Inspired by Chris Brown's "Forever," which has been stuck in my head for quite some time. This particular drabble hit me like a ton of bricks, and it's been a while since I've written something so short. It feels ... weird.

Usual disclaimers. I own absolutely nothing except my own words.

For my Roxas.


Eyes meet across a crowded room, lips curl upward into the ghost of a smile. Shifting through the wave of motion, the sea of pulsing bodies – it's like time slows, and they weave through, each reaching for the other as though it would save him. The subtle touch of hands and lips, another tiny would-be smile lost as the younger is pulled tightly against a heaving chest. A name whispered softly is nothing but an added vibration as they fall – the rhythm and fluidity of a body in motion the only thing he'll ever need.

It's like I waited my whole life … for this one night.

Emerald shines as he takes in the flush of the other's cheeks; laughter like song to ears deaf to everything save the feverish pounding of a heart and the underlying echo of a seductive melody. Sway from side to side, together, as one – aligning as a single entity, a single consciousness. Fingers entwine, thread through a shock of vibrant red hair as a drop of perspiration trickles slowly down the side of a pale throat. Captured by the tip of a wicked tongue, cerulean melts to cobalt as eyes slip closed behind a veil of gold.

Take my hand, come with me.

I won't let you fall.

Hips meld, bodies twist. Time has all but stopped and it's just the two of them, the center of their universe. Still, lost as the world continues to spin around them. Arms fold possessively around the smaller body, and all he wants is to draw him further in – a thousand unspoken admissions lying in wait on the back of his tongue, dying in a dry mouth as hands cover his and that small body trembles. It's all he needs.

It's you and me.
