i do not own any of the Ncis characters but i do own the rest!

Chapter 1

The little stick read 'positive', but how could it?

Ziva David was always so careful, she did not want to get pregnant, but from what this wet stick said, she WAS.

Ziva figured if she was pregnant she had been for 12 weeks, she grabbed her dairy and riffled back 12 weeks searching for the day with a date.

The week she had gotten, pregnant it had been Denis Waters, so he was the father of her unwanted and unplanned baby.

* * * *

Ziva pulled up out side her new child's father's house, took a minute to calm her self and opened her mini coopers car door, stepped out and walked up to his door.

She pulled in a deep breath and knocked. What would he think? A one-night stand and now he was a dad.

A figure was coming up the hall, he was almost there, the doorknob twisted and it swung open.

Denis Waters stood in the doorframe with a look of shock painted across his face at the sight of her on his doorstep.

'Hello Denis'


'ZIVA' she corrected him

'Right' he stammered.

'Can I come in?'

'Um…sure' and he stood back to let her pass. They walked down the hall in silence then entered the lounge room,

Ziva took a seat on one side of the room and Denis on the other.

'What's this about' he asked in a quiet stern voice.

'Do you remember what happened around 12 weeks ago when you were at a small bar in DC?'

'Yes…we had drinks...'

'And' Ziva prompted him

'We um...were involved'

'You could put it that way'

'So?' but Ziva could see through his plain face, he knew where this was going.

'And so now I am carrying your child'

His face drained of all colour

'Well that's all I came to say'


'Yep' it had taken Ziva many hours of talking her self into believing it would all be ok, many dates with her reflection to be able to say

'I'm Pregnant'.

It was at this moment something, well actually some one, Ziva had not calculated come into the situation. A young, sandy haired woman

carrying a toddler in her arms entered from the kitchen.

'Hey, sugar, where's Bianca's pink blankly?'

Oh god! a pink blankly, that poor child! Wait...Denis plus women with toddler equals.. It hit Ziva, as all bad things do, that this women and

child had to be Denis' wife and daughter. Stupid Ziva! Stupid! Why did you come here? His married and has a child. What how?

'Oh muffin' muffin?

'This is a business associate Ziva...Ziva'

'David 'she added

'Oh its so nice to meet one of Denis's female business partners, they are always middle aged men' this women seemed really friendly and Bianca

was so cute, could Ziva really rip up a family, even if it meant she would be all alone. NO! This child deserved a father who was around, a father who noticed her, a father who thought of her as his daughter.

'Its nice to meet you too, but I was just leaving, I've got a lunch meeting I am already late for'

'Oh well don't let me hold you up, Ziva, right?'

'Yes and your name is?


'Well it was lovely to meet you Stacey and you too Bianca and Ziva gave a smile to the little girl nestled in her mothers arms.

Denis walked Ziva to the door


'For what?'

'Not telling them'

'Well I'm not going to thank you for saying you were single'

'Fair enough' and he shut the door leaving Ziva and her new life style change all alone.

* * * *

'Tony' she whispered

'Zee? What's wrong, why are you whispering?

'Can you pick me up?

'Sure, where are you?' Ziva never called Tony and whispered, she only called to tell him Gibbs needed him or to yell about his latest practical joke he had pulled on her.

And why did she need picking up? She had a car? A very nice car.

Ziva gave him the address and hung up. 62 cresent avenue, wasn't that on the coast? Why was Ziva at the beach?

* * * *

Tony turned into crescent avenue and started counting 56, 58, 60, 64, 66 wait! He backed up, 62 was missing, instead there was a small path

Leading down to the beach. Tony got out wondering what Ziva was doing bringing him here, no, what was Ziva doing here?

Tony locked his car and started down the path, half way along he saw a figure standing, facing the waves. Ziva.

Tony broke into a jog and reached Ziva, stopping a few short steps short of her and said.


'Thanks for this Tony' she didn't turn

'What's up?'

'I am leaving NCIS'


By Bones