?" the director's jaw dropped. The four busters pushed past. "Back away kids, this could get messy," instructed Dr. Raymond Stantz.
"Kids?!" Robin said outraged. He and the other Titans were directed off the set by Winston Zeddmore. Meanwhile, Dr. Egon Spengler held out a ghost reader. "Guys, this guy is off the charts!" he said.
"Escuse me," Plasmus said with a heavy lisp. "but what's going on? I thought my cousin was in your movie."
"It talks!" Raymond gasped.
"Hold it steady man," Peter encouraged. He set back the ray, ready for an attack. "Go!" he said. With that each ghostbuster let loose an attack with his gun. Plasmus screeched as the beams captured him in it's painful binding. "Winston, get the trap," ordered Peter. Winston qickly tossed a small box contraption under-neath Plasmus. It opened with a screech and sucked Plasmus inside with great force. "AAAHHHHHHHHH!" Plasmus screamed as he was sucked into the contraption. Just as the last of the beast disappeared into the machine it slammed shut and the music outside sounded as if it was coming to an end. "Job well done men," congratulated Peter holding up the smoking trap.
Suddenly, there was a loud crack of a bat. Peter's eyes went crossed and he fell forward dropping the trap. Behind him stood the monster master. "Give me back my baby," she growled smacking the bat into her palm. "Or I'll be busting your balls next." The three men gulped and pushed the trap to her. She smiled cutely, grabbed the trap, and skipped off. As they watched the woman leave, Egon held out his ghost reader towards her.
Raven just manages to push Stafire out of the way of Plasmus' attack. Frustrated, Robin drew a disc from his utility belt. "Maybe he just needs to chill," he said. With that he threw the disc at Plasmus. It hit the giant glob with great force, but nothing happened. Plasmus looked down at the disc. "Isn't thisp suppose to esplod?" he said with a strong lisp.
"Yeah it is," pondered the director. "Someone get the tech crew."
A few minutes later the tech crew pulled the disc from Plasmus' arm. "I don't see why it didn't work," said the first. He handed it to his comrade. The second looked it over and shrugged, equally confused. Then it was handed to a third party. He glanced once and said, "Oh here's the problem! the switch is off!" He flicked it on. Too late did his comrades realize what he had done. "No!" they just managed to shout before the disc exploded and froze them as they stood. The director looked over the three figures trapped in ice. Then he looked to his crew. "Make sure for season five the Brotherhood's evil plot involves freezing," he said. Just as he was about to walk away three groans echoed from the frozen beings.
The director looked at them. "Oh right, and someone thaw them out," he added with less care.
Beastboy cut in the joy, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, warm fuzzies all around. But we still gotta stop Cinderblock." Cyborg grinned in response. "No we don't," he said. "Thought I'd bring a present, 'case you were still mad." He gestured behind him where Cinderblock lay wrapped up in the equitment he was carrying for Slade. To add to the villain's humiliation of being defeated and captured, he wore a bright pink tutu two sizes too small and wrapped in a bow. Tied to his nose was a tag saying "To the Teen Titans".
"Cut!" the director yelled.
"Finally," sighed Beastboy.
"Wait, I thought there was more to this scene," Robin answered.
"Yes! You and Cyborg are to converse of someone else doing the planning as if we do not know it is Slade when in truth we do know it is Slade but the viewers do not know we know because by this part of the story we do not know," Starfire said all in one breath. There was many anime sweat drops as they tried to register what she had said. "Right," Raven was the first to speak. "So why are you calling cut?"
"The tutu! A pretty bow?! Even a tag?! this is just two much," the director explained. "Cinderblock, get ride of the tutu, bow, and tag, and be ready in five."
"But I want to where my tutu!" Cinderblock squealed. "I look pretty in it!"
"It's too much, you got to loose it," the director argued.
"No!" Cinderblock whinnied. He started to throw a childish hissy-fit. Throwing himself about the best he could while still bonded. Out of no where Slade came into the scene. He took one look at Cinderblock and spoke, "Good thing this episode is over." The Titans nodded.
"So, you guys want to go get a coffee?" Slade continued to talk.
"Don't see why not," Robin answered as he turned to leave.
"Tea for me," Raven cut in as she followed.
"Oh yes, I would like the drink filled with honey I had yesterday," Starfire said gleefully.
"Decaf for the green dude," added Cyborg.
"Hey!" Beastboy protested.
"What? you're bad enough without caffeine," Cyborg retaliated.
And so it was that Slade and the Titans went for coffee while Cinderblock demanded to where his tutu. Plasmus spent several weeks in therapy after his encounter with the ghostbusters and the director was left with a headache the size of Jupiter. Just another day on set. I can't wait to see what will happen next episode!
The End
Alright! first ep done! Woot! I will be going in order of episodes so if you want the ones in the later seasons you'll be waiting awhile. If anyone wants to suggest something for the later eps feel free to review or PM me. Thanks for reading.
Nemarra out!