When I was discharged from the hospital, Oli and I went back to my apartment to clean up the mess I made. We made plans while we packed the rest of the stuff up. We were getting an apartment all to ourselves. Some place to call our own. We were old enough to own an apartment and pay the bills so why not, right?
We got an apartment all to ourselves. It was perfect for both of us. There were two bedrooms but we decided to use just one for the both of us and then the other would be for guests or maybe one of the guys from the band, you know if ever they need a place to stay.
It's been a week since we found this place and we were both happy and glad to be together. But I still wondered though about what might have happened if I did jump off of that cliff. Would I have survived if he didn't jump after me?
When I thought about jumping over board, I guess you can say it wall a bit over dramatic but maybe, if I didn't think about doing what I did, Oli would still be the same and he wouldn't have a breakthrough or anything like that. But then again, maybe I'm not reading him right. He did call me back after I called him. But until now, I never asked him about what that call was about because somehow, deep inside, I think I always knew.
Everyday now, he reminds me that he loves me and that he'll never let me go and fortunately, I'm starting to really believe him. Oli changed a lot after what happened. He's extra careful with what he says, he treats me way better and he makes time for me even when he's really busy with the band and stuff. He calls me a lot during the day just to ask me what I was doing. I love that he's back on the right path. The same path I saw him on the first time we met and although things have changed, I will still remember everything and not regret a single bit of the life we made together.
I've learned to look at things from a new perspective and even though there are moments where I thought that I was somewhat stupid or quite embarrassing, I just shrug it off knowing that there was a reason to that and that if that single moment never happened, I would have never ended up here in this apartment in Oli's arms.
I looked up to Oli – who was currently watching the movie called The School of Rock – thinking about how lucky and blessed I was to have a guy like him in my life. Everyday was a new story with him and with each passing day, I realize how lucky I am to be alive.
Every single day, I open my eyes the very second sunlight seeps through the window sills excited to see what the day holds for me. I've never been more excited about life since. Even though it all might seem very routine to other people, to me, it's another surprise in a box waiting to pop out.
I fell into a deep slumber as I breathe in the scent of him knowing that this moment could last forever and knowing that he'll always be there for me.
She slept soundly in my arms but held me tightly and somehow, I put it into my head that she was the one. The one person who I see myself spending my life with. The one who would probably still be my side as I grow old and die. She was the one I needed in my life. It was a cold, hard and true fact.
The day we met seemed like yesterday and the rest of the memories we had together seemed like something we did in a past life. I've never met anyone like her and knowing that she'll always be my side, I'm sure I'll never meet anyone else who's just like her in most every way. No one can ever replace her.
To live my life with a purpose always seemed like a dream to me but when I met her, I realized that it was not a dream that seemed so far but a goal that I was aiming to reach. She was the reason for this life I was living. It all seemed so perfect and cliché in a way but somehow, it doesn't seem like something other people feel. It all felt so new to me. Something unique and something so unreal. But it was real. It wasn't a mere fantasy that I had going on in my head. I was holding her and she was here in my arms where I promised to keep her safe. We were together and in some way I know that we'll be together for eternity.
Now I know eternity seems like a long time but with her, I can wait forever.