Last Chapter!!!

GOOD story line!!!

Their trip home was all right, Tony going so slow not wanting to wake up Jade in the back that Ziva complained that she could walk faster.

They carried their little sleeping angle inside and placed her in her cot next too their bed then snuck out to the lounge room so they would not wake her.

'Ziva, were you serious about wanting to get married?' Tony said as her stroked her arm; she was leaning against him with her feet hanging over the edge of the couch.

'Yes, I am'

'Good' there was silence

'Ziva have I ever told you how much you mean too me?'

'Not really'

'Oh, well you mean a lot to me' Tony said blushing ,Ziva chuckled.

'Tony, I…I love you'

'Really?' Tony looked at her

'Yes' Ziva turned and sat up so that she was facing him.

'Tony, you and Jade mean the absolute world to me!'


Ziva smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.

'I love you too' Tony said putting his head on hers. Ziva smiled into his neck. Their hands entwined.

* * * * * * *

Jade had a very cute grin ,she was the perfect baby. Never crying all day long, settling quickly and seemed to love every bit of attention that she got, which was a lot.

Abby and made her a little white dress with a black cat in the front, Jenny had insisted on doing up Jades room.

Gibbs and McGee helped move the things around, Ducky gave them a hand written copy of all his favorite story books and Tony had given Ziva an engagement ring.

The moment Jessica started to cry 7 pairs of hands tried to pick her up and comfort her.

Ziva was fully recovered in a few weeks, saying that all her training had finally paid off. She was always smiling, dancing in the kitchen with Jade or snuggling on the couch with her fiancé. Tony was a shining ray of light, way too happy to believe it as all true, and when it struck him that it was he just got even happier.

* * * * * * *

The wedding had been perfect, a small ceremony on the beach with only 6 guests. And Jenny and Gibbs had looked after Jessica while Tony and Ziva went on their honeymoon. Every thing was in place at home, Jades room looked amazing, Jenny really had a knack for stuff like that. Tony had sold his car for a family sized one and spent a whole day cursing and swearing as he tried to put in a car seat for his little girl.

Ziva had learnt to be a great mother, she had never thought she had a nurturing bone in her body but now it seemed they all were.

* * ** ** * *

'Tony? Can I ask you some thing?'

'Sure babe'

' Well…I was wondering if it ever up set you that Jess isn't your biological daughter?'

'Not in the slightest, she IS my daughter, no matter what DNA says.' Ziva smiled. It was clear from the moment that Tony had laid eyes on Jade that she was his.

'Well I was just wondering, well if you would like a little 'DNA'' she formed quotation marks around the word ' Dinozzo running around the place?'

Tony froze.

'Tony?' Ziva looked at him, Tony basically ran over to her, picked her up and span her around with the biggest goofiest grin on his face.

'I take that as a yes' She laughed.

'Happy birthday Jessica!'

Every one was there to celebrate her first birthday; there was a whole table full of presents, a huge cake from McGee and hundreds of balloons, which Abby had made.

She laughed at them all and grinned the whole night but her little eye lids couldn't keep open for much longer after the clock had struck 8. So Ziva put her to bed, she tucked her into her cot, kissed her cheeks and whispered 'sweet dreams my little angel'

6 weeks later…


'Yeah' he was on the couch watching Jade play on the floor with Abby's soft toy Bert.

Ziva stood in the doorway with a slightly dazed look on her face.

'Zee, what's up?'

'You ready to do it all over again?'

'All what again?'

'Tony…I'm pregnant'

The End

Of Mossad officer in over her head!!! Hope you enjoyed!!
