Aliens in a Spaceship

Summary: Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez hate each other, down to the gut. Ever since kindergarten. He is known as the basketball playing god of the school while she is known as the dancing queen goddess. But when the two are abducted by a notorious serial killer, known as the Grave Digger, who buries his victims alive and asks for a ransom, they must learn to work together in order to survive. Can they overcome hatred for each other to survive? Will they fall in love with each other in the process?

Pairings: Troyella, Chaylor, Zekepay, Ryelsi, and Jartha.

Disclaimer: I do not own HSM in any way, shape, or form and I'm not making anything from this story.


Gabriella's mind

I'm not happy about this; I knew this was a bad idea to let Troy do this but if there is one thing I learned about being trapped down here with Troy is that when he gets idea like this in his head, there is no stopping him. He wants to get out of here just as much as I do and I can't blame him for that. This is really starting to kill me, having been buried alive and on top of that, Troy's fever is getting worse. What else can go wrong? I kept dabbing a damp cloth at Troy's forehead while he connected the phone into the dashboard.

"How are you doing?" I asked him when he stopped what he was doing and gripped his head instead; his head must really be bothering him now. I reached forward and put my hand on his forehead, just to feel that its getting hotter. He's getting worse, what am I going to do? "Troy, your fever is getting worse" I told him while I dabbed the cloth at his forehead. "I knew this was a bad idea." it really was. I shouldn't have let him do this.

"Look, what other choice do we have?" he asked me. I paused for a second to think. "At least if I do this then we'll have a good chance of sending a message to the cops and they'll find us" I know he's right. The cops will find us if we manage to send them a text message and I just want to get out of here. I know Troy does too. This is driving me nuts. I just want to go home. I hate this situation I'm stuck in. what is taking the cops so long to find us?

"Finally I'm done," Troy said as he sat back on the chair. He clutched his head with his hand, "god, my head really hurts."

I looked helplessly at him. I feel so helpless, I can't do anything to help him. I've got nothing down here to help him. This is just plain horrible. Why me? Why do I have to be the one to get stuck in this kind of situation, why? What could I have possibly done to deserve this? If I feel like this, I can't imagine how Troy is feeling. He's the sick one after all.

"Why don't you try to get some sleep? I'm pretty sure you're exhausted and you need to rest." I pointed out to him. I know that people who are sick with pneumonia tend to sleep a lot.

"That might not be such a bad idea. My head is pounding." he replied. He struggled to get up but it's no use. He's just too weak.

"Just put the seat back." I advised him. He did what I told to do and put the seat back. I watched as he just laid there. He look horrible and I feel terrible, knowing that there's nothing I can do to help him. We need to get saved and soon because Troy's only going to get worse if we don't get out of here. I looked over at Troy, watching as he closed his eyes and laid there. I wanted to cuddle next to him and hold him close to me, I really do but he'd probably think I'm crazy or something. We used to hate each other but now, I can't help but feel different about him. He's different then most guys I've ever met and I like that. I really do think I'm falling in love with him. What else could describe the way I feel when I look at him.

"Brie," Troy's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked over at him, "do you think I'll get out of here?"

I could understand why Troy would ask me that. He's scared, I'm scared too but I'm positive the cops will get to us in time. I know they're out there looking for us, they have to be. I don't know about Troy's parents but I'm pretty sure that my mother called the cops and reported me missing. After I didn't come home last night, I'm pretty sure she did, I know my mother. I looked over at Troy and started to stroke his hair. "Of course, we both will." I whispered reassuringly and I grabbed his hand.

He smiled and closed his eyes. I began to rub my thumb in a circular motion over the back of his hand, attempting to comfort him. "No, Brie, I mean do you think I'll get better. What if I don't get better? I know pneumonia can be fatal." he whispered in a weak voice just as I leaned over the passenger seat of the car to grab the water bottle and the cool cloth I had on his forehead before.

I smiled and looked at his face. "Troy, we both will get out of here," I replied, kissing his hand, "don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise."

"Thanks Brie," he told me in a feeble voice as he slowly closed his eyes.

I smiled at him before I turned around to grab one of the water bottles we had been given and the cool cloth I used to try to cool his forehead down. It didn't really seem to have any effect though because he's still burning up. I poured some more water on the cool cloth and put it back on Troy's forehead. He opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"Does that feel good?" I asked him

Yeah," Troy replied in a weak voice. I almost didn't hear him.

I looked at Troy helplessly while he laid on the seat with his eyes closed and I felt tears coming down my face, knowing that there's nothing I can do to help him. I wiped my tears away before I reached over and began to stroke his hair while I hand his hand with my other hand. He looked over at me, "you ok?"

I quickly wiped my tears away and faked a smile, "yeah, I'm just fine."

Troy shook his head and looked at me disbelieving. "You're not ok, Gabi?" He told me. I sighed, there really is no fooling him. "Tell me what's wrong?"

What's wrong with me? I don't know. Gee, lets see. I've been kidnapped and buried alive. I'm stuck underground and I'm not even sure how much oxygen we have left in that tank. And to top it all off, Troy is sick with pneumonia and he's getting worse. That's wrong with me. This is all really affecting me too. I'm surprised I kept it together so long.

Unable to keep it together, I started to cry hysterically. "WHY ME?" I asked as more tears came to my eyes. It was no use to try and stop them. They wouldn't stop. Frustrated, I slammed my fists into the dashboard of the car. "THIS IS SO NOT FAIR!" I screamed, I just couldn't keep it together anymore. "WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN TO ME?"

I felt Troy's hand snake around my shoulders and he pulled my close to him, holding me against his body. "Shh," he whispered to me soothingly. "Don't worry, Gabby. We'll both get out of here, like you said. We'll both be ok."

He whispered soothing things to me, trying to get me to calm down, but that only made me cry harder. I couldn't believe what he was saying. We're never going to get out of here. We're doomed for. I thought to myself and I continued to cry into Troy's chest. He held me close the whole time while I cried my eyes out. It seemed like no matter how hard I tried, the tears wouldn't stop coming. I couldn't stop it. I could not stop myself from breaking down. I couldn't.

Troy was whispering soothing things in my ear the whole time. "It's ok, Gabi," he said soothingly to me. "It's ok. Just let all out."

And let it all out I did.

I let the burden of all my problems out and into his soul.

"We-We're never going to get out of here!" I exclaimed, sniffling through my tears. I banged my fist against the dashboard. "I-I'm never going to go… home!" I chocked when I said that last word. "I-I'm never going to see my mom. I-I'm never going to see my friends again… I-I hate… this. Wh-why did this have to happen to… me? Why god," I yelled, looking up at the sky. "WHY?

I just continued to cry while Troy held me close. I needed to let all of my emotions out. I couldn't stop it either.

Troy just continued to hold me close the whole time. Nothing was said between us, except for my harsh sobs.

After a few minutes, I felt myself beginning to calm down. I pushed myself out of Troy's arm and looked up at him. He looks horrible. He's looking so sick now. He's so pale. I put my hand on his forehead. Well, it doesn't feel any hotter then it did before but still, it does feel very feverish. Well, at least he's not getting worse, yet at least.

I need to do something. I need to get us out of here. But what? There's gotta be something I can do.

Sharpay's mind

I really am beginning to think I like Zeke too.

He stayed with me the whole night and he wouldn't leave my side. He had also promised that he won't leave until Gabriella is back here, safe and sound. I know he's just as worried about Troy as I am about Gabriella but he doesn't seem to act that way. He's more concerned about my feelings then his own. He told me that he loves me, which was a huge shock to me, and I think he meant it. He wouldn't have stayed with me the whole night if he didn't.

I wonder what Gabriella and Taylor would say if they were to find out about me liking Zeke. We both hated Zeke, Troy, and Chad. Would they be ok with it? I can't help but wonder that. Gabriella and Taylor are my best friends. Would they be ok with me falling in love with our worst enemy?

'Sharpay?" I heard Zeke call out my name. I gave him a questioning look. "Are you ok, Sharpay?"

I quickly nodded, "yeah, I'm just fine. Well, as fine as I'll be considering the fact that one of my best friends has been kidnapped and buried alive."

"I know how you're feeling right now," he said. "One of my best friends has been kidnapped and buried alive too. I'm so worried about him too. Troy hasn't been feeling well." My eyes widened when those words escaped his mouth. He looked at me sadly.

I closed my eyes and looked at him again. "What do you mean, Zeke? Troy's not feelings well?"

Zeke looked over at me and gave me a barely noticeable nod. "Yes, Troy has a cold. And if they've been buried alive, that can't be good at all."

"I'm sure he'll be fine," I said and I hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer.

Although saying that didn't exactly make him feel better. The only thing that's gonna make Zeke is getting Troy back alive. We can only hope that the cops find Troy before anything happens to him. And if Troy wasn't feeling well before he was abducted, the only thing we can do is hope that he doesn't get any worse.

The only thing any of us could is wait until wet get some news about them.

A/N: Hey Everyone. I'm sorry it took me so long (I mean really long) to update this story. I had an awful writers block with this story and I really couldn't write anything. And plus, life has been getting anything of everything. Not to mention, I'm really losing my interest in HSM now. Ever since HSM3, I've completely lost my interest in HSM. Sorry guys, but I do promise you, I will finish this story no matter what. It might be shorter then I had planned but I will finish it. You have my word.

I wanna thank everyone who review the last chapter. I'm sorry, I'm too lazy to type all of your pen names. You guys are the best, I mean that too. 8D I'm sorry this chapter is so short (and horrible too) It will get longer as I get further into the story.

Thanks for reading this chapter and please review and make me write the next chapter quicker then I was planning to. Love ya guys lots.

~Kaity xo